Tuesday, November 29, 2005
"there's millions of people out there. but in the end, it all comes down to one. i still panic sometimes, forget to breathe, but i know there's something beautiful in all my imperfections. the beauty which he held up for me to see. strength that can never be taken away."
the soundtrack is goooooood.
janet at 4:23 AM
Monday, November 28, 2005

janet at 3:48 PM
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Cindy's Belated Birthday Celebration
went over to mel's before heading over to cindy's cuz the twins were bringing their hair curler thingy (a dangerous weapon) to curl hair. i was late! but i was the earliest. then yizi came, so we bummed. then finally the twins arrived, so the hair curling session started. we were supposed to be cindy's place at 7.30, but we ended up reaching at 8.30. i didn't curl my hair cuz there wasn't enough time. =/ think yizi's and mel's scalp and ear got a bit burnt by jean when she was distracted by all the talking hehe. oh, did i mentioned the twins are back!!!???so we got a photo of all 7 of us!! 
initially, cindy had a "Uniform" theme, and her guests were supposed to turn up wearing uniforms, be it school, army, nurse, whatever uniforms. kinky cindy eh. but she made us all happy by scraping the theme on thursday night. we really don't have our school uniforms anymore anyway. so did cindy. haha.
anyway, yizi, yux and mel were saying that they are going to go back and tell their boyfriends what cindy's boyfriend gave her as a birthday present, and since i have no one to tell in particular, i'll tell everybody: SAMUEL IS BRINGING CINDY TO HONG KONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!samuel r0x.enjoy yourself babe, and come back safe!! =) janet at 2:40 PM
Friday, November 25, 2005
shaun couldn't have chosen a better timing to ask me out. he messaged me right after i stepped out of the examination hall where i took my last paper of the semester. didn't have any plans for the rest of the day cuz most of people still have papers. yaay, so i have someone to celebrate the end of my exams with!
we walked around takashimaya a bit, and browsed interestingly-designed mugs and piggy banks. had the Billy Bomber's All-Star Burger for dinner, and it was huge (for me, not for the hungry boy) but i still ate the whole Burger, cuz it was really scrumptious! this Burger deserves to have a captial B. =D had dessert at marche afterwards, and i still ate a bit of the mango crepes. i'm quite amazed by my appetite. must be the happy mood i was in. anyway, we were heading towards borders when i thought some psycho just attacked shaun from behind trying to strangle him to death for no whatever reasons, maybe to rob him of his chrome bag whom he treats like a baby. turned out to be glenn who has a beatles-hairdo with his girl. haven't seen him for ages, but he still looks the same, except for his hair, which looks quite... retro. hey, neil gaiman's 3 for 2 at borders!
all in all, i had a great night with great company who also got chatted up by the borders cashier by the way. HAHAHA. thank the angels for such a nice friend whom i can talk to about anything, and who's also cute and really shy (to cute stranger girls) =)

thanks shaun!
and remember to pass zixin her present =P
janet at 3:59 AM
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
i can't say i hate the weather, because it's hardly ever so cold in sunny singapore. i should enjoy the chill while it last eh. but i just can't stand rainy days. and rainy nights. it's been drizzling the whole freaking day since last night. i'm freezing in my hostel room i swear. my fan was off since last evening. i just turned it up a notch because i drank vico + nestum which kinda made me felt quite warm. btw, vico or milo + nestum is a damn delicious drink! i mean, chocolate malt cereal drink, just thinking about it makes me feel like making another cup to keep me warm and fuzzy!! *slurps* anyway, back to the freezing weather. i need some sunlight. it felt like evening the whole day so i kept taking naps unintentionally. i've napped about 3 times tonight... damn it. *yawn*
this is the slackest exam period i've ever experienced with only 2 papers to take. hey, i'm not complaining =) please don't be envious of my slack timetable and number of exams i gotta take. cuz i really can't help it if level 3000 business modules are mostly non-examinable, but are hard on projects and assignments. i'm going to disclaim now that next semester will be an even slacker semester cuz i'll only be doing 4 modules instead of the usual 5. =D
i'm currently doing revision for my 2nd paper, i.e. my last paper. i'm doing mind maps to help me better remember the points so i can write long long essays. problem is, it's pretty silly to be doing mind maps 2 days before the exam cuz firstly it's time consuming, and secondly, the mind maps will effectively exist for only 1 or 2 days before they'll be useless to me.
to all who are having exams now, or are going to have their exams, janet sincerely wishes you all the best!!
[listening to: the view by Modest Mouse]
Life it rents us.
And yeah I hope it put plenty on you.
Well I hope mine did too.
As life gets longer, awful feels softer.
Well it feels pretty soft to me.
And if it takes shit to make bliss,
then I feel pretty blissfully.
janet at 3:14 AM

