Monday, October 31, 2005
was home flicking channels when i caught kelly clarkson's mtv. it's a great song, about how kelly clarkson's life is so alike her mum's, and she's trying her darndest not to be like her mum. it's pretty sad. go watch it online or something.
I watched you die
I heard you cry
Every night in your sleep
I was so young
You should have known better than to lean on me
You never thought of anyone else
You just saw your pain
And now I cry
In the middle of the night
For the same damn thing
Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt
Because of you
I tried my hardest just to forget everything
Because of you
I don't know how to let anyone else in
Because of you
I'm ashamed of my life because it's empty
Because of you
I am afraid[listening to: because of you by Kelly Clarkson]
janet at 12:44 PM
Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Birds are pictured at the Bahia de Cadiz natural park in Cadiz, Spain.
janet at 12:31 PM
Sunday, October 23, 2005
don't get mad.
don't get even.
get ahead.janet at 8:47 PM
Saturday, October 22, 2005
the reason why i woke up before the sun did was to go to the roadshow presentation and interview for Work and Travel USA. we arrived so early that weiyee, veron and i were number 8, 9 and 10 in the queue for the interview. damn kiasu right.
damn a lot of shearites are going for WAT, but to different places. some are going to Alaska, some are going to Florida, and also New Jersey.
we're going to Richmond, Virginia for the summer and we'll be working as theme park operators for Paramount King's Dominian park. coincidentally, zaihao, ziqian and weijie are going to Paramount too. what is really creepy is we're all volleyballers, as pointed out by the upcoming SWAT (Sheares Work and Travel) chairperson, ziqian.
i hope this really come true for us. =)
[listening to: ghost by Howie Day]
janet at 9:00 PM
good morning world.
i woke up before the sun did today.
why can't i choose my font type and colour on blogger anymore?
i have a mid-term on monday worth 20% when the term is way past the middle for quite some time already.
yawn.. it's nice and quiet in the morning. =)
janet at 6:50 AM
Thursday, October 20, 2005
it's so difficult to wake up these days... bloody cold weather.
[listening to: first week by Graham Colton Band]
I've been up and down your street calling your house
I won't wait up till you get home
i just maybe better off alone
The first time how we slept with the light on
and the sun's comin up and we woke up on the floor
all the things that you feel that I can't describe
why can't it be...
The first night how we slept with the light off
All the stars shine above
And all our clothes are on the floor
All the things that I feel that I can't describe
Why can't it be like the first week?janet at 11:37 AM
Tuesday, October 18, 2005

HAHAHAHAHA. i thought this was damn funny lar. =)
janet at 1:31 AM
Sunday, October 16, 2005
met up with yizi today to do some shopping in orchard. but the weather sucks. it rained, and rained, and rained.
but the cool thing was we had pepper lunch, for lunch! hahhaha.

yizi ordered salmon rice... looks good doesn't it?

