Tuesday, May 31, 2005
i like to move it, move it.
you like to move it, move it.
he likes to move it, move it.
she likes to move it, move it.
they like to move it, move it.
we like to?
MOVE IT!if you haven't watched
Madagascar, don't watch it in the cinema! or if u want to, watch it on a weekday where the tickets are cheapest. my recommendation is to wait for it to released on bittorent, then download it. =) the show isn't bad. it isn't good either. a so-so movie, which lasts a little over an hour. cute animals and all, but comparing it to
The Incredibles, Madagascar is about 5 times worse. i'd give it a 1.5/5 coco crunch.
thanks to yizi, i'm going to see
Pierre Png in real flesh and blood! i mean
phua chu beng. premium seats at the
PCK Musical, for free! gee.. =) thank u yizi!!
So why do you fill my sorrow
With the words you've borrowed
From the only place you've know
And why do you sing Hallelujah
If it means nothing to you
Why do you sing with me at all?song of the moment:
delicate by Damien Rice
janet at 12:27 AM
Sunday, May 29, 2005
i dreamt of redang. or a place that looks like redang. this is probably a result of watching "lost" where the plane crash survivors were stranded on an island with a really beautiful beach.. or maybe cuz i watched "the beach" on channel 5 last night. when i woke up, i tried to remember how redang felt like.. it won't be quite the same just recalling it, compared to being there. as i watched the beach, i thought how nice it would be if in the future, maybe 10 years from now when i have enough savings, and hopefully no baggage, to move to some place just beside the beach and stay there for a year or 2. no work, just the plain sun, sand and the sea all day. yea, but i won't be able to survive the tough condtions of having to catch my own fish for food cuz i don't like to eat them. i want to stay near civilization, where i can still get my normal meals and internet access and enjoy living in my kind of paradise. everything will be blue and white and maybe green when i look out of my windows from a tiny wooden house on stilts, with preferably no insects and bugs. of course it's just a day-dream. but i hope someday something like this can happen. but i wouldn't want to move away alone. perhaps then i've found the one and we can live in paradise for a while! what a simple, yet nice life it would be. yea right, this has officially become my fantasy. and a sign of too much tv shows of beaches. but it would really be great... wouldn't it? janet at 3:24 PM
Friday, May 27, 2005
there are a lot of "what if"s in this world.
what if i hadn't scheduled my driving lesson for today?
- then i could've gone down to ubi for some data entry work training
- and maybe i'll get a freaking job
what if i had checked my hp after i came back from driving today?
- then i would've known that the battery was going flat and i could've charged it
what if i had charge the battery?
- then the hp wouldn've have turned off by itself and i would've heard the it ring when the office called me up
- and maybe i'll get a freaking job!
i did went for my driving lesson. but i didn't check my hp after i came home and i didn't charge the battery and i didn't know i missed 2 calls from the office i called up this morning for a data entry work at freaking ubi which is damn near my place. this is so fucked up! the realization came only after dinner. i hope the staff there work on saturdays. it'll be great if i can get this job cuz it's really near my place although it's a freaking brainless job with a low pay cuz a pay will do me good. and i can also get away from the bus auntie job my mum is trying to get me to do for her.
i totally hate this fucked up feeling.
sorry if you've read this far. should've warned you that this is a major post of rants.
stupid IE had to hang on me when i typed a whole lot of shit at my first attempt for this entry.
what if i get the job?
- THEN I GET THE JOB!!! woohoooo.
argh fuck what ifs.
janet at 9:44 PM
Thursday, May 26, 2005
holidays are great. watched chocolat (again) and a beautiful mind (again too) over the weekend on channel 5. both really heart-warming shows. and quite inspiring i must say, in their own ways. can't remember what i did on vesak day, probably spent it watching "lost". i'm quite proud of myself to completing 13 episodes of the series in 3 days. thank goodness for ares lite for the supply of shows. caught star wars episode 3 with my block mates yesterday. and it is so much better than episodes 1 and 2. the first time i watched episode 1 in the cinema, i fell asleep. either the show sucked, or i was too comfortable in the arms that held me. i decided it was both. so when episode 2 came out, i gave it a miss. because it was planned for me to watch episode 3, i downloaded 1 and 2 to understand what the heck is going on in star wars. and episode 3 quite rocked. but i still ain't a fan. episodes 4, 5 and 6 will have to wait till i finish SATC 6 and lost.
and so holidays are great when there are so many nice shows to feed the soul.