janet at 12:15 AM
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
The CMI Addtional Mathematics Students from HSH...
... no more (after tuition)!!from left: me, sarah, agnes, jy, dominic.
taken on agnes's birthday celebration
janet at 12:47 AM
Monday, November 21, 2005

janet at 4:31 PM
Saturday, November 19, 2005

janet at 9:24 PM
i see naps as second chances to make the day good or even better.janet at 12:21 AM
Thursday, November 17, 2005

well, these are not all i got..
thanks peeps!!
janet at 10:00 PM
daniel saved my poor life!! he lent me his laptop cooling pad, and it's working like a miracle!! watched rain's video and played mp3 and opened a lot of applications and there's no error message to lag my laptop!
omg i sure am exhilirated!!
you don't know how it feels to switch on your laptop and work on it for a while and have the sonofabitch error coming up at least 10 times one night. @*(!&@*(!&#(@#
jianming, i need an opinion. should i go down to sls after my exams to let your friend open up this lousy piece of shit and see if he can get the fan moving again, or should i just get my hands on a cooling pad?
the cooling pad works, but doesn't completely solve the problem. managed to watch 2 trailesr of Just Like Heaven then the error came up again. well at least i won't get the error so easily.
janet at 1:29 AM
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
to a friend who is my bestest friend in haising (sarah you're my bestest too!), who is a day younger than i am and who shared my ups and downs in secondary school...

may the 3 of us still be wishing one another happy birthday when we are 70...
hope you have a fabulous birthday in australia... =)
janet at 12:06 AM
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Twenty-One with My Dear Block Mates
i had a cheesecake! =) my block mates they sang me a very loud and fast tempo-ed birthday song. think it's the study season that's why everyone's rushing somewhere. but actually they were just waiting for me to get a big splash. bleah.
aaron, you're so sweet!! thank you for the "book" you made me with your little story about me. i'm so touched! you almost made me tear! but i tear in front of so many people lar, quite embarassing. if not you can add a page into your book also, after the page where it says i cry at soppy movies. thank you aaron!
had a combined dinner treat with eunice to treat the gang. it was good, better than eating uncle vincent's food. heh...
thanks everybody for the birthday wishes. may all your wishes for me come true hahaha.
janet at 8:26 PM
Twenty-One with a dinner at Plaza Parkroyal *BURP*
yizi is such a darling.. she suggested (actually her daddy suggested cuz he's the one with the membership. her dad is so thoughtful!! *grin*) dinner at plaza parkroyal on sunday night to celebrate my 21st, so we got a pretty good discount. cindy and yuxin couldn't join us because they're in the midst of the exams. and the twinsies are an ocean away, but they're coming back real soon!
let's all go pepper lunch after the exams and when the twins come back! and yar, to cindy's birthday party too haha.
anyway, dinner was fantastic... i loved the drunken prawns!! the soup was heavenly. i love soup. i only had 1 bowl of sharks' fin soup but i downed 2 bowls of drunken prawn soup!! yar, that's just to let you all know how delicious the drunken prawn soup was.
it's a taboo to say that you're full at a buffet according to yizi. so we kept saying "wah i'm soooo hungry i caaaan't wait to eat the fondue. yizi, would you hurry up and take the photo so we can all start eating cuz we're really soooo hungry." and the fondue was great =)
thank you mel and zi for asking me out to dinner. it means a lot to me =)

