Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Jermaine's 21st @ Goodwood Park Hotel

table with the wedding couple. i mean, the birthday girl.

girls, with a handsome harold.

guys being gay.

guys being gay. with jermaine, the brithday girl!

girls... actually her party has a bohemian theme... but... we weren't really dressed to her theme haha.

acers @ jermaine's 21st
janet at 9:38 AM
Thursday, September 22, 2005
GOOD MORNING WORLD!!i would like to declare that this mid-term holiday SUCKS. sucks to the freaking core. imagine waking up everyday before 10am. ok, i guess a lot of you all wake up before 10am but it's really horrible for me cuz i usually don't wake up early and it's the freaking holidays! people sleep in during the hols and do nothing all day. maybe it only applies to the 14 year olds and below but what the heck. my mid-term break sucks.
didn't go home last weekend cuz of project. i'm gonna go home tonight after meeting weili. i hope he's meeting me. cuz i really need to go out, and i haven't treated him his birthday dinner which i promised i would a month ago. then it's jerm's birthday party on friday, and sarah's birthday chalet on saturday. it's gonna be helluva weekend.
let's hope the world doesn't end for me today. i've got a presentation and i'm like only 70% prepared and i get the feeling that i'm gonna get shot down by questions from the class later.
janet at 9:42 AM
Sunday, September 18, 2005
From CelicaGT4, to me...

ice-cream sticks form a heart shape on my door. post-its with my name stuck on the wall.
the lift door with my name.... the heart is complete when the door's closed.

message in a tiny bottle with 3 saga seeds.
a stalk of lily!
I *heart* JANET at the courtyard.
aik painted a banner for me =)
meet pipoh, ashley (the runaway pig) and boy-boy!
aik strung JANET MY DREAM COME TRUE across blk A and blk B... =)
shiny paper cranes to decorate my room... they're very pretty!
shoebox of photographs with sepia tone loving...
shoebox on my table =)
janet at 3:47 AM
For my Buaya, CelicaGT4...

if you love me, you must love ham too.
star-wind-chime i made for celicaGT4 in the lift.

I *heart* U

message to celicaGT4...

a message on corrugated plastic of paper clip hearts

C E L I C A G T 4 on stars

gigantic card... with wang zai xiao man tou! and a wine glass of stars, saga seeds and maomao heart sticks for gt4 when he hung up the cranes in my room.
janet at 3:35 AM
For Andy, my Buayee...
(content may be disturbing) 
Andy, if i were winzip, i'd unzip u. Love. Bytes.

i cut out stars and formed a heart shape on his door.
me pasting jelly around a heart-shaped tetra pack that says ANDY and a love note.
Andy, you are my hard ware. Love, Bytes. Andy, Fix me (computer). Love, Bytes.
Andy, wish u're a ram... with huge horns. Love, Bytes.

