efilsidas sucks at wrapping presents says (5:43 PM): the poster sucks la u can write i spent 10mins on it aha then i dulan dun wana do anymore
I think this is a decent-looking poster. We'll definitely be having (blistered??)hot-dogs for this gathering. Hot-dogs are our favourite cuz they go well with instant noodles, our staple supper food whenever we're hungry in hall.
So Lao Acers i.e. the current year 3s and 4s and graduates/alumni of Blk A are invited. Spread the word.
It's a bbq on:
22 Feb Thurs (chu 4 of cny) 6pm Rooftop
RSVP to the old men/uncles of level 6 i.e. Jason, HH, Grd, Aaron, Ling'er.
$$ will be collected on the day itself. Ba Kwa donors are welcomed.
"Giving up on changing the past can be tough, but once you get there, you will feel so much freer, happier and more energetic. So try to let go of people, places and things that just do not work for you in the here and now."
When I read travel blogs of friends who are overseas, I can't help but feel envious that I'm not there, or in some exotic places I wish I could be right now, just enjoying the cold (or heat in the Southern Hemisphere).
And everytime I look through the photos taken in the States, I feel a tinge of pain in my heart cuz I can never relive those moments again. I miss those times an awful lot, although I remember I was missing home and everyone an awful lot too.
I do not just miss the States, I also miss Redang. Seeing the 6 baby sharks circling under me was as good as seeing the space shuttle launch. I need a tan.
I haven't travelled to a lot of places, and most of the travelling I did was before my little sis was born, so I don't really remember the trips anyway.
There was Beijing and Hainan and I swear I'll never go to Hainan ever again unless there's a need to. Had a severe case of gastric flu that gave me a jab in my ass and that was the most unforgettable thing that ever happened in China.
Queensland and Gold Coast in the winter wasn't fun. I remember the empty beach and dull grey sky. Sea World. Movie World. Gigantic pineapple tower. Nougats. I want to visit Australia in the summer some time.
Bangkok. Bought my first pair of Nikes. Can't remember much of the trip.
Taipei right after the States. Was already suffering from over-travelling. And the sign of over-travelling is the non-interest to wake up early to go explore places. There was a day where everyone just slept till 2pm and we had to drag one another out of the hotel. So that was a pretty wasted stopover.
(WTF a cat just strolled past my flat and we stared at each other. Raised my head to ask what's up without speaking and it just stared at me. Weird moment. It went on its way to wherever its going. )
I hope Bangkok happens this July. Tickets are booked, but who knows what might happen to prevent it from becoming a reality. Read the papers that there're Thai students protesting outside the Singapore Embassy in Thailand. WTH. This reminds me I haven't had Thaksin Beef Noodle for awhile.
Somebody, bring me back to those great times.
If I can turn back time.. I'll turn it back to Secondary school. I don't mind reliving the days of A Maths, Physics and Chemistry and seeing those upper sec chao ah lians, I don't mind reliving the days of Maths C, ogling at gay, and mugging in school till we have to climb the school gate to go home. I don't mind at all. I want to be 13 again.
Then maybe, I'll be able to change my own fate by doing things differently. I can make decisions that could change my entire life. Maybe I won't end up typing this entry or being the person I am today.
Ok, I should stop harping on the past and live today for tomorrow. I shall go sleep soon.
Uploaded the launch of space shuttle, Discovery. This video is taken on the 4th of July at Daytona Beach, Florida.
This has to be one of the most memorable events that happened in the summer of 2006. I recall we were fooling around on the beach when a couple approached me and asked if I knew the time the shuttle will be launched. I was like, "what shuttle?". The kind man then told me that there was going to be a shuttle launch near Miami Beach (which is 6 hours drive away from where we were?). And a few minutes later, there was a loud noise and we saw a tiny fireball with smoke streaming behind it in the sky.
You can see the shuttle moving and getting smaller, and it finally disappears into the atmosphere. Almost like magic. Love that part. =D
We were really fortunate to witness the launch. How many times in a lifetime will one see something like that? Probably never. Unless you stay in Florida, Russia, or China? We were in the right place at the right time then.
Eh, sorry about the angle cuz I took it in vertical. Only realised 20 seconds later that it's not going to turn out right before changing the angle. And the clip is a little shaky too.
XQRJ = Xin Qing Rong Ji. A national song writing competition organised by the very creative people from KE7 Hall who made really really funny music videos that were screened while the performers/competitors sang their hearts out on stage. So funny that the audience can't help but giggle. Oh well, other than the flop of music videos, there were anal ushers, and the regulation of depositing umbrellas and flowers at some service counter cuz they weren't allowed in the auditorium, and no photo-taking and recording allowed too. Not considering those, the event was rather enjoyable. One of the guest performers last night was Chen Wei Lian, who sang 2 songs. Good stuff.
So Sheares hall bagged the most awards last night. 3 awards. The best performance award, the best lyrics award, and overall 2nd winner of the song writing competition. =)
And I have to say that ZQ sang really well last night! Too bad you WAT people missed it. Mesmerising performance. Only when the performance was over that I realized I wasn't listening to the words that was coming out of his mouth (which was supposed to be the case since it's a song writing competition) but was totally absorbed by his vocals. Couldn't see Sijie from where I was sitting but her voice was looovely.
Acers =) See the 2 cute girls holding bouquets? That's Xiauting in black, the lyricist. And Sijie in white, with the lovely voice.
ZQ holding the best performance trophy. Ah Lye, the sunflower is the one you ordered =)
Weiyee, ZQ and me. From left to right: Handsome Harold, Mr (Bi; Tri; and all sorts of) Ceps, Ken-Noob, and sleepy Laggist.