i went for an interview last week for a marketing intern for a local start-up company dealing with communications services. i'm not picked. tried to get a telemarkting job but didn't get it either cuz they weren't looking for students on vacation.
jobless, i am. money, i don't have. so as usual, i'm leeching off my parents this holidays, nothing new there.
if you haven't heard, i'm taking driving lessons. but cuz i kinda screwed up, i'm only able to take my TP in december, if i do pass my final theory this june. that's pretty late. it means that i'll need to take driving lessons throughout my semester term time till exams are over before i can get my licence, if i pass everything at the first attempt. i hope i do.
oh by the way, hamham is doing fine. he's still fat, and he'll probably remain that way. guess there's no point feeding him less. might as well let him eat his fill during his time here. i mean, he has a life short enough, why deprive him of his food? i love him man.. when i get bored in the afternoons, i'll just take him out of his cage and let him run all over my hands. ok, not run.. walk. he's a lazy bum. and he's not that smelly now. maybe cuz he's in the living room and it's airy out there, that's why the smell isn't that strong enough. but anyways, he's a good hamster. =) i'm really hoping that hamham will have offsprings. just imagine baby hamhams!
yea i guess i have nothing more for this entry. but then i suddenly remembered how a certain disappointment felt like long long time ago, but it doesn't matter now.
janet at 12:27 AM
Sunday, May 22, 2005
what am i supposed to do now that i've finished watching the finale episodes of revelations, smallville, gilmore girls and the oc? there's probably not going to be a continuation of revelations, i don't know. but it's really stupid to have the ending that way, with the birth of the anti-christ. and then, what happens next?
i love gilmore girls. lorelai asked luke to marry her.. can't wait for the next season.
smallville.. what's next for clark?
the oc.. it's getting too dramatic. sandy and kirsten are more interesting than ryan and seth now. and i think jimmy is hot. he looks like the satanist, haden from revelations.
so no more smallville, gilmore girls and the oc till the next seasons. the next episode of cthe desperate housewives will be the finale for season 1. =( on the brighter side, there's bleach. but it's only 20 minutes every week. need to get SATC season 6 and probably one tree hill.
i feel so lost now.
janet at 4:42 PM
i like my hair cut by male hairdressors because they seem to be more gentle and sensitive to customers. i've enjoyed all my hair cut trips when attended by male hairdressors. they make me feel they genuinely want to make me look good with the result hair. i'm not saying that female hairdressors are unlike the males. it's just that sometimes, they just cut your hair. of course there're good female hairdressors who give great hair services. but my theory is, the males are always gentler when it comes to hair wash, as their nails are shorter.
hair wash is an art. and a good head massage should always accompany a hair wash. i hate it when female hairdressors scratch my scalp with their nails, simply because it's painful. the nails really hurt the scalp too, when the massaging and washing parts come in.
i had the best hair wash today. the guy (Sean) was GOOD. really. no scratching of the scalp, just gentle touches and his head massage was AHHHHHHHHHHHH, better than good. his shampooing and just spreading the shampoo on my head felt great. when he massaged my temples, i get the ticklish feeling at both sides of my hip. it was difficult not to fidget and cringe when you're all ticklish. but it was really damn shiok lar. 20 minutes of non-scalp-scratching shampooing and wonderful head massage deserve the best hair wash experience ever. it felt comfortable even during the wash. no scalp-scratching, just gentle handling of the hair.
the deal was pretty good. 68 ringgit for a hair cut, wash and treatment. everybody, especially girls, go to Carrefour at Kota Tinggi, the salon at the very bottom level i'm not sure of it's B1 or level 1, just beside the sushi place, and get Sean to wash your hair. satisfaction guaranteed. and if you're like me, who likes hair done by male hairdressors, the salon is just the right place. all male hairdressors. lol. my mum had her hair done by this guy who can pass off as a female. i think he's pretty good too, his cutting skills. don't know what his name is but you can recognize him cuz he has the japanese fashion clothing/hair sense.
in case you're thinking that this Sean guy is damn gay/sissy, he is not. he looks like a chao ah beng from the 1960/70s (my parents' era). but his fingers and hands... my gosh... you've got to experience it. (this sounds kinky but i'm really talking about the hair wash)
=) i'm gonna go back to that salon next time my parents drive me in to JB.
janet at 12:34 AM
Friday, May 20, 2005
Wouldn't it be nice?the song in the recent cadbury advertisement wave on tv has been stuck in my head for a few days now. i'd be on the bus or walking back home and suddenly i'll start humming the tune of the cadbury song. it doesn't help that my siblings are humming the song at home too. and at the end of the humming, they'd scream WOULDN'T IT BE NICE?! cuz there're so many different versions of the song and we can't really catch the lyrics on tv. i even tried to find the song on ares to no avail. i googled and managed to find the lyrics of the 4 different versions though i've yet to catch the soccer advertisement.
man, cadbury is good.