Andy, you are my hard ware. Love, Bytes.
janet at 3:11 AM
Friday, September 16, 2005
celicagt4 put up shiny paper cranes in my room this afternoon while i was in school. they're very pretty!! the cranes are dancing to the wind now... haha...
so it's finally revealed who this mysterious CelicaGT4 is... the whole world knows who he is while i was kept in the dark. even hazel from blk C told me she knows who my buaya is. well, it's aik hoe, this year 1 guy who's really very sweet to me this week =)
he made me a CelicaGT4 out of cardboard!! and a bracelet that says my name and another message in a tiny bottle with another 3 saga seeds. power leh... hehe... and he won the title Buaya King 2005!! he beat ben (another year 1 who's really siao-on this buaya week too) to the title... *fwah* and so he got a buaya king pillowcase as a prize =)
can't wait to get all the photos to show off. hahahhahaa.
buaya week's over!! but shit, i still haven't started studying for biz policy.
janet at 3:46 AM
Thursday, September 15, 2005
14/9 wedwoke up in the morning to see ben and daniel and some strange girl at the lift lobby. daniel asked me if i knew what happened during the time i was sleeping. DUH. of course i don't know lar. i was preparing to go freshen up then ben pulled me to the stairway railing... i wasn't wearing my glasses, so i looked down to the courtyard and saw I *heart* JANET. hrmz, that's nothing new, still beautiful nonetheless. so i looked up and saw "JANET MY DREAM COME TRUE" strung with rafia string tied from across blk A and blk B and it was at my eye level.... meaning it's hung 5 storeys high across the freaking court yard in the air!! ok, actually i couldn't really see the words cuz i wasn't wearing my glasses remember? ben had to read out to me.. haha. it's really amazing... you people have to see the photos...
so after i washed up, i went to admire that piece of hard work with a clearer sight. boy am i touched. everybody i saw talked about how lucky i am to get buaya-ed by GT4. indeed, i'm damn lucky.
came back from project meeting to find a "shoebox of sepia tone loving".... it's a shoebox with photographs of me (mainly) in sepia tone... and potpourri, and lots of loving... think GT4 saw my nick before buaya week which says "our dreams, are made up of real things... shoebox of photographs with sepia tone loving..." i was really really beyond words.
revelation's gonna happen tomorrow over dinner. can't wait to find out who's this person who has showered me so much with artworks of love. and then i can finally sit down and study for my biz policy test this coming saturday........
janet at 3:47 AM
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
MOVED BEYOND WORDS..janet at 11:28 AM
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
tues 13/9got a soft toy pig called ashley from celicaGT4. and a hippo and hamster from Pipoh and Boy-Boy respectively (i think) too. the soft toys are damn cute! also receieved a buaya week CD compilation 2 from the official buaya. forgot to mention that i had buaya week CD compilation 1 on saturday. the CDs are very pretty!! they're the tiny CDs with love songs... mr GT4 also set up a hotmail account and added me to msn... very effortful... ben & jerry's ice-cream, with a stalk of cherry for supper. tmd.. i'm being spoilt here. but i ain't complaining!
wed 14/9 12:00amHAPPY BIRTHDAY
Pan Yi Hui Summer
Goh Jia Yuan
Hong Ziyao Aaron
may the 3 of u have a great day... =)
janet at 11:06 AM
monday 12/9woke up to find a stalk of lily at my door, with a message from CelicaGT4 saying "hey, you never write to me alr?" dotdotdot, i made him power dinosaur with cherries last night lor. anyway, so i went to wash up and i saw a banner 1-storey long hanging from the railing opposite (again, for the whole of blk A to see). it says "janet my angel" with a girl face drawn on it. i swear i almost died. cuz it's so shocking and i kinda like pleasant shocks i.e. surprises. =P he should win the Buaya King 2005 man.
came back to hall from classes and saw 2 A4-size paper in the lift written by Pipoh and Boy-Boy. apparently they're my extra buayas. the things they wrote are quite funny. told them to "banana off" and hung a banana in the lift.
then i had moshi ice-cream from GT4 at night.
are you all envious yet? haha...
CELICAGT4, if you read my blog, YOU ARE THE ROX!
janet at 12:02 AM
Monday, September 12, 2005
friday 9/9buaya week opening. it's a hall-wide event where every block will play the angel and mortal game. or secret pal. everybody has a buayee to buaya. so everyone will get buaya-ed by someone. it's a very big and show-off event where the buayas make huge banners and write super-mushy things to declare their "love" for their buayees. buayaing also includes giving food and drinks and nice little (somethings gigantic) gifts and decorating the room or corridor or the lift for the buayee. yar, you get the idea lar =)
saturday 10/9my buaya (the person who's buayaing me) stuck ice-cream sticks with my name on them and formed a huge shape of a heart on my door with a message in a really tiny bottle with 3 saga seeds. plus he hung strung-together rubberbands along the ceiling of my corridor on level 5 short wing with my name on book-mark-postits on the rubberbands. there's post-its with my name all over the walls within 5-m from my room. and the nicest thing is, there's a huge piece of paper with my name in a heart stuck inside the door of the lift. so when the door closes, the heart is complete =)
