Saturday, April 30, 2005
i was looking at my hamham in his cage and then i realize that the staircase in there is a spiral one.
and that, reminds me of mr sahlan. he was my human geography tutor in jc. and there was this reading on migration (his readings are collated into a thick binded book which i hated to read) and he would always quote from that reading that
de-urbanization means the migration of people from the urban cities to the rural areas to get away from the
bustle and hustle. there, they can build a huge houses with
spiral staircases. cuz he said that in the urban areas, there's no space to build houses with spiral staircases. he never fails to mention hustle and bustle and spiral staircases whenever he talks about de-urbanization. and i believe in all our human geog essays on migration, 01A09 never left those two phrases out too.
ok, i really need to get down to work. out.
janet at 11:28 PM
Management Science (MS) is like forced marriage turned bad. it's a decision sciences (logistic) module that is one of my 14 business compulsary foundation modules. i would never taken MS if i had a choice. and so i never really committed to the marriage. skipped a few lectures and tutorials during the term. then i spent one week trying to salvage the relationship, thinking that it might actually work out after all. alas, a marriage turned sour, is a marriage turned sour. the paper was do-able. but i was too rigid, didn't memorize enough of formula, didn't grasp the concepts fully. i'm prepared for the worst, but hoping for the best.
and so, i have my last paper to prepare for. feeling slack already. the weather has been so hot that it's unbearable to sit in my room without complaining to the world about how hot the weather is although everyone knows that already.
THE WEATHER IS FECKING HOT!!!!bear with it... bear with it... it'll be over soon.. i'm moving back home in a week's time. not looking forward to packing but definitely can't wait for the comfort of home, mainly, the air con. =)janet at 5:59 PM
Friday, April 29, 2005
anger is the feeling when the stomach holds a lot of tiny explosions from the bursting of bubbles created from boiling inside. when you just want to scream out loud, punch the wall, kick the table, and tear up pieces of paper. it makes the heart beatings seem louder than normal.
sadness is the feeling when the eyes keep pouring tears that seem to come from the aching heart and it drains the life out of you. it makes you want to bury your head into the pillow to suffocate and drown in your own tears. it's the need for comfort, and sometimes, the need for some alcohol to drink, some ciggies to smoke. ok wait, that's more like going down the spiral of sadness to indulge in self pity.
happiness is the feeling when there's bright twinkling in the eyes, or the uncontrollable hopping behaviour, or even that wide grin that sticks on the face for half an hour. it could be that fluttery feeling in the tummy, or the tingling at the toes. it's a feeling that wants to be shared, and could be passed on.
stress is the feeling when the head feels like it's going to explode. the restlessness that makes you want to tear your hair out. it's the desperation and helplessness of not being able to get out of a rut.
bored. i feel like writing a song. and compose a piece of piano music for it. but i don't know how to write a song. neither do i know anything about musical notes. and i don't know how to the piano.
sometimes, it's not good to try to do something you're not good at. it'll eventually get you down. i better go attempt something i know i'll succeed.
janet at 1:51 AM
Sunday, April 24, 2005
dinner today was great
=)janet at 8:42 PM
Saturday, April 23, 2005

my baby
janet at 6:16 PM
What day is it
And in what month
This clock never seemed so alive
I can't keep up and I can't back down
I've been losing so much time
Cause it's you and me and all of the people
Nothing to do, nothing to lose
And it's you and me and all of the people and
I don't know why I can't keep my eyes off of you
All of the things that I want to say
Just aren't coming out right
I'm tripping on words, you got my head spinning
I don't know where to go from here
Cause it's you and me and all of the people
With nothing to do, nothing to prove
And it's you and me and all of the people and
I don't why I can't keep my eyes off you
There's something about you now
I can't quite figure out
Everything she does is beautiful
Everything she does is right
Cause it's you and me and all of the people
With nothing to do, nothing to lose
And it's you and me and all of the people and
I don't know why I can't keep my eyes off of
You and me and all of the people
With nothing to do nothin to prove and
It's you and me and all of the people and
I don't why I can't keep my eyes off of you
What day is it
And in what month
This clock never seemed so alive
janet at 5:13 PM
Friday, April 22, 2005
my first exam this semester, HRM, required me to write 4 essays in 2 hours. the case study of LG was given 2 weeks beforehand for us to prepare. it was an open book exam. adi and i carried out our great plan pretty well. he suggested a week ago that we should both study half the textbook, then "teach" each other the topics that we've read and relate them to the case. and so, last night, we started discussing at 11am, and ended at 4am. the paper was at 9am. best. but it was ok =) my handwriting was quite illegible. half the time i was wondering if the tutor will be able to see what i'm writing. it's difficult to write in such a cold condition in the LT with a freaking small table when it's an open book exam. plus i haven't written so much for a while. during A levels, it was 45 min to do a 25-mark essay question. now it's 30 min to do one. it was all scribbling and no thinking or planning. luckily the planning was all done last night. some questions we predicted would come out, came out. it's quite exciting. never tried this way of preparing for an exam before. we'll see whether the grades turn out well.
