Saturday, December 31, 2005
enjoy the last of 2005.janet at 7:57 AM
Monday, December 26, 2005
boxing daywoke up early in the morning and headed down to siglap for breakfast with the girls. cartel's breakfast is filling! and it's pretty cheap, $6.95 for most of the dishes which includes a cup of tea/coffee. but cartel only serves breakfast on weekends and public holidays, which makes sense because there's no business for breakfast on weekdays when everyone's working and schooling.
i've gotten my birthday present from the girls and i love it because i fell in love with it when i went shopping for cindy's present. so now cindy and i have the same MNG jacket. i got a belt from them too! thanks girls =)
so i still have to choose my bag, wait for my rollerblades and a few belated presents i've yet to get. muahaha.. keep the presents coming!
anyway, METRO sale at the expo starts today. bras are cheap! triumph for like $9.90, $15, $20. cheap are the shoes and shirts for men too. the crazy thing is, i queued up for 45 minutes to pay. the queue was so winding it snaked all the way to the back of the hall and turned back to the front where the cashiers were, with more winding just before the cashiers. it's crazy. i thought the fitting room queue was bad but the payment queue was 10x worse. i estimate that the queue can go 2 rounds on the track, about 800m long.
so, boxing day. anybody wants to get boxed? just kidding. =P
janet at 6:38 PM
Sunday, December 25, 2005
my christmas entry for 2004 was a sad one, with me being depressed over my results. i'm happy to say that this semester is my best ever in NUS with regards to the grades i've gotten. so i know this christmas isn't going to be a sad one.
christmas holds a lot of special meaning to some people, and to me, it's a nice public holiday and an excuse to eat a lot. i spent my christmas eve shopping at ikea with my parents and then having "ma2 la4" steamboat with daryl, serene and shaun at bugis/beach road? the place is opposite shaw tower. there're 3 steamboat shops there, but do go to the one with the white signboard because that's the one i went. i really ate a lot cuz it's really nice and i had a huge appetite for i don't know what reason! it's super spicy and super shiok. caught the Chronicles of Narnia later on. the show is 2 hours and 20 minutes long. not really my kind of movie but it's not bad either. oh well, it's a children story. i'd give it a 2.5/5 coco crunches.
and so, christmas day! my mum pre-ordered a christmas set which includes a turkey, a bloody huge chunk of bacon and a log cake a few weeks ago and she collected them today. my relatives came over and it almost felt like we were celebrating christmas. i think i've never eaten a turkey before today even though my mum insisted i have. anyway, turkey tastes like chicken but the meat is tougher. tadah.
so in fact, i had an enjoyable christmas with lotsa great food and seeing old friends. =) thank Christ for the holiday.
janet at 6:46 PM
Merry Christmas peeps!
janet at 12:58 PM
Monday, December 19, 2005
Lena's treat @ Carlton Hotel
the treat took place some time in late november but these pictures just got uploaded. enjoy!! =)

FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD. please click to enlarge photo!!!. you have to check out the cakes and fondue! oh Carlton has the same fondue fountain as Plaza Parkroyal! cool huh. there's sashimi though i don't eat sashimi. check out the clams and oysters too.

blk comm 04/05!!

some of them began to fold their napkins into cranes and joey created a napkin bra. see how happy he is.

the house that hansel and gretal found in the forest must have looked something like this but much bigger. it's made of real bread and stuff! and how did we know? summer brushed some of the wall off and licked her finger and exclaimed "it's sweet!". =)

lena grabbing butt.

the blk comm girls. from front: lena, gladys, summer, me, mayn.

lena and the guys. guess whose laps she's sitting on?

merry christmas!
janet at 2:38 PM
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
the Alchemist is a great read, albeit short. the story revolves around a boy in search for his
destiny by following
omens. basically, the book says that "
when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you achieve it." all you have to do is to heed the omens, listen to your heart, understand the sun, wind and desert and you'll find your destiny, because everything is written by one hand. it's all optimistic and somewhat magical, and the story is really quite inspiring. i like it =)
isn't it nice if there's really such a thing as destiny? if there is, isn't it nice if all the universe conspires to help you achieve it?
alright, back to Roland and his search for the Dark Tower.
janet at 4:27 PM
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
pictures below are taken at marche for dessert for some, dinner for one and a jug of beer for 3. dinner at spageddies was *burp* filling. but there's always a little bit of space for dessert eh, if the wallet can take it =) . we're all fans of LOST. but we couldn't discuss because shaun is still at season 2 episode 1. hey hurry up man! =P

me & zixin. we have the same birthdate! (almost. zixin's a year older)

jm & shaun. (realized last night that jm doesn't smile into cameras. tsk.)
janet at 11:28 AM
Monday, December 12, 2005
it's monday. i woke up on my own at freaking nine aye am and hey,
NO MONDAY BLUES! it's the holidays and no one should wake up wanting to go back to sleep to avoid whatever's gonna hit you the rest of the day.
so i've got my day all planned out.
10am - 5pm = SLACK
5 - 6pm = bus auntie =/
6.30 pm = meet zixin and shaun! zixin is bringing shaun and me to eat pasta! =D haven't met her for a loooong time. going to have lots of catching up to do.
oh it's 10. i gtg slack. =D
janet at 9:52 AM
Sunday, December 11, 2005

the dog mayn fell in love with at pet safari. anybody can tell what's the breed? cuz we have no idea.

cotton's boyfriend. a normal winter white. while cotton is a pearl winter white. they get along quite well, just like hamham gets along well with delfi. he licks her ears sometimes =) how sweet is that!
janet at 10:05 PM
busy doing what?

