Monday, September 24, 2007
Left the office early and got myself some drowsy flu & cough meds from the clinic. Shioks. Except that my queen-sized bed got downgraded to a single. =(
Phuket trip is confirmed. Going on 29 Oct and returning on 1 Nov. Don't mind more company cuz as of now, it's just me and another colleague. So let me know if you're interested! Accomodation hasn't been booked yet so yea, join if you feel like Phuketing. =)
Labels: Whatever
janet at 9:15 PM
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Weekend rocks
This week was pretty ok. Ups and downs are normal I suppose. Just have to take things easy and go slow.
Last night was spent with the hall peeps watching Ratatouille, hanging around the rooftop laughing my ass off and supper at fong seng. It almost felt as it I'm not a working adult, but a hostelite once again. It felt really good, cuz work was miles off my mind, and all I was thinking was hall, hall, hall. =)
Will be seeing more hall peeps and also some of the WAT gang later tonight for Law 4 and supper. I'm totally loving this weekend.
I'm so freaking broke this month cuz I attended a wedding. Pay's coming in but I'm paying 3 months of insurance premium once the money's in. Team leader and deputy team leader and the new intern's birthdays are also happening in October. And there's the Phuket trip that's most likely happening the end of October, which I'm really looking forward to, even though nothing's very confirmed as of now. It's a bitch having to worry about not having enough money to last me every month. Can't wait to fully repay my tuition fee loans. That would free me up some good money. Shit, didn't win Toto at the Mooncake draw last night.
Anyway, insurance. If you don't have a financial planner in mind, or no one you can really trust to count on, I'll glady recommend you mine. She's my JC classmate and she's doing this for the reasons I deem all financial planners should be motivated by. Yea girls, I've looked up Suyi and bought my life insurance from her, finally. I feel it's about time I starting protecting my life anyway, since I'm able to. Back to Suyi, it's such a pleasant surprise that she's the first in my JC class to get married. She showed me her wedding studio photos and it's just so sweet, that 2 persons can be so in love and to be so ready to spend the rest of their lives with each other.
Can't wait to attend an engagement dinner at Simei. =)
Life can really be beautiful with such blissful love.
Labels: Good times, Life
janet at 3:29 PM
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Frustration - haven't felt like this in a while
Feeling stoned. Attended for a 4 hour course on working cross culturally, it started at 9am. Just left the office not long ago at midnight. I officially hate Friday especially if it's a work day.
As of now, I hate everything about work. The neverending work. The accumulating work that can never be finished cuz there's never enough time. And after staying past a certain number of hours in the office and staring at 2 phucking computer screens for the entire day, really tire the shit out of me. My brain stops working but my hands keep moving the mouse and typing and going through the motion of getting work done but nothing is going on in the head.
I really wonder if it's me being unproductive and inefficient at work, thus making me incapable of coping with the workload, or is the workload too heavy. I'm still learning new things, and this means I've still got more work responsibilities coming my way.
I'm definitely not meeting expections given the amount of backlog I've managed to accumulate in the phucking mailbox and the amount of work still to be cleared.
I like my team, I really do. I just don't like the amount of work. Not right now anyway. Maybe I'm just really pissed and tired and frustrated. Maybe that's why I'm ranting.
Better week next week I hope.
Labels: Rant, Work
janet at 12:33 AM
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
I felt the tremors in the office today. I thought I was hit by a sudden dizzy spell. So I sat very still, and then I realise I was swaying left and right.
Remember how irritatied I was when I missed the tremors twice in March? Finally got to feel some tremors for the first time. Don't really wish to feel them again cuz it just makes me dizzy.
Anyway, we hurried to evacuate the building, so that we can take the elevator before electricity shuts down or something. I can't imagine having to take the stairs again. My calves ached for a day after participating in a fire drill.
Hope there're no casualties and no tsunami.
Labels: Whatever
janet at 11:36 PM
Sunday, September 02, 2007
(Overdue) Graduation fever with Acers
Went back to campus a few weeks back to take photos with the place we called our second home throughout out university life. The photos are missing Linghan who's enjoying life in the States; Adi, who sent his dress back to Indonesia; Veron, who was busy that day; Keguang, who hasn't graduated; Lena, who's in our hearts always.

Acers 03/04

Level 5 short wing!

Our home

Nothing anyone can say, but SHUAI.


Rooftop with a giant banana. This is my banana, nananana. This is your banana, naaa nanananana. Chop your ur banana, nanananana. Now you have no banana, HA HA HA.
Harry Potters

The sacred palm tree of block A. It seems to have grown very much taller as compared to the last time we've seen it in our backyard. Mayn commented it's due to the increasing number of dead hamsters that were buried there over the years.
Spot the person without an academic dress.

The end of the journey. Goodbye Sheares.
Labels: Good times
janet at 2:23 PM
(Overdue) Graduation fever with the Girlies

Mel's Convocation =)

One big happy family!

Fulerton Hotel - SMU, NUS, NTU unite.

One Fullerton

Taken with Indonesian stranger guy's SLR.
Lots of tourists wanted to take photos with us that day, which was pretty embarassing. :$
Labels: Good times
janet at 2:02 PM