yizi and mel bought me a cake, and i love the sweet intention of a surprise cake =) even though it wasn't surprising as the waitress and waiter cocked up twice. i really like the birthday cake plate but i can't bring it home *sulk*... thank you sweeties... *hug*
janet at 11:10 AM
Twenty-One with the Tangs
my parents brought me to eat fish steamboat on saturday to celebrate my birthday. don't feel sad for me, i could've protested about the fish, but i thought since my parents like to eat fish steamboat, just agree lar. it's not often we eat out together anyway. =) the soup was nice, and so were the rest of the other non-fish dishes. they love meeeeee... =)
my coffee cake...
janet at 3:12 AM
Saturday, November 12, 2005
A blessed life
is what I have,
and all I can ever ask for.
I want to feel this way forever.
janet at 1:31 AM
Thursday, November 10, 2005
the last surviving hamster died this morning.
hue: no leh, i don't think anyone saw the mummy giving birth. and no one touched it. i suspect it's if anyone saw her giving birth or touched the babies or her, she would've eaten the babies straight away. but they were already moving around and growing fur.
oh well. RIP hammies.
i just had my 10% quiz.
20 multiple choice questions for 5 marks.
and choose 2 out of 4 "essay" questions for 5 marks.
in effect, i could only choose 2 out of 3 questions because i'm forbidded to 1 of them because it was the case i did.
and why the hell do you want to test the students on case presentations?? so i crapped because i can't remember a single shit the other groups presented because they didn't give out any materials to refer anyway. well, lucky for the rest, my group was the last to present this semester and we even gave out notes (tiny dummy guides) and one of the question was on our case.
it's probably unfair to me, and my group. but heck. it's only 5 marks.
sorry i just had to rant.
janet at 8:46 PM
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
one of my neighbours, serene, her hamster gave birth to 5 babies last week. today, there's only 1 baby left. 1 died last night, and 3 died today. they're about 2 weeks old already. at least the mummy hamster didn't eat them up. she probably cannot anyway, since they're quite big and growing a bit of fur already. some who died had wounds on them. i guess she bit them. or maybe they just passed away and she nudged them too hard trying to wake them up =( the last surviving hammie has a wound at its neck. and it's a bit bloody all over. don't think it's going to surivive. the mummy seems depressed. spasming once in a while. sigh.
my hamham can't get delfi pregnant. but delfi seems to be fatter these days. she could be pregnant, but not with hamham's hammies. with the mummy hamster's husband, oompah. veron (delfi's owner) thought since oompah has proven himself fertile by getting mummy hamster pregnant with 5 babies, should let delfi have a chance with him. and so they screwed a bit. but she bled. so we stopped them from screwing. and now she's fatter. pregnant? well if she is, it just serves to prove my hamham impotent. which i won't get too upset about. i still love ham anyways.
delfi's fur is getting from bad to worse. she's been dropping fur from her bottom, and now she has a bare patch at the buttocks. bet she feels cold at night. hope her fur condition gets better. she's really cute. hamham and delfi belong together. they can get along so well in one cage.
hamsters. they all go to heaven when they die. just like dogs and some rabbits.
janet at 1:37 AM
Sunday, November 06, 2005
yizi's party theme is purple.. so there.. yux, me, yizi (birthday girl), mel, cindy (in a lighter shade of purple) & jeff (who claims he's wearing dark purple lol)
the very delicious chocolate mint tea cake!! it's from prima deli. and it's really very nice!
dear yizi's turning 21 tomorrow, on a very special date... 7-11 =)
evil people laughing at yizi after getting cake smashed in her face by her secondary school buddies. actually, i was probably laughing somewhere else not caught on the camera =Pwe bought yizi a purple bag, a brown tank top, a purple halter top, a pair of boxer-shorts, 2 really cute pairs of underwear and a very pretty pair of slippers. cindy and i went last minute shopping but we were damn efficient haha. but we were still the latest to arrive at yizi's place =P sorry about that babe! but she still loves us lar =)
*MUACKS* yizi!
janet at 10:43 PM
Saturday, November 05, 2005
palm-sized headmet up with so many old friends whom i've not been in contact with ever since i stopped IRCing (days of #hsh) and ever since haising days. people like jw, daryl, jm, meow.. jm affirmed that my head is still palm-sized.. =)
dominic came too.. and he's still the same with his contagious laughter. the only thing different about him are the 2 tattoos. damn cool.
of coz, my 2 closest friends sarah and agnes. it was agnes's birthday chalet that i went to by the way. agnes's brothers, jeremy and eugene grew!! eugene is damn guai. he was at our beck and call, serving us chicken wings, satay and drinks. and he was only so small 5 years ago. time flies, and children grow, and they forget about me totally. =T
i had tear building up in my eyes as i was leaving when agnes's mum was reminiscing the good old days where sarah, agnes and i were close and we always hung at agnes's place cuz it's near haising. =( it's quite sad.. but it warms me to know that auntie remembers me..
agnes is 1 day younger than me.. but cuz she's leaving for australia on the 8th, so she's having an early celebration. have fun agnes =) and remember to buy me stuff! *muacks back* =)
i realize i really love agnes and sarah. and i truly miss my old friends..
janet at 4:58 AM
Friday, November 04, 2005

