Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Work was...
I wasn't accurate to say that work started on Monday because I've not been to my office or seen my direct boss and colleagues. Cuz the newly hired have to go through a 3-day induction course before starting work. Basically, it's just for us to understand the company and its working better, and to make us feel good about working there.
So the hours for this 3-day induction are 9am-6pm, but when real work and more on-the-job training start on thursday, I'm going to be working 12pm-9pm. It's pretty perfect for my sleeping habits. The down side is that my working hours clash with the opening hours of shopping places. And also, it'll be tough to meet friends for dinner. It's really good hours for party animals, too bad I'm not one.
Back to the induction, the most fun and exciting thing about it is meeting new people. The company lives up to its diversity principle. There're people from everywhere and it's pretty refreshing to talk to them and understand where they're from and been and why they are here. Other than that, we just have to absorb the information that's presented to us.
Also, the people have been REALLY friendly and approachable. And I appreciate them for that. =)
Labels: Work
janet at 7:42 PM
Friday, February 23, 2007
Say it ain't so
I'm starting work on Monday. This is it. The beginning of ass-slogging for the rest of my life till I retire. Can't wait for retirement.
Nah, I'm joking. About the retirement.
As you grow up, grow old, the conversation topics change. Popular (not necessarily favourite) topics now include names of MNCs and investment banks that I've never heard of 3 years ago and still more that I've not heard of even today, COE, interviews, FYPs, loans, bills, and the all-time chart topper BGR. Soon we'll be bitching about work and colleagues and bosses, about who's getting married and who's not, medishield, investment plans, stocks, yada yada yada.
Anyway, the 2 months break I've had, I don't think I've spent it well. Can't say that I enjoyed the break, I didn't even do anything significant. (Unless you consider finishing K-dramas and TV series and reading books as significant, but I don't think so.) But hey, a break is a break no less. Even though SW once commented that my eye bags are worse now than when I was staying in hall. Haha. Guess I still didn't rest enough. Too late.
Anyway, all the people that I've not met up this festive season and last Christmas, I don't know when we're going to meet liao. But let's try to meet up soon la.
To the people I've been seeing, thanks for organising and turning up at suppers, dinners, bbq... =)
Labels: Life
janet at 9:42 PM
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Pee R See
Read a friend's entry about him seeing a woman flossing her teeth while he stopped at a junction in Geylang, and this reminds me of what I saw in Geylang when I was there for supper after visiting Chinatown (again) after the CNY countdown.
We were at the frog porridge stall (opp the ubernice beef kway teow) and my dad noticed a lady sitting at the next table, spitting bones on the floor. Pee R see. No doubt about it. I was disgusted. Just leave the bones on the freaking table la. She spat the bones on her right. And continued eating. Then, she turned to her left, and spat again. WTF. Pee R See. She must be in her early 20s and she looks pretty pleasant. But her actions were a big big turn off.
Was reading the papers, and Beijing is having this campaign to improve the civil manners of Chinese in preparation for the Olympics. Yea, good luck.
Labels: Rant
janet at 11:21 PM
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Janet is feeling under the weather
CNY is just around the corner, and here I am, nursing a sore throat and a blocked nose since yesterday. The sore throat probably came about due to ba kwa and the goodies I've been eating cuz they just look so tempting in those tiny red-capped containers. And damn the chilli from the cafe my aunt works at. She gave us a bottle and I'm hooked. It goes well with steamboat food.
I didn't want to see a doctor cuz I still had some Became for the nose. But I was out with my mum today and I felt a fever coming cuz my body started to ache and my head was hurting. The fear of slow recovery (CNY is just around the corner remember?) made me go see the doctor and I must say the people in the clinic do their job very well. There's a new GP, and he's much more thorough than the other GP in the clinic. He even checked my BP. Something that the other GP and the ex-GP never did when I'm down with the flu. I hope that everytime I need to see the doctor, he'll be on duty.
Anyway, had a slight fever but all's well now. Headache's gone. Throat is healing but the nose is still blocked. Argh.
Take care everybody. Don't fall sick this festive season or you won't be able to gorge yourself with the pineapple tarts and tiny spicy spring rolls and ba kwa and all the other goodies. Drink lots of water now.
Labels: Life
janet at 8:13 PM
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
February 14
I've got no reason to celebrate Valentine's day.
For those who have a reason or even a slight excuse, I hope you had a good time.
For those like me, I hope you'll find your reason and may you not be lonely for the next Feburary 14s to come.
Labels: Greets
janet at 11:19 PM
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
A tip for pool crashers
So I finally went tanning, sort of. Hue and I crashed Diana's pool. It's crashing cuz Diana's at work, and we lied to the security guards that we were visiting. Anyway, the sky threatened to pour, and it drizzled lightly before the sun came out for 15 minutes before the sky threatened again.
The fact that we didn't get as tanned as we wanted to, couldn't spoil our adventure. What potentially could've spoilt the adventure, made it even better. We got out of the pool, headed to where we thought the bathroom was, and the guard made us sign a check-in-check-out sheet for using the swimming pool. I signed off as Diana, and pretended we knew the way to wherever we were heading but we just couldn't find the damn bathroom. All we needed is just a washroom anyway, to change out of our bikinis. But no, there was no such place. We didn't take a lot of effort to look for it anyway, cuz we may look suspiscious. We found the carpark instead, and wrapped in our towels, wearing our wet bikinis, we drove back to Hue's place.
Hue thought it felt like we were on a summer trip and heading home from the beach or something. Imagine: A great day spent tanning at the beach, and it's time to head home and you hop into that red and good-looking convertible without changing and just drive straight home with your hair flying in the wind. Anyway, the drive was nothing close to that. It was quite... unglam. Haha.
Somehow I felt that my towel was too small and I couldn't cover myself completely. Everytime we stopped at the traffic light, I made sure I stopped the car in a position where drivers/passengers from other vehicles won't be able to see us when they turn their heads. Not that there's anything to see, but two girls wrapped in their towels??!
Anyway, the adventure ended with us running up the stairs to Hue's place like you-know-who with towels wrapped around our waist. The whole thing seemed a little ridiculous, but it was fun!
So, the important lesson to learn here is, when you crash a pool, find out where the bathroom is BEFORE you go straight to the water.
Labels: Good times
janet at 4:31 PM
Monday, February 12, 2007
Chinatown sightings
It's unusual for my family to go to Chinatown before CNY cuz my parents hate the crowd. Besides there're better bargains on the eve of CNY and on the first day itself (after 12am - close). We went anyway, my mum, sis and I.
So I pretended to be a tourist, snapping my camera at anything I find interesting and below are almost everything that I found interesting cuz there is really nothing interesting considering I've lived here long enough to know how Chinatown is like during this peak period.

