Wednesday, March 30, 2005
the hall is turning pple off and driving them away.
no i do not wish to talk about it.
janet at 11:23 PM
there's this guy, who likes a girl, who was in a math lecture, when the lecturer sportingly helped that guy to declare his love for this girl... and it's all caught on webcast!! you've got to watch it! sorry but only NUS students can log in to watch the webcast. watch from the 57th minute onwards and you can stop watching after the guy walks away looking kind of dejected.
there's a high chance that one of my blk mate knows this guy... can't confirm that right now cuz you can't really see the guy's face from the webcast. but obviously, the girl's called cuiwen.
this must be the webcast with the record number of views throughout the history of NUS. never knew math lecture could be so interesting. lol.
janet at 12:19 AM
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
projects.reports.presentations.assignments.and sleep in between. in my primary school days, i would lie to my mum that i had a lot of projects to complete so i couldn't go straight home after lessons. then i would go to my classmate's place and play, or roam bedok. it must be retribution that i have so many projects to do now. believe in karma. better to be safe than sorry.janet at 10:30 PM
Saturday, March 26, 2005
I never understood before,
I never knew what love was for.
My heart was broke my head was sore,
What a feeling.
Tied up in ancient history,
I didnt believe in destiny.
I look up you're standing next to me,
What a feeling.
What a feeling in my soul,
Love burns brighter than sunshine.
Brighter than sunshine.
Let the rain fall, i don't care,
I'm yours and suddenly you're mine.
Suddenly you're mine and it's brighter than sunshine.
I never saw it happening,
I'd given up and given in.
I just couldn't take the hurt again,
What a feeling.
I didn't have the strength to fight,
Suddenly you seemed so right.
Me and you,
What a feeling.
What a feeling in my soul,
Love burns brighter than sunshine.
It's brighter than sunshine.
Let the rain fall, I don't care,
I'm yours and suddenly you're mine.
Suddenly you're mine.
It's brighter than the sun,
It's brighter than the sun,
It's brighter than the sun, sun, shine.
Love will remain a mystery,
But give me your hand and you will see,
Your heart is keeping time with me.
What a feeling in my soul,
Love burns brighter than sunshine.
It's brighter than sunshine.
Let the rain fall, I don't care,
I'm yours and suddenly you're mine.
Suddenly you're mine.
I got a feeling in my soul ...
janet at 12:13 AM
Friday, March 25, 2005
i thought i'd come home to look after ah po, cuz she fell down last week and had to be hospitalized. but my aunt extended ah po's hospital stay cuz my mum brought my siblings to genting for the weekend. my dad has to work, so there won't be anyone at home. but i'm coming back what. damn diao leh. it's not good to over-stay in a hospital. first, it's expensive. second and more importantly, there're patients who are old and sick which will make her feel dull and sick too. she's so much chirpier than than she was last week. my father teased her and she could laugh. she can walk now too. which is a good sign. the previous time she fell, she broke her leg. luckily this time was a minor fall and she's recovering fast. gonna visit her again tomorrow, alone. cuz my dad's going to JB to get his license and did i mention my mum and siblings are in genting? =( home alone. anyway, i got locked out from my flat for half an hour cuz my key couldn't open the front door. it's ridiculous. i left dinner earlier cuz my dad was talking to his friends at the coffeeshop a neighbour away. when i found out that my key juz wouldn't turn, i called him and he said he'll be back in 5 minutes. knowing his character i.e. dilly dally, he took half an hour to reach (drive) home. stupid key. wasted my time. there'll be no distractions for me tonight and tomorrow. since the place is empty. i'll need to do my HRM powerpoint and my APB report which i foresee will make me tear my hair out. then i'll be back in school on sunday to discuss the APB report. shucks. and i have to start writing my next HRM individual essay soon or else i'm going to be so stressed up like a gaga. important school thingies for next week:mon - HRM Q&A presentationthu - AMMM Citibank credit cards launch presentationfri - HRM individual response paper & APB presentationheeeeelp. i can't wait for the next weekend.janet at 9:37 PM
Wednesday, March 23, 2005

