Wednesday, January 30, 2008
a pair of movie tix to 27 dresses - $7
snapple - $2.80
mcnuggets & twister fries - $11.15
the joy of being surprised by a loving bf - priceless
On a totally different note, I really hate the Olympics series of Visa ads.
Master's ads are way better.
Labels: Good times
janet at 10:42 AM
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Friday woes
I just had the worst day at work this year. Was so frustrated with some requests that came in through the team mailbox. The problem with a big firm is no one really understands what the other people do. All they care is getting their own job done (no doubt that it's your responsibility) but sometimes maybe working your brains a little will cause others less pain & anger. This was only the first half of the day.
Just when I thought that I can leave the office at 10:20, my phone rang and no name appeared and it didn't hint that it was an overseas call at all because the number begain with 6. So I picked it up. "Hi Janet, you're still in the office? That's great! We were so worried you were gone". I was like, who are "we"? Then I realise I was on a conference call with 4 other people from New York. 2 of them were nice enough to acknowledge that it was late in Singapore and I won't be able to do much for them, but they still needed me and so I stayed back. Left the office 12:30am.
Fridays have always sucked for me. But yesterday night takes the cake. I planned to stay later at work last night cuz my colleague had to take a call and I thought I'd stay to mentally support her. But who would have expected that I would get a call that would make me stay an additional 2 hours.
Really shitty. I'm glad I didn't have friday night plans last night, otherwise whoever's meeting me will have to take a rain check, or wait till the flowers wilt.
But at the end of the day, I had someone to cheer me up with selegie tau huey. =) In fact, at the end of every day, I always have someone there to make my night. Rain or shine, you're always there. =] Thank you dear.
Cuz this is real, and this is good. It warms the insides just like it should. Labels: Rant, Work
janet at 6:45 PM
Monday, January 14, 2008
Hello, I'm alive.
Just in case you think that Janet has gone MIA, I'm still well and alive. Even though this blog seems to have been neglected. MSN too.
Been busy. ;)
But life's good. Batam trip to celebrate Jeryd's birthday. Bonus coming to turn my financial situation the positive way up - hope for a big fat one, but quite unlikely. Got a lunch treat at The Line and buffet steamboat the next day to keep my stomach happy and fat. CNY coming i.e. lots of ba kwa to eat. Life's good.
Work's fine. I'm still counting my blessings (after almost a year) to have lovely colleagues.
View from the office. It has been rainy for the past weeks. There was one evening where there were low lying clouds. So gloomy, but cool.
Ok, this is a super incoherent post. I know.
Labels: Misc
janet at 11:23 PM
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Big soft toy doesn't need to wear a helmet

Labels: Whatever
janet at 11:48 PM