my beef rice!
we thought the serving was huge when the food was served, but we still finished everything leaving the pan clean. it was very nice! we ate the cheapest orders there, $8.80 each, but that's without GST. it's worth it man. yum. hey cindy, you drooling yet? haha.. let's go out sometime together when everyone's free k? (i'm being optimistic haha... everyone's so busy liao) hopefully before all our exams start. dinner one weekend at east coast or something lar. =)
i forgot to mention that the shoe mender in far east plaza has a really sarcastic attitude. well i'm really grateful to him for fixing my zipper back on to my windbreaker (pressie from the hall peeps). $6 = my gratitude. but this bugger, he's really damn irritating. tmd. i think he's somewhere around my age. but that doesn't mean he can come sialan someone whose windbreaker's zipper dropped out from using the damn dryer right. asshole. he even taught me how to zip/unzip my windbreaker. cuz apparently there's a spring in my zip and there's a certain way to zip/unzip.
well, just an advice i would like to pass on to the hall peeps who washes their windbreakers and jackets with zippers, to zip up your clothes, turn it inside out, before washing and drying. well, if you don't and your zipper comes off, look for the shoe mender in far east cuz he's really good at fixing your zipper back and even better at dissing people.]
janet at 10:34 PM
Friday, October 14, 2005
just learnt that i need to pay 3000 bucks upfront if i decide to go for work and travel for the summer holidays by this december. where am i going to get 3000 bucks? my parents won't have that kind of money to give me by this december. i doubt they'll allow me to go cuz it's so expensive. sigh. my hopes for a summer holiday (cum graduation trip) is quite dashed. i don't even have savings of my own to pay for a holiday. not to mention that i need a new computer system cuz my laptop is quite dead. and i asked for a camera from my parents for my birthday present. i think i'm gonna get my camera. but the $3000 is really too much to ask for.
sian. is there any way to earn quick bucks? don't give me suggestions like prostitution or i'll slap your bloody face.
janet at 2:24 PM
Monday, October 10, 2005
in love with...
janet at 2:25 AM
Sunday, October 09, 2005
a few weeks ago, i heard my neighbour playing a song on repeat and it reminded me of old times. you know how some songs that you've not heard for a thousand years, can bring back memories when you happen to hear them playing somewhere... on your playlist, or on the radio.. or even on your neighbour's speakers.
the memories came flooding back. i could almost fully recall the feelings. but you can never feel exactly the same way you felt a long time ago. or maybe you can. but i don't want to. it's pointless. but yes, it's the aching feeling in the heart.
i've actually decided for quite some time already, that i won't give it a shot, i'll let it pass. i'm never going to find out what went wrong, and why it was so easy. i want to know, but i'm not going to find out. cuz i was the one who screwed it up. i can't face my own mistake, and there's no way i can make up for it. it'll be a lie to deny i'm gonna think about this once in a while and feel stupid, cuz i will never be able to let it all go. not that i don't want to. i can't. but i'll try to remember my decision and live with it.
so put your arms around me...
make me believe...
take me, take me somewhere...
let me believe...
cuz only time can take you...
so stop.janet at 9:09 PM
Friday, October 07, 2005
i wanna throw glass bottles at the wall, hurl vulgarties, punch my pillow, slam my laptop, squeeze a stressball, scream my throat out, pull my hair out, break a lead pencil, tear up papers, blast music till my eardrums burst, plunge myself into a pool of plastic balls.
cuz i'm fucking frustrated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
can you hear me screaming on the inside?
janet at 1:54 AM
Thursday, October 06, 2005
laptop woes.
the same problem i had during the holidays is back. everytime i have too many things running, an error message pops up and says "Warning: A problem with the cooling system has been detected. Please turn off the computer immediately, and return it for service." then my laptop runs super slowly after that. so slow that i basically can't do anything except restart it and hope the message doesn't appear so soon to slow down my laptop again. help.
i'm currently watching Full House, a korean drama, and i love it. i love the lead actor, rain something something. he's not good-looking, but his character is soooo adorable. actually, he's quite a punk. but a nice and kind guy at heart. he's so cute... but so fair...

the tv season is back for gilmore girls, smallville, lost and O.C. =) and suddenly life becomes slightly better with tv shows.
janet at 8:20 PM
Saturday, October 01, 2005
sometimes, i just don't understand. it's weird. i'm weird.
i'm blogging from home. with a plate of grapes beside my computer. and the air-con at 20 degrees.
feeling bored. i've been searching online for an article to do my assignment which is due on monday, but i just can't find a suitable one. not quite sure what to do now, cuz i didn't bring my textbook home. thought maybe i should study for my surprise test on monday, but i'm just too lazy to do so cuz i've studied the whole of last night for a surprise test that i thought i would have this morning. well, didn't happen.
pre-empting suprise test isn't really my hobby. and i haven't been very good at it. BUT i really think there's gonna be 1 this monday. argh... there better be 1... cuz i'm planning to study really hard for it.
since i'm bored and stuff, let me blog about my past week.
shit. i don't have anything interesting to tell.
i don't have a bloody life.
well, cling asked on the tagboard "nothing interesting?" think that's a hint to blog about "The Adventure of Moving Cling's Fucking Huge Fridge".
think it was thursday. i received a call from jermaine at around 8pm. she whispered to me over the phone to keep the 1,2,3,4,5 hamsters that were residing in our corridor cuz the resident fellow was coming around to spotcheck on fridges. in hall, if you own a fridge, you're required to pay $60 an academic year. cuz of the high electricity usage as a result. so as usual, there'll be people who tries to evade this payment and illegally own a fridge. hence the need for a spotcheck. so i recalled that cling has this humongous fridge in his room, and daniel owns 1 too. i quickly hid all the 1,2,3,4 hamster cages and raaaan to level 4 and barged into cling's and daniel's rooms and saw that they didn't have the stupid sticker that says that they've declared the fridges. so i raaaan up to level 5 (my level) and saw jermaine frantically trying to unplug her air-con. then bryan came to the rescue and hid the air-con in the kitchen. so jermaine and i raaaaan to level 6 to look for guys to help shift cling's fridge (did i mention the fridge is fucking huge?). well, serm and hatta were busy playing Dota or something. got linghan and we raaaaan to level 4 again and made a mess of cling's rm and pushed that fucking huge fridge to the lounge (which was right next to his room. thank goodness.) by then, the whole block was in motion, either running up and down to inform everyone about the spotcheck, or helping people shift fridges.
if you're confused. don't be. basically, helping cling shift his huge fridge was the most exciting thing that happened to me the past week.
oh, and watching hamham and delfi (hamsters) having sex for 3 times in a night was pretty interesting too.]
janet at 12:46 PM