I was quite amused when I saw these pork legs.

And this, is just plain disgusting.

The crowd on a Saturday afternoon.

The standard CNY decor.

Mango with pomelo & sago! $3 a serving. It's damn nice =) Well, just don't compare it to the dessert in Taipei.

Carrot cake. $2. It's expensive cuz it's good. Eating with the chilli is a must cuz the chilli is even better than the carrot cake.

And this is where you'll find the mango dessert and carrot cake. Apparently the rice dumpling is nice too, but they won't be serving that cuz there's no time before CNY to make them. So if you wanna try the rice dumplings, wait till CNY is over.
Labels: Good times
janet at 12:13 PM
Monday, February 05, 2007
Girlies missing 4

And not forgetting... Happy Birthday to ah Lye =)
Labels: Good times, Greets
janet at 10:47 PM
Sunday, February 04, 2007
New skin
I like my previous ugly-green blog skin. But I decided to surf around for a cheerful and non-black skin. Had a few to choose from, and finally decided on this one with funny box-y men. The blue is not that nice, but at least my blog doesn't look so dark anymore.
Ok. Time to sleep. I've been saying for a long time that I should have normal sleeping hours, but it's hard to translate words and thoughts into action. These days, I sleep for half a day, spending the other half in a daze, with swollen eyes and headaches too.
Good night, and good morning.
Labels: Life
janet at 4:49 AM
Saturday, February 03, 2007
I *heart* Esso uncle
Too bad I didn't get the uncle's name. Could've sent him a "bouquet" in ST. Nice fellow. I was at Esso at Pasir Ris, the one around Elias area, and first thing the uncle said to me was "Wah you work until so late ar?" It was about 2.30am, and I said "No la uncle, I went out." Cuz I was dressed in nice office wear which you don't see me wearing often. So the uncle thought I worked very hard. Anyway, I said "Uncle, I want the cheapest. Full tank k." I then proceded to the mini Fairprice to find myself a can/bottle of coke to satisfy a sudden craving. But the only coke they had was the 1.5l which costs $2.15. Being the cheapo I am, I decided to give the coke a miss and went for Mug root beer instead. Anything gassy and black would do (No pepsi please, it sucks). So I paid, went out, and saw the uncle cleaning the windows for me!
You see, I don't pump petrol often, and I don't follow people to pump petrol often too. So I wasn't sure if windows cleaning is part of the service or not. And being so tired, and seeing the uncle cleaning the (quite dirty) windows for me really made my night. Then I thought, must I give tips? I didn't though. Just found out from ah Lye the regular petrol consumer that it's part of their service and they will usually ask if you want your windows wiped. But I've never gotten such offers. Probably the car looks like it doesn't deserve clean windows or maybe the uncles have too many cars to attend to or something.
Whatever it is, I think the uncle was a really nice man, cleaning my windows whether or not I wanted him to. =)
Then I was thinking, I want to marry a man who will wash my car for me. And do the dishes too. I think men who are willing to do that for their ladies, are good men.
Labels: Life
janet at 3:30 AM