Postie Wouldn't it be nice if the world was Cadbury Chocolate roads and trees 'n' birds 'n' bees Delivering all kinds of letters daily Every kind of purple parcel too And if the dog did try and grab a mouth full You can bite him back, he'll taste delightful Wouldn't it be nice.! Surfer Wouldn't it be nice if the world was Cadbury You could surf inside a chocolate tube Ride your board across the wave forever Get wiped out and never get a bruise. And if a shark came up and tried to bite you You could say "I'm chocolate I invite you" Wouldn't it be nice! Soccer Wouldn't it be nice if the world was Cadbury You could be a soccer super star The referee would blow his chocolate whistle A shot on goal would even break the bar And if you went and scored the winner You'd win the cup and eat it for your dinner Wouldn't it be nice! Car Wouldn't it be nice if the world was CadburyDriving in the car would be a tasty treatChanging gear would soon become a problemCadbury Dairy Milk is so good to eatAnd when you arrive at your destinationYou'll be greeted with an exclamationWouldn't it be nice! inspired by cadbury, i came up with my own cadbury song. sing it with the cadbury tune. Wouldn't it be nice if the world was CadburyYou never have to worry about getting fatBiting off and eating all the fatty partsOn your body is just so easy to doAnd if you're sick of eating yourselfYou can get your friends to help you outWouldn't be nice!janet at 11:22 PM
When you try your best but you don't succeed
When you get what you want but not what you need
When you feel so tired but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse
And the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone but it goes to waste
Could it be worse?
Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you
And high up above or down below
When you're too in love to let it go
If you never try you'll never know
Just what you're worth
Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you
janet at 10:16 PM
Wednesday, May 18, 2005

mellie's party =)
janet at 1:14 AM
Monday, May 16, 2005
due to miscommunication, linghan didn't join us for teppanyaki today, even though this teppanyaki thing was arranged for him cuz he's leaving for yellowstone tomorrow. so like aaron suggested, we dedicated the outing to him. *diao*
the teppanyaki chef who served us at bugis foodcourt is a chao pai kia. he dropped the thing that he use to flip the food 4 times throughout our meal. and when he cleaned the cooking plate/table, the dirty cloth touched some of the customers' food. there was an indian guy who gave the chao pai kia chef a frown cuz the chao pai kia chef cleared the leftover food on the table and swept it to the edge which was very near the indian guy's food. then the chao pai kia chef threw his head up and gave the "what. are you not happy with me?" look. but the indian guy just shook his head and continued to eat.
the next time i eat teppanyaki, i'd make sure i don't get back the same chef.
janet at 6:05 PM
Sunday, May 15, 2005
saturday - moving back homesunday - mothers' day dinner monday - hall to clear fridges at dinner at chomp chomp'stuesday - tiong bahru plaza, eunice's place & causeway pointwednesday - orchard to buy mel's presentthursday - tampines to buy stationery for adi's presentfriday - mel's partysaturday - tampines for teppanyaki BUT THERE WAS NO TEPPANYAKIsunday - suntec & macphersonand tomorrow monday - bugis for teppanyaki (finally) as a sort of farewell thingy before linghan leaves us for the babes in US on tuesday. i'm gonna make my tuesday a stay-home tuesday. (EDITED: kenny just informed me that there may be an afro (SLCC group) outing on tuesday. HELP)veron planned a surprise birthday celebration thingy for adi with adi's jc bball friend. she lied that she had to meet her friends today so can't go out with adi and his friends, which made him quite disappointed i think. i met veron at suntec, but the best thing was veron was like 50 min early. she thought the bus ride from hall to suntec will take forever so she left hall really early. she ordered an ice-cream cake from swensons' but the cake didn't come with a knife. when she asked for one, the person said that she'll need a metal knife cuz it's an ice cream cake. PANIC. but lucky careffour sells everything. then went to meet kai ru (another surprise for adi) then proceeded to sky garden. waited for adi's friends to bring him there to surprise him. and when adi saw us, the look on his face was pretty priceless. he was shocked speechless or something cuz he didn't say a thing but his eyes were (almost) as big as goldfish's. he saw veron and shocked. he saw me then double shocked. he saw kai ru the tripple shocked. it was quite fun actually. cuz we celebrated 3 persons' birthday with 1 birthday cake. 2 of adi's friends' birthdates were pretty close to his mah. i loved adi's expression when he opened the present i got him. cuz i asked him to guess