english paper tomorrow. then it's one week break to management science next saturday. and my last paper, asia pacific business which i have no idea what the heck it's about will be on the tuesday after next saturday.
i went for my first intern interview at asia pacific brewieries yesterday for the postion of marketing intern. the interviewer asked me if i go pubbing, and i said no. at the end of the interview, she told me that i'm probably not suitable for the marketing intern, and she'lll consider me for the HR intern. sigh. not going pubbing cost me a marketing intern which i was so excited about cuz the job is gonna be really fun. PUBBING leh. i may meet leslie kwok during some tiger/heineken promotions in a pub. damn shallow right.
i so need an internship.
janet at 3:53 PM
Thursday, April 21, 2005
i'm feeling really very sian. ultimately sian. the books and notes are all over my table. but i just don't feel like revising. i'm supposed to feel guilty for wasting so much time today, i think i'm just feeling that a little. i need a direction. some motivation. 4 exams. revised for 2 of the papers, and the 2 modules are still untouched. i keep thinking that i'll be able to finish revision in one week, but judging from my performance, i doubt it. and i don't really feel like doing anything about that.
CAP, please do not drop below merit. i won't be able to take it.
i must say that i've worked pretty hard the past 3 sems to prepare for the exams. religiously going to the library at 10am in the morning and study all the way till dinner time. and sometimes, i'd even go back to the library or somewhere in biz to continue mugging till late at night. but the results just don't reflect my effort. that stinks. maybe that's why i'm not motivated to study. disappointed. with myself.
sian sian sian. if only i can get back my study form i had during A levels.
shall stop wasting time. going to bed. may i have dreams to inspire me a little.
janet at 2:21 AM
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
i planned for an half an hour power nap. but my nap overpowered me.
about my previous post. i'm ok lar. i woke up from the nap that overpowered me and i have msgs asking about that entry. that's the problem with online blog. sometimes i write about things i don't wish to discuss about cuz i just need a place to trash/bitch/rant. sometimes i need a listening ear bad, but i just cannot really relate some things to the right person? yar, thanks for everyone's concern.. i'm good.
i'm going to revise.. feeling groggy from the nap just now. shall try to concentrate on what's in front of me ya. and you should too =)
janet at 11:42 PM
how exactly does someone move on? how should someone learn to let go? what will make someone realize that some things just can't go back to the way it were? what is the point of harping on what could have been? what could have been, will never be.
it's so fucked up. why bother.
why bother? cuz if you do not learn to let go, you'll never be able to move on. NEVER. get it?
unless you do not plan on moving on. then stay put. stay there until you finally find that courage to ask why you were allowed to make that mistake you made. find out why it was so easy, so brief. find out what went wrong with your freaking head. or else, stop hurting.
you're unbelieveable. will you please wake up from that daze of yours? it's never going to happen. stop cheating yourself that you'll let go when someone else comes along. cuz it doesn't work that way. will you ever learn?
whatever.. all the best..
janet at 2:24 AM
Friday, April 15, 2005
i called home, my ah po picked up. told her to ask my dad to the phone cuz i wanted to tell him that i may not go home this weekend. then my dad said my ah po wanted to speak to me. so i chatted with her for a while. thereafter, it's time to hang up. ok, not really.
