Thursday, November 30, 2006
In My Bed by RainI like this song, it sounds good. And it has chinese lyrics in this mv.. sweet.
Damn, I like his car, and the diamond bracelet and belt he's wearing. Haha.
Can feel the heartache through his voice eh. Nice mv, without much dance moves. But cannot be compared to the sappy Thai mvs sia. Those are waaaay sappy.
janet at 2:55 AM
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
life is sweet
Don't be too curious as to how I've been spending my days and nights now that I've graduated and my official status is: Unemployed and looking. And single and waiting. Anyway, I say don't be too curious because I have been doing pretty much the same things which I'm about to tell you.
Sent out a few resumes. Hoping that I get called up for interviews.
I'm enjoying my stay at home. Everyday's a rainy day. What's better than snuggling in bed all day watching shows or reading a book? (The answer: snuggling with someone else.)
So here I am, spending my days and nights doing things like sleeping, watching shows, reading novel, msn-chatting, reading blogs, surfing job databases, walking about the house finding things to do and going out sometimes when people ask me out. But being the closet introvert, I prefer to stay at home and doing all those things mentioned sometimes.
If you can't find happiness where you are, you got to leave it behind and find it somewhere else. Just like the story of Who Moved My Cheese *wink*. Of course, make sure that you've really emptied the place and there's not a single trace of cheese left behind before you go, cuz you'll never be quite sure if there's other cheese out there. If there's none, then you're screwed. But don't worry. We can survive without cheese. But life can be much better with cheese around, you know what I mean?
janet at 1:48 AM
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
To MOM's minister,

Happy birthday mugging dog!
janet at 2:19 PM
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Gavin Degraw - BeliefBelief, makes things real.
Makes things feel, feel alright.
Belief, makes things true.
Things like you, you and I.
Tonight, you arrested my mind.
When you came to my defense.
With a knife in the shape of your mouth,
in the form of your body, with the wrath of a god.
Oh, you stood by me.
janet at 6:48 PM
Monday, November 20, 2006
I'm officially done with school. Submitted my last assignment online. Hurray!
No, I'm not going for a graduation trip cuz I considered the US trip as one already. Maybe a 2nd grad trip next year? We'll see about that.
And no. I haven't sent out any resumes yet. Shit.
All the best to all you students out there for your exams ok. JIAYOU!!!!!!
janet at 9:54 PM
Thursday, November 16, 2006
I had a wonderful day. =)
Seriously, who needs presents when I've got all the best things in life that money can't buy.
But of course, presents are ALWAYS welcomed. Cuz some of the good things, do cost some money la.
Thanks for the hugs, smses, verbal wishes, care-bear songs, presents (to be received), tags, handshakes, lunch, blog entries, cakes... It means a lot to me that you all remembered. Cuz I know how hard it is to remember birthdays =P
It really means a lot la ok. Makes me feel very loved and cared for. =)
Love you all. =) Lotssssss.
And of course, I want to wish Agnes a very happy birthday. Can't believe we're 22 already huh. Weren't we just 13? Haha, that was a damn long time ago. We'll be able to celebrate 10 years of friendship together with Sarah come 2007. In the mean time, enjoy your day! And may your wish of marrying a doctor come true hahahaa.
janet at 12:54 AM
Monday, November 13, 2006
buses of life
I hopped on the bus because everyone takes the bus. Not knowing why I had to, not knowing where it would lead me, I got on anyway. Since the bus was going to end somewhere, and I might like where it would bring me, why not just enjoy the ride? It was pretty fun. Of course it ended at the terminal. I got off, and hopped on another bus of my choice, because everyone hops on another bus after the first one. And the bus brought me to another terminal, and again, I had to alight and take another bus. Otherwise there was really no where to go and nothing I could do. By now, I know there are a lot of buses I can take, and they all kind of go in different directions. I chose to take the bus which will lead me to another bus which I’ve made plans to take. By 98% hard work and 2% intelligence, I caught that damn bus. I’m on it now. And it’s about time to get off. But I haven’t made any plans as to where I want to go, and I have no idea what buses I can take since I don’t have a particular direction I wish to head to. I imagine the bus is going to drop me off, not at a terminal this time, but probably at a huge grass field where I am going to find my way to the terminal, and figure out what buses to take, or which buses might want to take me.
Friends, and strangers alike who have been on these buses, may have taken a headstart to find the right buses to hop on, to bring them to terminals with other buses they have planned to take. This shouldn’t scare me. Although I know I’m going to be. Cuz I’m already getting the jitters just thinking about that big grass field.
It may take me some time to figure things out, but eventually, I know I’m going to take another bus. Hope eventual is not too long a time. I can’t possibly stay in the grass field forever. Just hope I like the bus I’m getting on next, that it’ll bring me somewhere nice, perhaps a final destination where I can settle and urm, drive my own car so I can bring myself wherever I want to go.
Huge grass field, here I come.
And hope there’re cute guys in grass fields too.
janet at 10:54 PM
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Random pics

Yoghurt - OrganiCafeXperience
Basement of Century Sq. There's another branch at Parkway Sq.
They serve really nice foodie there.
Skittles in smoothie flavour. I almost killed myself when I saw the skittles. And this is sold in some shop that doesn't even have a signboard. Sigh. JM, it's not so special after all. =/
My favourite has gotta be the Hotplate Beancurb!! Which is your favourite beancurb??