what i bought him.. so he felt the package and pressed and poked.. i hinted it was something he definitely need and he guessed it was a windchime. damn roll eyes.. when he saw the pencil case with stationery inside he threw his head back and laughed and laughed HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR. aye it was really funny. a pencil case with stationery leh. cuz it really bugs me when he borrows a ruler, sometimes a highlighter, or eraser, and he'll only return the thing to me after the end of a class/lecture/tutorial after i've packed my pencil case nicely into my bag. he only carries his "lucky" pen a green highlighter and in his words "chuang3 jiang1 hu2" (take on the world). yay, now he won't bug me anymore. and it was nice lar.. his friends and him treated the girls to dinner at "swa restaurant" which is a family place in macpherson road. every table is a family cept our table. it's odd. cuz i've never been to a cheena restaurant to eat with friends before, usually with family mah. adi brought us there cuz he claims the cha kuey teow there is very nice. well, it's pretty good. tasty. quite cool huh... i think adi doesn't like people to know his birthday. that's why no one celebrated his birthday last year (if any of the hall pple realized). weirdo. he kept it low but i think this 21st brithday surprise thingy was quite good lar. =)janet at 10:49 PM
i had the weirdest dream of all time. i dreamt that i was in love with christopher lee and i'm his zao sai. wth. i don't even like christopher lee. maybe cuz i don't like fann wong so subconsciously i'm snatching her bf from her. i think i've been watching too much of the 9pm fann wong show.
okok.. crappy dream. i guess i should sleep at 11pm more often to get more dreams, weird or not i don't really care. haven't got dreams for some time now. is that unhealthy? maybe i dreamt but i don't remember the dreams when i wake up. whatever.
and in case anyone wants to go for teppanyaki at the CS foodcourt (which used to be at the basement), THERE IS NO LONGER TEPPANYAKI IN TAMPINES. save your effort. go to parco or junction 8 or something.
janet at 12:58 PM
Saturday, May 14, 2005
i had a greeeeaaaaat night! first i met yizi at bedok interchange but she was a bit late so i just stood at the telephone booths area waiting and looking at people walking by. the usual lar, bedok seems to have a lot of crazies. i saw a man having a conversation... with himself... loudly. yar she bought back souvenirs from taiwan for us! mostly food like cuttlefish, yam mua chee thingy and pineapple cake, and i'm not complaining =). she said that there were a lot a lot alot of food to eat in taiwan but shopping was quite bad. the fashion is like mickey mouse. like wth. anyways, we headed to yx's place to meet cindy and her and she drove us to jp's place teresaville which like opposite CHIJ st teresa's. chey, no wonder it's called teresaville? jp's is mel's sweet other half. =) i still remember the first time mel brought jp to meet us all at embargo. they weren't together at that time. and mel and him were sooo shy lor. haha.
i met agnes there at the party cuz she is mel's cousin's gf. agnes is my sec school best friend besides sarah. we were the unseparable 3. yea.. caught up with her and got updates on her life and some of sarah's. we gotta meet up soon to talk. there's so much to say to one another cuz we hardly meet up after we left hai sing. took some photos with agnes too =) she didn't know about the purple theme cuz mel's cousin didn't inform her. she looked great anyhow.
gatherings as such are always so fun with phototaking. can't wait for cindy, yizi and mel to post up the photos. i think everyone enjoyed themselves and i think mel enjoyed herself the most cuz it's like the one time where all your friends from pri school to recent all gather at one place at the same time. the next time of such gathering will probably be her wedding. *giggles* oh sorry babe that the shoes we got you is too big. remember to get it exchanged by wednesday k? hehe.. our fault for not listening to jp. =P
then yx dropped us at cindy's house. i thought finally i can see BJ (butch junior, her baby jack russel) but too bad cuz auntie is sleeping liao. if we go up the dogs will bark and it won't be nice to wake auntie up. so cindy drove me and yizi home. picked up samuel, cindy's other really-tall-and-quite-cute half and yizi and me finally met him in person. cindy, great choice! haha.. he's lucky to get u cindy! =)
i love gatherings! =)
janet at 1:16 AM
Friday, May 13, 2005
yea i called up gateway! i almost forgot about checking the type of ram my pc is using till aaron smsed me (something that's totally irrelevant to the ram but it struck me about checking my ram, weird huh). anyway, it's RDRAM. anybody wants to donate some RDRAM to me? or donate some money so that i can buy some ram for my dying pc? i'll be really nice and kind to you in return.