The best performance trophy close-up. Not a well-taken pic. =/
Friday saw a bunch of us attending Eunice's baptism. No pictures or videoclip of Eunice being baptised cuz I left the camera in the car =P So here's just one photo taken after the service was over. And surprise! Daniel is photogenic for once. Hehe. (Psst Eunice, you forgot about the glasses..)
I need a tan. Even Hatta looks darker than me in the pic. Wth.
"Think of life as a terminal illness, Frank, and then every day you survive is a blessing."
- The Resurrectionists by Michael Collins
This book just keeps me flipping the pages till the end. It's been a while a book can have that kind of effect on me. Can't believe I've let a nice book sit on my bookshelf for a year. It's a steal. $4 at the Times book sale last year.
And if you really think about it, life really is a terminal illness.
I shall admit first before it leaks out and embarrass me, that I turned into an oncoming car lane while doing a right-turn. ONLY because it was raining and it was dark and I didn't open my eyes big enough la. Fortunately, there were no cars at all on the oncoming car lanes, all 3 in the car survived the consequence of my poor driving skills. Ok, now it's off my chest, Daniel and Mayn don't have to keep mum and can freely talk about the matter since I've admitted my mistake. =P
Phew, no summon for illegal parking at an alley that has a no parking sign and double-yellow line. How much would that have cost if I got issued a ticket?
Kho Keguang is back!! He's still the same old KG. Can't concentrate and always lagging behind in conversations. Thanks for the souvenir from Holland. It's cute =)
I bought a bag from Charles & Keith and half of it is a present cuz I used vouchers. Thanks!! What is interesting about this bag is there are 3 ways to carry it. Ain't that awesome? I can carry it as a sling bag, a shoulder bag, or a hobo bag!! Not sure what hobo means. That's what the slip of paper showing the ways to carry the bag says anyway. Love it.
So what's up with Janet lately you may wonder. I'm still jobless. Which I'm not ashamed of. But it can get a little irritating when I get people asking about it everytime they see me (online & face-to-face). Seriously, I'm looking for jobs. And from the numbers of resume I've sent out, Hue concluded that I'm just picky. I guess I am. But I know what I am doing, so don't worry too much about me.
So other than being jobless, I've been sleeping a lot, at least 10 hours each day to make up for my lack of sleep in the past 3.5 years in college. Ok la, I admit that I'm just lazy and like to sleep. Been watching random shows on TV too, and reading. I've finally finished Song of Susannah from the Dark Tower series. Shaun, you got to lend me the last 2 books the next time I see you. (By the way, I hope you've passed Zixin her birthday present already.) I also bought a few books from Borders during the Christmas season cuz there were good discounts and I'm just taking my time to just read leisurely.
So a typical day in my current lifestyle will be something like this: 12-2pm: Wake up 2-7pm: Read papers/Watch TV/Read book/Internet/Go out 7-10pm: Watch TV/Internet/Go out 10pm-3am: Watch TV/Internet/Read book/Supper 3am-2pm: Zzzzzz
Sounds boring? Yea, sometimes it does get boring. So I hope to get a job, even though I'll be complaining about working when I actually do start to work. Human beings are never contented and love to rant anyway.
This is quite a long post and I'm feeling tired already. But before I go, got to say something about the bricks as road dividers. Serm is right. The bricks are not at fault. It's really the drivers who should be driving slow when turning into the road and keeping to their lane. Now that the bricks are removed, cars and lorries started to park just beside the coffeeshop for their convenience, causing inconvenience to the other drivers when they need to turn into the road. That's the reason why the bricks were placed there to divide the road in the first place, so that vehicles cannot park there. Sigh.
I cannot recall when the bricks were placed there as road partitions, but the bricks were placed from where the green arrow is pointing at in the photo. See the difference in the colour of the line in the green rectangle and outside of it? Yea, the green bracketed part with a faded white line had white and black bricks there. Until a-lot-of-cars-but-mostly-cabs turning into this small road knocked into the bricks and got stuck. So the bricks got removed like piece by piece. Gradually, the number of bricks there has been decreasing due to accidents like this.
I've seen like 5 taxis knocking into the bricks in the day. Well, I usually hear the collision first, and I'll go to the corridor and look. One day, all the bricks are going to be gone cuz they're going to be all knocked into by vehicles.
So a word of advice to those who drive to my place or just driving in general, turn and stick to your own lane. And also, open your eyes la.
janet at 12:37 AM
Monday, January 01, 2007
2006 -> 2007
As I try to recall the memorable events of 2006, mostly sad stuff come to mind. But as I read through the archives, there were happy times too. Just that the sad times stick around in the memory better, and longer.
Here's a summary of my 2006. I had problems sleeping at the start of the year. Had a good amount of nightmares. Volleyball girls got the gold in IHG which had me contributed almost nothing. Laptop died. I moved out of hall. I know better who not to trust. Got my class 3 driving license. Thought there was love knocking on my door. I went to USA. Made a bunch of wonderful new friends. Lena went to heaven. Hamham & Delfi went to hamsters' heaven. Graduation. Unnecessary judgement. Too much time on my hands. Joblessness.
The year hasn't been that great, but it hasn't been too bad either, if I really think about it.
So I spent the last of my 2006 watching Borat and fireworks. And I spent the first of my 2007 at the war memorial watching some guy swinging light-sticks, had the first ice-cream of the year and supper with mayn at katong before coming home.
Thought about Lena too. About how there weren't fireworks display 2 years ago out of respect for the Tsunami victims. That was her first new year countdown and no fireworks. Quite unlucky. Lena, I hope you saw the fireworks just now =) They were as beautiful as you.
So happy new year everyone! May you all enjoy good health, attain wealth, be happy, appreciate life, and be good!