my left ear: 3 ear holes

my right ear: 4 ear holes
ok, here's an attempt to do some math.
soon it'll be 7-4=3.
i've decided to let the extra 2 ear holes on each ear to seal up forever. so i'll remove the earrings on my 21st birthday, and i'll be left with 3 ear holes. i'm keeping the ear ring hole on my right ear cuz it bears some sentimental value.
how cool is that. when someone ask me what am i going to do for my 21st birthday, i can say i'm gonna let my ear holes close. =)
janet at 1:53 AM
Thursday, November 03, 2005

meet jung ji hoon =) aka rain.

i don't like precipitation. but i love rain. hope this clarifies things. =D
janet at 1:19 PM
Wednesday, November 02, 2005

for the hall people who don't know what we bought lena, the wallet above, is what we bought her =)
lena just turned 21 on 1st november. she invited us to her place and we had a "lunch party". hehe, it's a nice gathering on a deepavali holiday. oh, and her nick now is deepavalena. she's so funny.. heh
going to attend agnes's party on friday, then yizi's on saturday. busy busy weekend. cindy's party is coming up too. i think there'll be no more parties for me in december. and then it'll be the end of the year of the 21st-s. so how do i feel? i hate growing old that's all. we'll all be 22 next year, what the hell.
anyway, i went to update my passport photo today at the ICA building in lavendar. surprisingly, it only took 10 minutes to get everything done. the efficiency was beyond expectations. i thought since i was there, might as well go update my IC photo, cuz it's a bloody pri 6 me on my IC lar. learnt that it'll require $60 to change the photo. but if i've turned 30, i can get it done for free. so i decided to wait. either till i turn 30, or when i lose my IC. well, time flies. 10 years will pass and i'll get to look 30 on my IC. =(
haven't been feeling well. there's something that's hurting above my stomach and below my chest. it hurts when i breathe in. and sometimes it feels like my heart skipped a few beats faster and i can actually really feel it. feels like the heart is pumping really hard and deep trying to push the blood into the valve or something. bleah. maybe i'll see a doctor this weekend. but what am i suppose to tell him?
there's something about U2's songs i can't put my finger to it. they make me see my surroundings in a more appreciative manner. the other time, it made me feel that life was great and i was happy the rest of the day. and today, i saw lots of diamonds shining and sparkling on the windows, and they were so pretty. =)
[listening to: crumbs from your table by U2]
janet at 8:56 PM
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
10 reasons why i dislike the rain:
1. the splattering of the rain (at night) against the windows makes it hard for me to fall asleep
2. it makes me don't want to get out of bed in the morning (but i don't really wanna get out of bed every morning so...)
3. all the colours of the world become so dull
4. it makes me dull
5. the rainwater soaks up my feet and sometimes my jeans making it wet and uncomfortable at the ankle area
6. i'm shy to say this but i get lonely when it rains cuz i have no one to cuddle and snuggle under the covers with
7. people get drenched.
8. the clothes get wet and i get scoldings from my mum for not bringing the bloody bamboo poles in
9. it makes not wanna go out. and if i do, i have to carry the bloody umbrella.
10. when it rains unexpectedly and you get trap somewhere under a tiny shelter forever and that sucks.
i guess i can go on and on about why i don't like rain. but sometimes, i do love the rain. and when i do, i'll try to remember to post the reason why.
but what a way to start the month of sweet november. a bloody heavy downpour.
janet at 2:31 AM