Monday, January 30, 2006

janet at 12:32 AM
Sunday, January 29, 2006
after some CNY shopping with my dad last night at Chinatown after the countdown, i've concluded that my dad is a crazier shopper than my mum. well before we headed to chinatown, i accompanied my dad to pray at the bugis "4 ma lu"'s temple. since we went there late, about 2am, it wasn't as crowded as it was before 12am (well, the evening news showed people squeezing and fighting to plant their incense into the urn thingy which i think it too small for the thousands of people who were there). still it was crowded. once people put their incense in, the workers would take them out and throw them into huge pails with water. anyway, chinatown at 4am is a bargain marketplace on new year's day. ying liu (some CNY plant) were left behind on the street and we carried 3 bunches home. CNY goodies for 50cents a box, which was further discounted to as many as you squeeze into a large plastic bag for $10. my dad and his friend managed to squeeze 37 boxes worth. so that's like 37 cents a box? a box of (48) party sprays for $50. my dad stood there and bargained for a good 10 minutes while i just couldn't wait to go. 2 boxes of mandarin oranges for $10. bought a lot of random and useless stuff because they were cheap. there were too many things to carry so we returned to the van and filled up half of it and went for another round of shopping. by the time we left, it was 6am and the van was full of things we don't really need.naturally we had to do 2 rounds of carrying before we could empty the van when we got home. usually, my dad will get scolded by mum every year after his midnight shopping. this year, she gets to scold an extra person. but i sure had a lot of fun!! it's my first time shopping at chinatown after countdown, and i think i would love to do it again next year. anyway, may you all have a happy lunar new year!! may your family and you be blessed with wealth and good health in the year of the dog =)gong xi fa cai! janet at 6:57 PM
Friday, January 27, 2006

from the guys, a pair of E3 loloblades!!

from the girls, a bag i like very much!!
jan's a happy girl.
janet at 12:12 AM
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Dear Lim Jin,
I finished Wizard & Glass, finally.
With just 3 more to go,
janet at 8:38 AM
Saturday, January 21, 2006
cling organized a merlion session, it turned out to be more like a private party cuz only a few people turned up. it's fine, in fact, it's pretty fun with just a few of us. lotsa laughter and people saying weird stuff. there were some rules that we cannot say people's names or we got to drink. vulgarities are not allowed too, if not, you drink. fuck came out a lot. names too.
aaron got wasted early. i turned red after a cup of carlsberg. and daniel is just drunk, saying all sorts of weird stuff.
janet said:
merlion ended liao ar
Dani: and in answer to your qn why : well I guess I'm just another guy. says:
I not sure..
Dani: and in answer to your qn why : well I guess I'm just another guy. says:
I left already.
janet says:
haha ok
Dani: and in answer to your qn why : well I guess I'm just another guy. says:
after you and eunice left then I also left.
janet says:
janet says:
Dani: and in answer to your qn why : well I guess I'm just another guy. says:
oh shit.
Dani: and in answer to your qn why : well I guess I'm just another guy. says:
I asid eunice.
Dani: and in answer to your qn why : well I guess I'm just another guy. says:
gotta drink.
Dani: and in answer to your qn why : well I guess I'm just another guy. says:
oh crap.
janet: daniel said he left merlion after eunice and i left. LMAO. says:
Dani: and in answer to your qn why : well I guess I'm just another guy. says:
I said shit.
janet: daniel said he left merlion after eunice and i left. LMAO. says:
janet: daniel said he left merlion after eunice and i left. LMAO. says:
go sleep dude!
eunice wasn't there at merlion. lol.
janet at 3:06 AM
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
thanks peeps, for going down to support volleyball. =) it wasn't an exciting match, but i'm sure the next one will be.
janet at 9:16 PM
Monday, January 16, 2006
Sab and i have come to an agreement to use the upper-hand to serve during our warm-up to act seh. then during the game, use the lower-hand. and this is assuming that we will get to play =P
all of us have promised to go into the game tomorrow as A TEAM. those who are on court, and those who are off court, as long as we're wearing the same jersey and we're passionate about the same game, we're one.
Zaihao said he wants to see 3 things in team volleyball tomorrow:
1. Confidence.
2. Fighting Spirit.
3. Aggressiveness.
let's hope we leave the court with no regrets tomorrow but full of zest for the next match.

oh how i love this game =)
though i'm not all that good. hope the passion makes up for the skills. =Pjanet at 10:56 PM
Friday, January 13, 2006
nothing much to say about the first week of school. so far all the modules i'm taking seem to be quite interesting.
janet at 10:49 PM
Monday, January 09, 2006

bakers' inn warm chocolate cake. $9.50. it's spelled bakerzin but i like it bakers' inn =P
janet at 4:25 PM
i noticed on tv when the camera zoomed in on the 2 planks that Venerable Shi Ming Yi was walking on at a great height to raise money for the Ren Ci charity show, that he was wearing timberland leather shoes.
yea, you can trust me to see such things.
anyway, good morning world!
it's first day of school and i'm down with a sore throat and runny nose. i brought the sore throat upon myself when i ate a lot of Daim chocolates while watching geisha. i'm sick even before CNY. i predicted that i'll fall sick AFTER CNY. anyhow, please take care everyone. the weather's shitty and there's this virus (the doctor always says it's the virus) going around. drink more water and eat more fruits and greens and try not to fall sick cuz CNY is just around the corner. =)
janet at 8:27 AM
Saturday, January 07, 2006
Memoirs of a Geisha

excellent story. brilliant movie.
4.7/5 coco crunches.
janet at 8:29 PM
Sunday, January 01, 2006
new year's eve was spent playing a friendly match with TJC, shopping with shaun at the branded sale and book fair, eating, playing black jack and reading 365 sex positions at ben's place. counted down to 2006 and received the new year popping party poppers. caught the Family Stone at 1.45am (2.5/5 coco crunches), hung around dhoby ghaut till 6am and headed home. not exactly what you'll call an exciting way to spend NYE and new year's day but it's the company that counts, and that's enough for me =)
as usual, i'm not going to set new year resolutions since no one tries hard enough to fulfill them, including me. i had an unofficial resolution to say less vulgarities. didn't happen. but that's just me. janet - vulgarities =/= janet.
alright, 2006!! it better be a great year with peace on earth. i hope nothing happens that'll ruin my trip to the US. it's the only major thing i'm looking forward to this year. well, perhaps graduation too.
i'm feeling old already.
janet at 6:00 PM