Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Phototaking on 7/8 July
Hey dear hall peeps, let's go back to hall either on 7th or 8th of July (sat or sun) to take photos in our graduation gowns..
Please tag me on which day you prefer.. but hopefully we can all make it on the same day..
Right now:
Saturday: Mayn, Jerm, Jan, HH.
Sunday: Aaron, Jan, HH.
Photographer volunteer needed.. preferably someone who has a good cam.. bring it.
Tag me.
I hear from Mayn that there's going to be a block bbq on 7th.. so we can all go back for that.. and urm, how about postponing the phototaking to 14/15 of july instead.. cuz Eunice not free.. lemme know what you guys think.. if you all have better suggestions.. feel free to say whatever..] [Edit Edit: ok Mizwen won't be in sg till 18th july...]seriously. there has to be a day when everyone's free. or maybe, make an effort to make some time for this. how about national day?Labels: Hall
janet at 10:42 AM
Friday, June 22, 2007
What makes you happy?
janet at 12:46 AM
Friday, June 08, 2007
Papa Lye is naggy
Less than 2 months before my holiday to Bangkok, will like to ask you people to recommend hotels.
Conditions are simple:
1. Good location
2. Affordable
3. Clean rooms + bathrooms
4. Not haunted
Tag/MSN/SMS/Email me. Thanks!
Btw ah Lye, I still haven't called Tigerair to change my passport number =P
Labels: Misc
janet at 3:46 AM
This isn't insomnia. I felt so sleepy at 10pm after watching polar bears in the artic on animal planet and went to sleep. Now I've woken up and I can't sleep. Screwed up shit.
Feeling kind of frustrated lately, due to work matters. It's like I'm finally getting comfortable with what I'm doing, and someone announces that I've got a new responsibility cuz someone else is leaving the department and the other team is short-handed. Not that this isn't good, and not that I'm complaining, but I've barely settled down and be good at whatever I'm doing. Perhaps I should really change my attitude and embrace responsibilities cuz these are chances for me to learn more things and meet new people and also opportunities to up my experience points (or whatever you call it).
In perspective, it's not that bad. So why can't I sleep.
I don't even know how being energetic feels like anymore.
Labels: Rant, Work
janet at 2:58 AM
Monday, June 04, 2007
Life should be fragrant.. Rooftop to the basement..
It's summer, I can taste the salt of the sea. There's a kite blowing out of control on the breeze. I wonder what's gonna happen to you. You wonder what has happened to me...
Labels: Youtube
janet at 11:15 PM
Friday, June 01, 2007
For you a thousand times over.
Going into the list of my favourite books ever:

It's being made into a movie and going to be shown in the States on 2 November 2007. Hope it'll be showing in Singapore. Not as if it matters. As long as there're torrent seeds.
If reading this book can make me tear, I think the movie will make me cry buckets.
The kite runner is the author's first novel. Apparently his second book, "A thousand splendid suns" is even better than his first book. Anyone who has a thousand splendid suns please lend it to me.
Labels: Books
janet at 12:16 AM