you know when you call helplines like this, there's always a lot of numbers that you've got to press in order to enquire something? see, i called the gateway helpline. it said press 1 for technical support, 2 for customer care and so on. so to check what kind of ram my pc is using, do i need techincal support or customer service? i pressed for customer service anyway.
going to jp's place for mel's 21st birthday party. so exciting. the theme of her party is her favourite colour:
Purple. hehe... everyone's gonna be clad in barney colour. but in order to look really like barney, the colour combination has to be
purple and
green. i hope to spot a few barneys. har har har. i hope mel likes the present we got her. =)
janet at 5:03 PM
it's been almost a week since i'm back home. bored as hell. went out everyday and money's flowing away. even when i go out and not buy anything (so far that's not happening -not buying anything-), tapping of the ezlink card debits money like crazy! transport is expensive. even public transport. i just topped up $20 in my ezlink last friday and the balance now is about $5.
so i've been to the ulu-est places in singapore this week.
1. causeway point
2. tiong bahru plaza
i've never visited these 2 places before. didn't explore them much since all the shops are the same everywhere.
basically, i didn't do anything constructive this week. i applied for an intern today, since there's an opening. still holding on to that little bit of hope that i'll be called up for an interview. flipped through recruit but nothing there interests me. i'm pretty fussy when it comes to work. a part of me doesn't want to work. so unless the pay, location and duration are absolutely desirable, i won't consider the jobs advertised in recruit. i need to change my attitude. but the reason i'm still hoping to get an internship is that it'll look good in my resume. and i really want a marketing-related job.
i'm supposed to call up gateway to check the type of ram my pc is using. but i keep procrastinating. it will only take 5 minutes and i've been delaying that for 4 days. i'm calling gateway tomorrow. i have to. my home pc is dying.
my dad is asking me to learn driving. i'm looking for the best deal private instructor. cindy's and yuxin's instructor charges $33/lesson. anyone knows of instructors charging lower than that? the longer i delay calling up an instructor, the more time this will eat into term time.
i'm getting frustrated with myself for procrastinating.
just a thought:
what would you do if you bump into someone you really want to bump into but you know that when you do bump into that someone, you have nothing to say to that someone? would you say hi and risk having an awkward moment, or pretend to not see that someone at all and walk on?
janet at 1:57 AM
Sunday, May 08, 2005
today's a funkay day cuz it's Mothers' Day!so i woke up at 5pm, then my dad took us out to eat fishhead steamboat at beach road. us = my family with my ah po, and my maternal grandparents! cool right. so all 3 mums were there. my mum, my ah po, and my ah ma. the next sentence may take you by surprise. i ate fish. the fish was fresh! no stinky fishy taste at all! but it could be the chilli that drowned out the dead fish taste. it was a good dinner. cept for the usual-parents'-bicker-everytime-we-eat-out. so i'm darn proud of myself for eating fish.i'm also darn proud of myself for cleaning up my wardrobe and cupboards (suddenly cupboard doesn't look like it's supposed to spell this way). threw away things that i didn't want/need anymore, clothes that i can't fit in anymore. and most importantly, i finally threw away my A level notes. all my geog notes, my econs modules and math notes. yea threw away chinese and GP long long time ago. i couldn't bear to throw my geog stuff away after my A levels cuz that's my favourite subject and they actually mean something to me. after 2 years, i threw them away anyhow.but i still have bags of things lying in the living room which i shifted back from hall waiting for me to unpack them. i guess that'll have to wait. HAPPY MOTHERS' DAY!janet at 11:22 PM
Saturday, May 07, 2005
the day before i move homewoke up at 3pmcaught a 7pm Kingdom of Heaven at cineleisure and hung out with 7 guys. quite an experience.packed my room till 2am.played taitee till 4am. cooked supper and talked cock till now (8.30am)quite an impressive day i've had. haven't slept and i don't think i will. since my parents will be coming to help me pack up and shift home in about another 2 hours or so. my last night in sheares and i didn't sleep. i shall go pack up some more so that i won't get screamed at by my mum later.
janet at 8:28 AM