me: if i go home i'll go back tmr. bye
ah po: ok. byebye.
ah po: orh byebye. u must study hard ok?
me: ok. byebye.
ah po: byebye. don't worry about me ok? got maid at home to accompany me.
me: ok. byebye.
ah po: byebye. have u told mummy that u're not coming back?
me: i tell papa liao. byebye.
ah po: okok byebye. remember to study hard ok. come home only when u're free.
me: ok. byebye.
ah po: byebye. (but she didn't hang up yet, so i quickly hung up first)
the above conversation happened 5 min ago and it was in hainanese. my ah po can't speak english lar.
i'm not evil ok. my ah po is really naggy one. it's like a reflex for her to say byebye after i said bye. but she's lydat lar. whoever she talks to will kena a very draggy end to a telephone conversation.
janet at 8:25 PM
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
my hamster bit me. not nibble. he sunk his teeth into my pinky. i pulled him away from another hamster while they were in a fight.. i guess he thought he was still in the fight, therefore the aggression. couldn't pull hamham away from my pinky. he had his teeth in my pinky for like 5 secs. and it hurts like fuck. still hurts a bit. =/ poor ham, he's traumatized now. wouldn't even eat his favourite sunflower seed when i offered.
janet at 11:57 PM
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
the worst indirect insult i got today was the vietnamese told me to edit my grammar "mistakes" in my part of the report. she feels that my grammar isn't right. like "continue to grow" is wrong. it should be "continue growing". honestly, isn't both the same? argh. i kept reciting in my head to "relax relax" for the whole 10 minutes she was beside me showing me all the corrections that should be made (in her opinion). i really felt insulted. fucking hell.
i have an asian markets final CA quiz on thursday. i'm left with a last chapter to read before i do a final revision. so far so good. progress has been slow. but at least i got some work done. ok i'm going to attempt to read the last chapter. i aim to complete it tonight so i can spend the whole of tomorrow revising.
janet at 8:31 PM
Monday, April 11, 2005
send me your resume if we have a match =P
Your dating personality profile:
Stylish - You do not lack for fashion sense. Style matters. You wouldn't want to be seen with someone who doesn't care about his appearance. Big-Hearted - You are a kind and caring person. Your warmth is inviting, and your heart is a wellspring of love. Athletic - Physical fitness is one of your priorities. You find the time to work athletic pursuits into your schedule. You enjoy being active. | Your date match profile:
Practical - You are drawn to people who are sensible and smart. Flashy, materialistic people turn you off. You appreciate the simpler side of living. Stylish - You cannot put up with someone who is lacking in style. You want an original, someone with flare, someone with good taste. Athletic - You aren't looking for a couch potato. You seek someone who is active and who keeps his body in top shape. |
Your Top Ten Traits
1. Stylish 2. Big-Hearted 3. Athletic 4. Liberal 5. Practical 6. Funny 7. Romantic 8. Wealthy/Ambitious 9. Intellectual 10. Sensual
| Your Top Ten Match Traits
1. Practical 2. Stylish 3. Athletic 4. Big-Hearted 5. Romantic 6. Wealthy/Ambitious 7. Outgoing 8. Funny 9. Intellectual 10. Conservative
Take the Online Dating Personality Quiz at Dating Diversionsjanet at 10:53 PM
Sunday, April 10, 2005
headache. a pill of panadol isn't working.
the vietnamese in my APB group is pissing kailee off. i'm quite tolerant so i think i'm not very bothered. but i have to say that i understand why kailee is pissed and i should be pissed too. a group report should be a group report. everyone has their part to write, and you shouldn't just delete your members' part and include what you think should be cuz it isn't even your part to begin with. she's doing her part, as well as kailee and my part. so why is it that kailee and i have to write our parts in the first place since most of what we typed are going to get replaced juz cuz the vietnamese thinks using hers will value-add the report. ok, but i'm not very bothered. she's juz a vietnamese. the other group member can't be bothered as well.
so there's room allocation.
and problems friends are facing.
not to mention the upcoming exams.
go away... all u evil...