sunday 11/9i came back to hall and found a pack of hersheys kisses on my door. the best part is my buaya cut out "I *heart* JANET* from tetrapack (the material to package those packet drinks) and placed the letters in the courtyard for the whole of blk A to see. damn nice lar!! and i got apple strudel for supper with cocoa powder on the plate that says my name. how sweet =)
buaya week rox when i have a nice buaya =)
will try to post some photos up.. at the end of buaya week. cuz it may be difficult for you people to imagine. ah kow, it's the perfect week to come sheares for a visit!! be shocked!! haha... out!
janet at 1:23 AM
Saturday, September 10, 2005
gonna kick ah ju's asssaturday started off with bowling at Bukit Panjang Centre (or was it Complex? or Shopping Centre?) whatever lar. it's a mr-zhou-wencong-organized-bowling-inter-block-game for the hall. arrived there at 10am++ and saw the stage for Project Superstar and there were about 30 odd people in the queue when the "superstar" thingy only starts at 8pm. most of them were teenagers. they were sitting and reading mags, or sleeping. i think i saw a biz policy classmate in the queue too. quite amusing. anyways, back to bowling. i broke my personal record (101 last year) and achieved (yes, quite an achievement) 104 points for my second game! whooooppppaaaaaaaaay!!
driving was alright...
had dinner with mel, yizi and yuxin at coffee club @ siglap and i really enjoyed it. food was ok, the muddy mud pie was yummy! thanks mel for treating us dessert =) maybe we didn't have anything to update on our lives, so we chatted about school and random stuffs like gender(yizi's an expert btw) and hurricane. but it was refreshing for me even though school is such a boring topic, cuz i haven't been out with friends other than hall peeps for very long. and it's just very nice lor =)
so i wondered who named the hurricane Katrina. we had no idea. yizi explained why hurricanes/typhoons are named after the female: cuz the weather is as unpredictable as we are. apparently, it's really for that reason that hurricanes are named that way.
i decided i had quite a great day.
i came home, and my mum complained that my dear brother formatted the computer and it's now running on Windows ME and there's no MS office installed. i was planning to do my service journal assignment and print out surveys but dammit, i can't do anything!! plus my brother isn't at home for me to scream at so i called him up to ask if he could get me Office CD tonight or else i can't do my work. but he bloody replied me rudely like "cannnoooooot". "go download laaaaaa". "you format and install xp yourself laaaaaaaaaaa". and that totally ruined my night. i'm gonna kick his ass when he gets home later. that )!@)*@)(#*!)(@*)(!*#)(#*)*$@*)@$.
the download is so slow. i can't do my work. and i'm feeling irritated. must be the stress. argh.
janet at 11:20 PM
Thursday, September 08, 2005
i'm here to rant about school work, and to wish aaron loh aka laggist a happy birthday.
school sucks. projects a bitch. i've been dozing off at every single lesson this week and i've been dozing off at every 3 hour sectional business class since school reopened and i just can't pay attention. maybe i should just quit sleeping late. but i can't help feeling sleepy in the day and more awake at night. fuck man. this is fucking irritating.
projects. my landscapes project is kinda stuck, even when we haven't even started on it. my services marketing project on recommend-a-friend programs is due in exactly 2 weeks time, DURING THE FUCKING MID TERM BREAK. the report and presentation is on the thursday of the fucking mid term which means i don't have a mid term break for that module. IT SUCKS. but what sucks the most is we might need to request for an extension of deadline for the report. and i'm one of the presentors and i really think we may screw this project up big time.
alright, cool down janet.
HAPPY 23rd BIRTHDAY AARON LOH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!janet at 11:42 PM
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
this entry is dedicated to this big boy whom i've known for *counts with fingers* 9 years now. he was short, bespectacled, and even wore braces. now, how cute was he?? =) as he grew taller, he also became better looking. but he's a really shy person... he stutters when he speaks to girls, but i think that's quite cute too. thanks for talking and listening for the past 9 years. still remember the days spent icqing, mircing, talking about i-don't-what but that sure kept us busy at night online. though we're now busy with our own lives now, let's try to meet up sometime alright? think it has been more than a year since we've met. happy twenty-first my dear friend... Shaun =)so what present you want? =Pjanet at 12:32 AM
Tuesday, September 06, 2005

this is where i want to be....
janet at 2:35 AM
Sunday, September 04, 2005
have you ever typed an entry and decided that it's all stupid and deleted everything?
that always happen to me.
janet at 1:16 AM