Wednesday, August 31, 2005

my timetable this semester. hmmm... doesn't look that slack right? i mean, i have 2 days ending at 6pm. and i always feel sleepy with afternoon classes. but it beats waking up early for morning classes.
janet at 5:20 PM
Monday, August 29, 2005
i'm sunburnt. about 10 random people (plus minus 2) commented that i'm damn black. i didn't dare to go to school. but i went anyway. and i'm glad i went for my Organizational Effectiveness class cuz there was a surprise quiz that's worth 10% and i'm prolly gonna get 1 mark.
why am i sunburnt? cuz i played hockey, touch rugby and swam over the weekend for inter-block games. why did i play those games? cuz there weren't enough players and swimmers and i can't bear to see my block losing by walking over. what the fuck right. i won't deny that i'm disappointed with the support and my block mates, and i show it. you might ask me why don't i just heck the block and do what's important like be home with my family and rest for the weekend, or catching up on school work? i just can't bring myself to heck IBG. think of the blockmates who also sacrificed their time and family and maybe school work. but i just can't help feeling disappointed. if you know what i mean. if you don't, just keep your comments to yourself cuz i'll just get more upset.
really glad that IBG is ending this week. and i won't be playing any more games cuz there's only badminton and cheerleading left. i believe that my block girls are currently the last on the charts. we always say that IBG is just for the exposure and fun, but i also strongly believe that we cannot get last (we won't get first, and i'm not being pessimistic). but judging from the kind of little support given always by the usual people and (some lousy) captains we have, we just have to accept that position.
it feels like the weekend, cuz i've had a long week. but no, it's only a monday.
oh bother... =(
janet at 11:34 PM
Friday, August 26, 2005
'How It Works' The Computer, A Ladybird Book.janet at 2:17 AM
Thursday, August 25, 2005
my friends have given me a lot of names over the years, and the reason why i was once called a sotong is because i'm quite blur.
i feel like a stupid sotong right now.
i spent hours reading and preparing the case of the Philippines' owned fast-food restaurant group called Jollibee last night because my services marketing group is meeting up today to discuss about the case as we need to present it in class next week. but shit, i did the wrong case. i'm supposed to do the case on comestic surgery in China instead.
then, after my group discussion, i went to the library to photocopy the case which i need to read up for my business policy class tomorrow. but i realize that i photocopied the wrong case halfway back to hall, cuz Rubin saw my zapped case and exclaimed why is my case different from the one he just read. perfect.
then i also realize i have an assignment due next week just today. sweet.
why is it when i have so much time now that i can't even get my academic stuff right?
fecking sotong....
janet at 9:52 PM
Sunday, August 21, 2005
as i was walking home... this song popped into my head:Cos I know a place where the sun is always shiningAnd I won't forget the faceThe one that's gonna keep me smilingYou're like candy in the sunYou're my angel on the runYou're like candy in the sunHey Hey Hey-----my legs are aching from playing soccer, volleyball and running. they hurt with every step i take, especially when i climb stairs. i must say that soccer is quite fun. played half-field soccer yesterday and the grass were a bit wet. then it started drizzling a bit. fell twice and rolled and it was damn fun lar! it wasn't even painful. played hardcourt soccer last year and it sucked. field is so much fun! for friends who aren't staying in hall, it's my hall's inter-block games (IBG) period. that's why i'm doing some sports these few weeks. didn't get into volleyball finals. cuz my block lost to block E 2-1 (sets). but it's alright. i enjoyed myself =)janet at 4:25 PM
Friday, August 19, 2005
=) so heart-warming to see the encouragement in the tag-boards. thanks people! hope you all are doing well too.
now that i've passed on my block comm position to hh, i'm finally a normal acer senior! the new block comm has stepped up too, and i think the people elected tonight are going to make this year's blk comm a really good and fun one. there's mayn who's the block head, hh as the vice block head, and daniel as the acers' link. acers' link is new position in block comm and so it's in the try-out stage. hope it'll work out and serve the purpose of fostering better relationship with alumni and current acers.
since i'm gonna be quite free now without blk comm responsibilities, i want to really try to study. for the past 2 years, i didn't really quite have time. cuz of blk comm and cuz i'm just lazy. but it's my last 1.5 years in uni, and the last year in hall, i wanna see how well i can do and what kind of grades i can get. sound so muggerish. i may end up slacking anyway. but at least i'll have more free time to do other stuffs now. =)
janet at 4:31 AM
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
reality hits.
i need a hug, and someone to tell me everything's going to be alright.
to anybody else who needs a hug, and someone to tell you that everything's going to be alright:
Everything is going to be just alright. *HUG*.
i kinda miss cyber hugging too. *hug**hugz**HUG**HUGZ*.
janet at 3:36 AM
Thursday, August 11, 2005
this week's the first week of school. only attended a lecture. cuz 3 other classes were cancelled and 1 fell on national holiday. so it doesn't feel like school has started at all. i'm just waiting for reality to hit me, maybe next week.
feeling quite dull. maybe it's the weather. maybe not. i'm not too sure either. it's probably pms.
janet at 4:31 PM
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
orientation is officially over. last week was rag week and i helped out sheares rag for a few hours for a few days. it was exhilirating on rag day itself when sheares hall was called out over the mic 5 times. ok, 1st time was the announcement that we got silver for our flag. and the next 4 times were awards for the best float design, the best float, the best presentation and the centennial dance award which is only given out cuz NUS is 100 years old. daaaaaaaaaamn high. check out the photos of rag day below and you can see for yourself that our float deserve the wins. =)
realize that throughout the holidays, i hardly posted any photos? it's quite sad. i mean, i feel quite sad. i want a digicam so bad.
meanwhile, enjoy the photos taken from other people's cameras.
happy national day.
janet at 1:04 AM

$5 piece of fabric decorated by yours truly for my current batch of year 3s.
janet at 1:03 AM

$5 piece of fabric decorated by mayn and i for our level 5 short wing.
janet at 12:57 AM

lena and i... A!!!!!
janet at 12:56 AM

the ferris wheel is also part of the float.. the 4 playful jesters from block A: (from left) benjamin, laureen, daniel and mayn. don't they look cute? =)
janet at 12:49 AM

again, part of the main float. this is a bell..
janet at 12:47 AM

sheares main float.. we won the best float design, best float, best presentation and the centennial dance award. =) a great start for the hall.
janet at 12:45 AM

part of sheares hall float... the box... the red and blue scales are cut and folded from coke light and pepsi cans.
janet at 12:43 AM
Monday, August 01, 2005

kenny kena saboed at SRC.
janet at 4:53 PM

we buried hyri in the sand at siloso beach.
janet at 4:51 PM

sshhhwweeeet. shhhmmmuuuaacckkk. sssmmmaaackkk. cake on veron's face.
janet at 4:37 PM

the level 5 short wing was decorated for veron's surprise birthday celebration. adi's the brain behind the idea but a lot of us were the brawn to help him with hanging the streamers, blowing the balloons and setting everything. =) nice..
janet at 4:32 PM

sheares carnival where there's food and bbq. this is a bird's eye view of blk A's courtyard where our beloved palm tree is. you can see the leaves of the palm tree at the bottom right corner. lol.
janet at 4:28 PM

blk A freshmen!! cept the guy in blue on the extreme right. he's fake!!!! =P i realize that the guy in brown on the front row is not making the "A" sign. instead, it's a cobra. dotdotdot.
janet at 4:24 PM

blk A seniors
janet at 4:22 PM