janet at 10:13 PM

janet at 9:02 PM
Friday, April 08, 2005
it's late and i ought to be sleeping. but i'm listening to my mp3s and looking at lyrics. basically, i'm slacking. check out the hamham feature. in the second photo, ham's sleeping in the foetal position, i.e. the C-shape. check out the white heart shape on his body =) and that's his cute butt in the first photo. i absolutely love my ham! even though he's pretty stinky cuz his pee stinks. but i'm feeding him this "medicine" and it's working. the cage doesn't stink up so fast now. he only runs the wheel when i'm sleeping. how evil. he runs in the day on rare occasions. ooo.. my ham's the cutest cheeky little thing! i would hug and squeeze him like a baby but he's too tiny. i love my haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam!janet at 2:58 AM
Thursday, April 07, 2005
there's a high pitch noise created from some construction somewhere that is ringing and it fucking hurts my ears that i cannot concentrate on my revision. argh.
janet at 3:33 PM
even though there's no way in knowing where to go,
promise i'm going because i gotta get outta here
i'm stuck inside this rut that i fell into by mistake
i gotta get outta here
and i'm begging you, i'm begging you,
i'm begging you to be my escape.
Relient K - be my escape
janet at 12:07 AM
Monday, April 04, 2005
Gmail juz expanded it's email capacity to 2 gigs. power. i've got 50 invites to send. anyone who wants an account can juz tag/msn/sms/email your email address.janet at 4:36 PM
Saturday, April 02, 2005
i am not avoiding anyone by not signing into msn so often nowadays, juz in case anyone was wondering. well, i have been busy, clearing the 12 things on my "DON'T DIE" list, especially in the past week, and i didn't need msn to distract me from doing my work when i already have my bed and ham ham to distract me already. so i didn't sign in that much, and whenever i'm in, i'll always be in the busy status. yar, so i'm home, reading blogs, and someone mentioned msn somewhere in the blog and i thought to myself, hey, why am i not online on msn? and so i got on.. i'm actually Online. but everyone's away. i'm not blaming anyone, it's saturday. =) i guess i need to go out man. anyway, the first nick that caught my eye was weili's. "pls smoke more so that the cigarettes price will go up and i will quit when it reaches $15". wah, that guy is actually considering to quit smoking. GOOD FOR HIM! so i was hoping for a while that the price will actually hit $15 and he'll quit. then, it hit me. my dad smokes. so why would i hope that the price will rise further cuz he won't stop smoking. his rationale for smoking is, non-smokers die younger cuz 2nd-hand smoke kill. aiyah, it's juz an excuse. he's addicted and he'll really suffer if he doesn't smoke cuz he picked it up since he was like 15 or something. so, whatever. weili should stop smoking. and my dad should juz enjoy life. weili is going to TP to study some electronics course after he ORDs. i was sooooo happy when he told me that!! =) i hope he works hard and stop wasting his life away cuz he's already wasted some of it. that idiot is smart, but he's lazy and hangs with weird (i won't say bad) company. at some point in time, people will have to change for the better right?spinning: here with me by mercymejanet at 6:52 PM
Friday, April 01, 2005
I AM A SURVIVOR.the things on my "DON'T DIE" list amounted to a grand number of 14 when i wrote down all the deadlines and important school work to be done more than a month ago. now, it's down to 2!! i'm left with a quiz and a report. i'm overjoyed =) i've never spoken with such confidence during a presentation before. and i did juz that today. juz now. it felt great!! well, i sorta had a glitch by saying "now i'll pass on to yen who'll talk about the lien". then i was like, "oh nono.. i'll pass to LIEN who will talk about the YEN"... and the class laughed. =P felt great anyhow. home beckons =)janet at 5:42 PM
i've woken up and i don't wanna wake till it's 11. now i can't go back to sleep. cuz i juz can't fall asleep!! wtf is wrong with me, getting used to 4-hour sleep? argh... it's a bitch that i took an hour to fall asleep last night and it's bitchier i can't go back to sleep at 7am NOW.
the haze is bad. i can't smell it but it's foggy out there. the weather's cold. SO WHY CAN'T I FALL ASLEEP?!
janet at 7:35 AM