Big baby getting his ear digged. The simple pleasures in life, like ear digging. Shiok.
My dear bro is so freaking lazy, that he would rather sleep on the floor than to take a shower. Mind you, this photo was taken at 9pm. He got home at 3pm. That's my sis pretending to do work by the way. She was really just watching TV.
This is a farm. Even though it doesn't look like one.
And this, is a Mars station. The only thing that makes management lessons fun - playing with Lego.
Gotta love this. 3M command hooks. Hook things with dicks of frogs and cats!
janet at 3:52 PM
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Can World's Strongest DadIs there a love greater than this?
This video is the best I've ever seen.
Warning: very touching.
janet at 10:08 PM
janet -15- i want to sleep by 1am says (11:59 PM):
i saw chen weilian juz now leh..
u like him?Jianming - กรอ says (11:59 PM):
at ur place
hahajanet -15- i want to sleep by 1am says (12:00 AM):
was at an ice cream place at clementi
sunset wayJianming - กรอ says (12:00 AM):
nv jio
hahajanet -15- i want to sleep by 1am says (12:00 AM):
went fr sch!Jianming - กรอ says (12:00 AM):
did he see u
HAHAHAHAjanet -15- i want to sleep by 1am says (12:00 AM):
..........Disclaimer: JM is not a meanie. We all know that =) He's a gentle giant!
Anyway, just wondering if the Daily Scoop (Sunset Way) is the same branch of ice cream place at Eastwood. Ahkow, shed some light?
janet at 12:09 AM
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Free HugsHug someone today! =)
janet at 2:08 AM
It sucks to be spending the last 16 days of my school life, looking forward to graduation. I'd rather be enjoying these 16 days, and wish graduation would never have to come. It's not that I don't enjoy my last semester, just that I'm just not enjoying this period where the submissions are near. What's new. No one likes submissions. Particularly for a project which I'm not coping too well with. Sucks.
This semester has been good, non-school-wise. Managed to spend more time with non-hall friends than I ever did in the past 3 years. Being closer to the family also made me realize there're bigger family issues than what I knew when I was in hall. Ain't exactly happy stuff. At least I'm in the know.
Sigh, fucked up project. Think I'm averse to the report. Should've started on it over the weekend but I can't get down to it cuz I hate it. Never felt this way towards a project before. Well, probably financial accounting or managerial accounting. Argh.
Feels like forever. 16 days, come faster. Want to get out of this shit hole so I can plonk myself into another.
ANYWAY, on a happier note, I want to wish my dear friend,
Teo Ee Zi a very happy 22nd birthday! And
Nai Feng too! Don't know how to forget both your birthdays man. 7-11. It's a store and more.
Sian. I don't want to write that report. =(
janet at 1:34 AM
Monday, November 06, 2006
What else
Haven't been blogging substantial stuff lately. But let me try.
Sarah didn't have to remove the lump in her thyroid, and that decision was made by her doc the day she was scheduled to have the surgery. Praise her Lord. She's a convert to Catholic now too. Must be the influence of all the hymm singing and bible reading and mass we had to go through in Hai Sing acting on her now. I love Sarah anyway!
What else.
Agnes has finally found a job after a few unsuccessful attempts. I'm so happy for her. Just the other day, Weili, her and I went out for dinner and we did a weird thing. Rather, Agnes did. She suggested to go for a beer, cuz she was craving for one. Guess where we went? A coffeeshop. Cuz beer's cheap there. This is a sign of getting old and broke. Anyway, I was ogling at all the young, cute and fit dragonboat poly boys while Agnes was enjoying her bottle of beer. Freak, they are like 18, and I'm 22. Old, old, old. Sad, for myself, and Weili. Cuz then he can't chase the little girls in school cuz he's too old for them.
So what else.
My mum is bringing my siblings to Seoul with my maternal grandparents. Think she's going cuz she likes korean drama. I ain't going cuz firstly, she says I've spent too much in the States. Secondly, I kind of want to stay in Singapore to look for a job. So I'm going to have a week of peace at home. But I know I'm going to miss the noise in the house. It's going to be so quiet. Hope they buy me good stuff from Korea.
What else.
I wish I had something better to say sometimes.
janet at 12:42 AM
Saturday, November 04, 2006
like a friend by PulpFrom the movie, Great Expectations.
Got to watch the movie again soon. Damn good show.
Don't bother saying you're sorryWhy don't you come in smoke all my cigarettes againEvery time I get no further How long has it been?Come on in now, wipe your feet on my dreamsYou take up my time like some cheap magazine When I could have been learning something Oh well, you know what I mean, ohI've done this before and I will do it againCome on and kill me baby while you smile like a friendOh and I'll come running Just to do it againYou are the last drink I never should have drunkYou are the body hidden in the trunkYou are the habit I can't seem to kick You are my secrets on the front page every week You are the car I never should have bought You are the dream I never should have caught You are the cut that makes me hide my face You are the party that makes me feel my age Like a car crash I can see but I just can't avoid Like a plane I've been told I never should board Like a film that's so bad but I've got to stay till the end Let me tell you nowit's lucky for you that we're friends.janet at 10:34 PM
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Forever 21
Happy birthday Lena =]
janet at 12:12 AM