Friday, May 05, 2006

bye peeps...
janet at 2:01 AM
Thursday, May 04, 2006
it has been a week of meeting and catching up with old friends, and eating suppers and food that i'm going to miss. of course, this is to say that i had a great week.
i'm going to have a separate blog to blog when i'm overseas, so look out for it.
i hate to pack.
sheesh, i need to be excited.
janet at 3:06 AM
Monday, May 01, 2006
shifting out of hall was only a 5 minute affair. my parents and siblings came, and with veron's and mayn's help, everything was out of A515 and in the van. amazing. there wasn't even enough time to feel sad. haha.
unpacking is a bitch. the amount of tshirts i've gotten over the 3 years in hall is crazy. i don't know what to do about them cuz i'm definitely not wearing all of them even at home cuz there's just too many! and the number of orange tshirts i have is 13. so i sorted my tshirts and they're nicely stacked in different colour piles in my wardrobe now.
blading with shaun and co at ecp was uneventful. but the trip to supper with them was scary. and durian at 5am is crazy. it was fun though, everything except the part where marcus pulled his lane-cutting stunt at shaun. guys, please drive safely. hope to see you all and the cars well in august at the next blading session.
slept for at most 4 hours and went to ecp *again* to meet the girls for lunch at waruku (?) wakuru (?) wukaru (?) restaurant for jap food. felt so zombie-fied from the lack of sleep, i think i should be able to remember 3/4 of the catching up we did haha. mel, hope jp gets better soon so your heart won't ache... and hope you won't leave for canada before i come back!
4 more days to US. should i have a separate blog to blog while i'm over there? and don't call me when i'm there, email me instead!! smses are welcome... but don't expect replies =)
janet at 9:09 PM