Thursday, August 31, 2006
Rain rain go away
Is it the monsoon season here already? It has been raining the whole of yesterday, and it just started pouring outside and it's like 7am in the morning.
Feel like sleeping in but I can't.
I hate the rain.
janet at 7:14 AM
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
The first thing my mum said to me when I came home today was "When are you going on a diet?".
I very fat meh?
Don't answer.
I will go jogging. Soon.
janet at 10:37 PM
Saturday, August 26, 2006
I miss the skies in the States

janet at 2:54 PM
Thursday, August 24, 2006
I know it's super late of me to post an entry such as this. But I just watched the videos of 迷路兵's performances that I missed as I was overseas. F*CKING HIGH CAN. THEY'RE SO TALENTED AND THE COVERS WERE ALL SOOOO GOOOOOOD.

I like Sam a lot. His singing isn't fantastic, but I just like it. And of course, he's a drummer. How sexy is that!? =) I like Sam's singing "身边"in QF7 and "勇气" in the grand finals.
迷路兵.. 迷路兵.. 迷路兵..
janet at 12:32 AM
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
NUS is too far
I really hate to take buses at peak hours, when everyone's rushing to go to work, or rushing to go home. Last week, I was going to school for my 9am class, and I had to miss 2 bus-60s cuz they were so packed with working adults. And bus 30 was crawling on the ECP as the highway was so congested with traffic. Amazingly, I was still 15 min early for class. Think I left home too early.
Squeezing on the bus really stinks. Literally. On my way back today, secondary school kids stank the bus up. This guy who was sitting next to me had really hairy and sweaty arms. Some old man stepped on my toes. And not to mention the people who raised their arms to hold on to the hand bars, I could smell their arm pits lor.
My point is, I wish I didn't have to travel everyday. And I wish I had a car. I also wish I had a room in hall. I wish I wish I wish.
Anyway, I sent my pretty Canon camera for repair, and it's budgeted to cost $160. Didn't expect it to be that cheap. Was expecting it to cost me $300 or something. So that's a good thing. They're going to change the barrel of the zoom thingy for me cuz it's out of place. Oh, if you haven't heard, I dropped my camera with the zoom barrel out, and it was dented and I couldn't turn the camera off cuz the zoom thing would retract. But a friend managed to push the barrel back such that it can retract and the camera can be turned off. Photos taken thereafter in Disneyworld weren't clear. It happened when I was in Orlando. Heart pain sia. I really like this camera. So all's well. Since it's a replacement camera from Canon for my previous Ixus, I guess it's worth it to pay that much to get it fixed.
Sian, 9am tomorrow. And the day after. And the day after the day after.
janet at 6:24 PM
Monday, August 21, 2006
Times have changed
I found a book called "Digital Art Programme" at home which belongs to my sister. I flipped it for a while and it teaches how to use a digital camera properly, how to use certain programs for photo editing. Yes, my sister learns all these for art lessons. No wonder she's always borrowing my digicam. What the heck. What happened to drawing on drawing blocks, playing with plastercine to make a farm on styrofoam boards, painting with watercolours, learning calligraphy?
The world is moving on.
janet at 12:47 PM
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Bon Voyage
Our dearest pretty Mellie left for Vancouver for exchange this morning. Hope she'll have a blast of a time over there. Please come online and update your blog mel! I'll go download skype soon, though I'm really lazy. =)
Keguang is leaving for Amsterdam on Monday, for exchange too. Don't forget to miss Chet. Have fun over there but please don't get (too) high. =)
janet at 12:32 AM
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Sign on the Door
Wendy's sittin' next to me
She's trying hard to drink it away
And I feel the rumble of the subway beneath the stage
And her eyes are screaming
And her lips are pursed
And this ain't her first heartache
But it feels like, it feels like the worst
And she says
Can someone tell me how this can happen
And I guess that God only knows
My heart used to be the sweet shop of love
But now the sign on the door
It says sorry we're closed
And I hear myself tell her
Some old words I know they won't help
And then I feel guilty
'Cause I closed some sweet shops myself
And we all talk about timing
And lifestyles and such
But to a heart that's been shattered
Those words don't mean that much
And all of our pining
It just goes to show
Don't you enter a shop
With the sign on the door
Saying sorry we're closed
And she's been through all the pain
That one can endure
And her new man thinks she loves him
But he can't be sure
And his heart pines for Wendy
She says that's how it goes
How am I supposed to know
He can't read the sign saying
Sorry we're closed
Yeah we're closed
And she says
Can someone tell me how this can happen
And I guess that God only knows
My heart used to be
The sweet shop of love
But there's a sign on the door
There's a sign on the door
One more sign...
janet at 9:40 PM
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Gotten a router so that my brother and I can use the internet at the same time. But it's even slower now cuz he plays game all the time, which hogs the bandwith, as JM puts it. Thanks to Junxiang! He helped me set up the router.
Visited Lena.. hope she's resting in peace. Was watching rag yesterday, seeing Sheares presentation reminds me of Lena dancing last year. =T
janet at 7:24 PM
Thursday, August 10, 2006
New blog skin
This particular shade of green on this new blog skin is quite disgusting. I'll probably get sick of this skin really soon cuz of the colour.
Home's good. It's really good to be back in sg. Will be meeting up with the hall peeps tomorrow, the a09 girls on Monday, and I've already met Shaun who safekept my blades but let my socks stank for 3 months. Will be seeing some of the WAT (work and travel) friends later for supper, and there'll be a gathering soon to catch up, reminise and collect (the tonnes of) photos. Still have a lot more people to meet, we'll catch up really soon ok! I promise =)
School's starting in a few days time. It's my last semester in NUS, hope I don't screw up. I have 3 9am classes, and I don't stay in hall anymore. That's really good planning on my part. Imagine waking up at 6am on 3 mornings: ARGH.
janet at 4:01 PM
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
I'm home.
Hamham died 3 weeks ago and I just found out on my way home =T
janet at 5:54 PM