Tuesday, April 24, 2007
I shot my wife... Prove it.

Ryan Gosling is actually quite charming. Saw him in the Notebook and United States of Leland with his scrawny body and didn't think much of him. In Fracture, he actually looks like he has a toned body although he didn't bare enough (at least I think he should've showed off his abs if he had any). Simply love the confidence he exudes in the show, and his cleanly-shaved face which is so different from his roles in Notebook & US of L.
Alright, other than Gosling, the movie is nice cuz Anthony Hopkins has expertise in psychotic roles (e.g. Hannibal) except he's not exactly psychotic here. A little sick in the head, but an extremely clever man. His winking skill is TOPS. 10/10.
Maybe I was slow but I couldn't solve the mystery until it was revealed at the end of the movie. That kinda makes it interesting as the plot progressed.
So if you have some time and cash to spare, go watch Fracture. I'll give it 4/5 coco crunches.
Labels: Movies
janet at 10:57 PM
Monday, April 23, 2007
Slow down won't you?
Wish the world could slow down, and move at a pace I can keep up with.
Labels: Life
janet at 10:40 PM
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Everybody go join
Labels: Misc
janet at 1:48 AM
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Why do I even care
Don't you wish that people respond sometimes.
Reply that email. Leave a comment. Reply the goddam SMS.
It's really not that difficult to give a response.
Labels: Whatever
janet at 9:48 PM
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Hard-boiled egg
Weird things happen to people all the time.
Sometimes, there's a good explanation.
Other times, you just can't find a reason that's good enough.
I was cooking instant noodles and what good is instant noodles without an egg. I was cracking an egg that I took out from the fridge and guess what. THE (@!*()# EGG IS HARD-BOILED.
WTF. For what crazy reason would a person put a hard-boiled egg in the fridge together with the raw eggs?? I can't think of anyone in my family who would do that. Unless it's my brother who's asking to be kicked.
Unless the cooked egg was sold together with the raw ones. But that's just off.
I badly want to wake someone up to ask about the stupid egg but I guess I'll just sound really stupid.
Wtf sia.
Labels: Rant
janet at 12:36 AM
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Love me, that's all I ask of you.

I love every second of the musical. The sets and ochestra/sounds and cast were so good and the entire thing was so pro it was like watching a movie on stage w/o NGs and it's just flows. It really couldn't be more perfect. 2 hours passed too quickly in the theatre yesterday. The seats were good enough for a good view, considering the seats were the most expensive ones, other than the VIP box. Just wish we could be closer to the stage to see the expressions of the cast.
My 2 favourite scenes had to be the last scene with the Phantom grieving while Christine & Raoul rowed away in the background, and the Masquerade scene with the gorgeous costumes and masks. I was surprised that Christine's costume in that scene wasn't as nice as compared to the rest. It was a good scene anyway, very lively.
I wish Lena were here. She would have so loved Phantom as well.
For those who are going to watch it, I'm so excited for you. For those who aren't, please consider. There're shows in May that have excellent seats and if you miss it this time, it's going to be a long time before they come back. Alternatively, you could fly to London or NY to watch it on broadway. Or the cheaper alternative, watch/re-watch the movie. But nothing beats the real thing.
Labels: Good times
janet at 10:57 PM
Sunday, April 08, 2007
In no order,
Why my long weekend was good:
1. Had an expensive lunch on the company
2. Had great steak today
3. Loved the saturday nite company minus the Australian stranger
Why my long weekend was bad:
1. Ah po fell down and got hospitalised
2. PC woes (again)
3. Australian stranger spoilt a potentially wonderful night
4. I lost my voice
5. The long weekend doesn't apply to me
Phucking sians. The negative points win.
Labels: Rant
janet at 2:56 AM
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
It's 7am and I am wide awake. I can't sleep. I felt a sore throat coming but I didn't give a heck and now I'm suffering the consequence(s) of that piece of absolutely yummy chocolate banana cake. Sigh. On average, I fall sick twice a year. This is the 2nd time I've fallen sick this year and it's only April. It's time to keep my health in check and eat more nutritious and less oily food.
Labels: Rant
janet at 7:17 AM
Sunday, April 01, 2007
If you only have time for a video, watch/listen to Superman. Remember to turn up the volume!
Dakota SupermanSuperman on an aeroplane
Sitting next to Lois Lane
You got that woman but you want her gone
So you can fuck a teenage blonde
You turn it on like a leaking tap
You dripping dropping people drop of a hat
You gotta mouth but you ain't got guts
That drunk mouth you should keep it shutI'm so going to get more of Stereophonics.
Labels: Youtube
janet at 11:15 PM
my Imagini Visual profile
Labels: Misc
janet at 1:06 AM