Sunday, April 30, 2006

when we all first met... orientation 03/04

sw and i.. with seniors marinating chicken wings for orientation carnival... didn't we look younger then? hall makes people old. =(

we were only year ones 3 years ago...

serm, gerald, linghan, me & eunice...

daniel and hatta (eason chan lookalike)... i think they're not gay

meet the 2 most hardworking guys from my batch... jason & linghan. they were doing project while hh was busy finishing up his tray of pasta. i was busy snapping pictures.

this is adi.. indonesian cheenapok =P

block comm meetings - where the funniest shit happens

councillors (missing kho keguang) with SWOC Lena!

aaron, keguang, hh, serm.i only see keguang in my old photos.


candles & lanterns at west coast park
these are just a few photos featuring the 03/04 batch. there are many many more photos i would love to put up, but there're simply too many.
3 years passed too quickly. it seems like it was only yesterday that we had our orientation. thanks peeps... i had a wonderful time here. and it really wouldn't be the same without you all.
so i guess this is goodbye...
janet at 3:59 AM
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Mi Lu Bing
(direct translation: lost soldiers. but their band name is inspired by Milo Peng. interesting huh)
catch them on Channel U's superband.
i like the songs they play. very talented young guys. ask me for the songs they played for the qualifying rounds and i'll send them to you. the drummer (guy with tie) looks damn cute. =)
janet at 9:17 AM
Monday, April 24, 2006
i'm so sick of studying for world religions. been making notes for comparison between the religions the whole day and i'm at the 6th one, out of 7 religions in total. yea, it's almost done, except that it's not complete. you know sometimes things can get done but never complete? that's exacly how my notes will turn out. they won't be useless, and they also won't be useful enough. why am i getting frustrated with myself.
i really shouldn't be complaining about the coming exams because i only have to revise for 2 papers while the rest of the world has more than 2 papers. there're also some fortunate ones who don't have any papers to study for, but that means their CAs must have been very shiong. yea, but i just feel so tired. not that i don't have enough sleep, i get a decent amount of sleeping time. it's probably because i don't enjoy what i'm reading. not as much as i want to anyway. even the history of technology is more interesting than world religions.
was reading through the archive and on this very day in 2004, i changed my blog skin to a gothic one which i don't remember how it looked like, shifted back home, and thought about taking driving lessons. and on this very day in 2005, i wrote "dinner today was great =)". wow. can't remember where i went, what i ate or with whom i had dinner with. entries like that are quite silly huh. i guess i wanted to note it down but didn't want anyone to know what exactly made the dinner great and now i can't remember too.
last 6 days in hall. it's sad to be spending the last of my hall life doing revision routines and eating sucky breakfasts and dinners.
time flies too quickly. children are growing up. people are getting older. life's getting shorter with every tick of the clock. do you want to live forever? i don't.
janet at 1:43 AM
Sunday, April 23, 2006

janet at 11:55 PM
Monday, April 17, 2006
it's so wrong to see blue ink coming out of a black pen.
why can't pilot label their pen refills such that people won't mistake black ink for blue ink. huh huh huh.
and they should never paste sticky stickers on books or files or whatever shit they sell cuz it's irritating to tear sticky stickers off.
janet at 7:26 PM
Sunday, April 16, 2006
go get songs on the UK chart like
1. mary j blige feat. u2 - one
2. gnarls barkley - crazy
3. corinne bailey rae - put your records on
i really like put your records on. it feels so summer-y and carefree that it makes you wanna dance.
janet at 5:04 PM
Friday, April 14, 2006
had a good end to the last day of school yesterday cuz i met up with secondary school friends agnes, jm and shaun for dinner. wanted to try the goose meat at MS's food court but it was sold out. it was bad luck for the 2nd time cuz the 1st time we wanted to try the goose meat, the stall was closed. apparently i'm the jinx. so we settled for billy bombers instead. the all-star burger was fantastic. but i think agnes didn't enjoy it that much cuz the beef was too bloody for her liking. jm and shaun both had the burgers rare.. amazing guys who love blood. shaun initially ordered an Alcatraz, but it was puny in comparison to the other 3 all-star burgers, so he made some noise and managed to change his order to an all-star burger. and everyone was happy =) can't remember the last time when we all met up, it was probably during agnes's 21st birthday. but those secondary school days where we gathered at white sands coffeebean were still the best times i guess.
met shaun again after dinner for a blading session last night with his friends. he was brave enough to let me drive his uncle's car home from supper. so thanks for the confidence shaun. haha. think last night should be the last blading session before i fly to the states. no time to rest and relax since exams are just around the corner.
i'm determined to make the most of this weekend before heading back to hall to start on revision. so i've made the most out of thursday. half of today was spent sleeping. but i drove again cuz my cousin was kind enough to let me be his chauffeur for him and his girlfriend. drove to PS for dinner with them, and it was quite exciting because of the parking. well, the car rolled back when the car was going through the gantry cuz of the hump.. and my cousin had to pull the handbrake. :$ heh. the car behind me then kept a distance from my car while i went up the winding carpark. =P well, manual cars do roll back.. guess i just need more practise with manual cars.
now, any more volunteers to let me drive? =)
janet at 11:11 PM
Saturday, April 08, 2006

janet at 2:20 AM
Monday, April 03, 2006

janet at 7:30 PM
Saturday, April 01, 2006
april will be my last month in hall and i'll be leaving this place for good. keep in mind that i'm not graduating yet. i'm just moving back home for my last semester in NUS. i wish to bring all the good memories with me, and leave the bad ones behind. may the friendships we've forged over the 3 years remain the way it is, or get even better. guess i don't attach much feelings to the physical place, but it's the emotional attachment to the people here. really have to enjoy the last month. but april is always filled with projects, assignment deadlines, exams blah blah blah.
on a happier note, i'll be flying off to the states on may 5th. i won't be back in sunny singapore until august 3rd. try not to miss me while i'm gone. dear friends, let's try to meet up before May! it's gonna be tough with exams, army, work blah blah blah. but let's try. jm and shaun, fix a weekday for dinner!! and fit in blading? think blading is problematic for me... i'm hardly home =/ A09 girls, breakfast some saturday at siglap? yizi, let's lunch in school haha. and there's supposed to be a tanning session with agnes and sarah.
looking forward to dinner with the old block comm at tao's restaurant tomorrow. =)
janet at 12:13 AM