janet at 11:24 AM
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Cotton baby
janet at 9:53 PM
Friday, December 09, 2005
cotton doesn't bite =) she's as cute as hamham, maybe even cuter. on her way back to hall on the cab, she lets me hold her in my palm and she doesn't move much and lets me stroke her till she dozed off. then she slept in my palm till we reached hall. veron and i bought her from serangoon north. was deciding between her and another hamster, but i picked her cuz the other bites. she's so adorable! will upload pictures of her when i do. going to get her a black boyfriend ;) did i mention cotton is a beautiful white baby girl? =D
we saw rabbits there too. and they were so adorable as well! $18 for local rabbits. veron was so tempted to buy a white based with brown patches rabbit but there's no where to rear him/her. hey, forgot to ask the shopkeeper how to tell the gender of rabbits. next time =)
janet at 11:14 PM
mayn tagged me. so i have to do this thingy. read on and find out who are the unfortunate 5 i'm going to tag.
Rules of the game:1. post 5 weird/random stuff abt yourself. 2. at the end, list the names of 5 ppl who you want next to do this and leave a comment "YOU ARE TAGGED" in their blogs and tell them to read your blog for rules! So here goes:1. i have a huge and ugly birth mark on my right knee. the patch was the size of a normal adult's palm when i was a cute little infant. but as i grew, the skin stretched and stuff so a normal person can't really see the birth mark that's about 2 palm sizes long unless i've become really fair or if you really observe my the slight colour difference between my knees.
2. i cry at movies. so i try not to watch sentimental shows in the cinema. the hardest i've cried in a cinema was watching armageddon. i was sobbing like a bloody baby, hiccuping and all. another incident was patch adams. i wore mascara and i came out looking like a zombie with dark eye rings. ALWAYS wear water-proof mascara to be safe.
3. i've only seen 2 shooting stars. once at beer garden at pasir ris beach, made a wish but it never came true. the other time was at ECP watching a meteor shower with jy and sarah. yea, i saw a pathetic shooting star at a meteor shower. the sun rise that morning was amazing by the way.
4. i haven't been on a plane since primary 6 when i went to Beijing. I WANT TO FLY! far far away.
5. my parents told me i sleepwalk when i was younger. especially in strange and unfamiliar places. the time when i was in China, we were sleeping in a hotel room and apparently i shook my mum up and asked her to pick up the phone that wasn't ringing. i was pretty insistent that the phone was ringing according to her. sounds like i was possessed. i probably freaked my mum out then. another incident happened at my old place. i woke up in the middle of the night and opened the main door and kept shaking the metal gate wanting to get out of the flat. instead of getting the gate opened, i woke the entire family up. spooky.
alright, that's all folks. nothing funny or anything. but mostly weird and random.
and the 5 unfortunate people are:
1. Shaun
2. Aaron (Ziyao)
3. Yuxin
4. Yizi
5. Cindyeh since most of the hall people have already been tagged by others, i'll tag on old friends. would've tagged on mel and twins and they don't update their blogs so often.
janet at 11:22 AM
Thursday, December 08, 2005
change lane without due care = fail.
fuck chris*topher h*.
i got the longest route, thanks to the first bugger who drew the lot. but it's alright, cuz i didn't even get to drive for more than 5 minutes on the road. the tester didn't let me complete the route. didn't expect the tester to be a fucker. well actually i knew he was a bloody cheebye in the circuit already.
i'm sore. angry. sad.
janet at 3:04 PM
Tuesday, December 06, 2005

all of us with the christmas tree outside Paragon. check out mel's corporate look in her blazer!

cindy's mocha. so pretty!

the 7 of us had 7 slices of cakes @ Baker's Inn which were all yummy! my favourite of the 7 is the strawberry cheesecake. =D
janet at 8:40 PM
Monday, December 05, 2005
what have i been up to? stood for 2 days at the sports & fitness expo, giving out lucky draw coupons and spotting cute guys (there weren't many btw). ate kenny rogers. ate Carl's Jr!! watched AeonFlux. ate ba chor mee. finished the Gunslinger book. checked out rollerblades. went midnight-cycling (on a GT bike with a cute little basket hehe) and blading at pasir ris park. wanted to eat 85's ba chor mee but they were sold out (yar SOLD OUT). and lots of driving lessons cuz i'm taking my TP this thursday.
i'm enjoying my hols so far! =D
and my laptop got fixed! the fan is spiiiiiniiiing again! thanks jm!
btw, AeonFlux is so-so only.
mayn, carl's jr is good! but expensive...
i'm looking forward to volleyball trainings to burn some fats that i've been building up since my exams ended. got to go jogging too.
going for pepper lunch with the jc girls for dinner later.
someone please remind me not to eat so much. thanks.
janet at 3:13 AM
Thursday, December 01, 2005
ever had the feeling where your eyes are so dry from the day, and you're just sitting in front of the computer clicking on whatever like skipping songs on the playlist cuz you're so sick of most of them, browsing through photos, surfing the net reading blogs and comics. basically you're doing useless and random stuff without an aim or clue because you're so bored and don't really feel like talking to anybody but just coop yourself up in your room. your body refuse to move to the bed and end the night even though it's 3am in the morning and the night is so dead and you feel pretty dead too. there's this book that you can read right by the bed but you don't feel like reading anything that requires a commitment to at least finish a chapter even though the chapters of the book are pretty short, plus reading makes the eyes feel all sour and tempts you into dreamland that's pretty dreamless these days.
ever get that?
janet at 3:35 AM