hammie boy
janet at 5:07 PM
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
i've had an enriching evening today attending the marketing forum featuring marketers from ACNielson, Asia Pacific Breweries, IBM, Saatchi & Saatchi, Seimens and Singapore Retailers Association. these speakers talked about their companies and marketing in general, and clarified marketing myths and also what kind of job applicants that a marketing department would look for especially in fresh graduates. not exactly mind-boggling stuffs. but it suddenly dawned on me that my business education will actually be useful in future. i mean i always knew that the things we learn in school are for us to apply when we graduate and go into the workforce, but i never expected the intensity of application could be that much.
a good plan or idea or theory is worth nothing if it's not carried out well.
i can type a whole load of shit about this but it'll be too embarrassing.
juz recently, paul has given me a new hamster. it's my first pet hamster. and my 2nd pet. my dad bought me birds as pets when i was little, and he would cut the wings so that the birds can walk around the flat and not fly away. i can imagine you cringing right now. well, the wings grew back. and some died and some flew away. i had green, yellow and blue birds. not sure what the breed is, but birds of that breed are still selling at some pet shops. my favourite was the blue one (hence i only consider that bird my pet) cuz it's a only a baby. finally when all the rest of the birds died, leaving only the blue one behind, some distant malaysian relative's son who was around my age opened the cage and the blue bird flew away. i was only 6 or 7 at that time. i cried like crazy. i will always remember that guy for that. he's all grown up and all, like me. but he freaking let my bird fly away and caused me misery.
oh ya, the hamster. i've named it hamham.. hammie.. bought a cage that's really nice for him.
my siblings are gonna like him =)
back to projects and assignments and misery.
janet at 11:32 PM
Sunday, March 20, 2005

seniors' farewell 2005 souvenir made by block comm 04/05. gladys's idea. nice hor!! =) i had fun doing this. it's simpler to decorate than last year's =P niceeee...
janet at 10:13 PM

seniors' farewell 2004 souvenir made by block comm 03/04. ling han's idea. palm tree is blk A's icon =)
janet at 10:08 PM
Saturday, March 19, 2005
first, i would like to apologize for so shamefully ripping off pictures from cin's and yizi's blogsites... BUT I COULDN'T RESIST!! BJ IS SOOO CUTE!!
and so are jojo, curly, katty, twistie, and butch (sorry no photo of BJ's father)!!
i don't care, i wanna meet BJ some day ok.
oh, in case u all start thinking that yizi mistreat curly, i'd like to clarify that yizi is an animal lover. and curly looks like that most of the time when her eyes are opened. there used to be a beattie (is that how u spell her name yizi?) but she's gone to heaven.
and all dogs go to heaven.
oh no, i'm getting worried here cuz i think i could've gotten the sexes of the dogs wrong.
janet at 1:00 AM

new addition to cindy's family.. meet Butch Junior. also known as BJ. lol. he's butch's baby. butch is butch junior's father. yar anyway, butch is an all white jack russell terrier. and BJ IS SOOO CUTE.... look at him... awww.... isn't that a soft toy duck he's hugging to sleep?? =)
janet at 12:58 AM

yizi's dog.. yar lar again lar. twistie.. my favourite yizi's dog. he's got an attitude, but i like! he doesn't respond when pple call to him sometimes. walks very slowly, and looks like a "lion dance" lion when he walks. from what i remember, he's pretty lazy.
janet at 12:55 AM

yizi's dog.. another one.. katty! she's quite fierce.. =/
janet at 12:52 AM

yizi's dog.. curly.. look at those sad eyes. yizi thinks curly looks like a tattered rag. don't u feel like cuddling the sad-looking thing?
janet at 12:49 AM

mel's dog.. joey.. also respond to jojo.. jo..
janet at 12:46 AM
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
"Coping styles have been classified as problem solving (taking direct action to solve a problem) versus emotion-focused (taking action to make oneself feel better about a situation one cannot control)."
- Adapted from my HRM reading.
this is something i have been thinking a lot about lately. emotion-focused style of coping. but hardly any action is taken to make myself feel better. i juz pretend that everything is fine, or will be fine. cuz maybe if i pretend hard enough, everything would juz turn out to be really okay.
maybe i haven't fully grasp the idea of coping emotionally.
but pretending sure works for a while.
janet at 2:01 AM
Sunday, March 13, 2005
DND wasn't a blast. however, like laggist, i enjoyed all the phototaking before, during, and after. skipped a (useless) tutorial so that divya, a kind indian resident, could help veron, lena and me tie our saris. she did a great job. we all looked fantastic. hey u, what's that face for. we looked great alright! then we headed to orchard emarald to fix our hair. waiting for a cab was a bitch. everyone was staring at us. it didn't help that all the cabs along pasir panjang road were hired. thank goodness for bona, who gave up his cab to us. it took quite long to fix hair, but thank goodness again the DND bus that was suppose pick the shearites to Marriott was really late. otherwise, the girls who went to fix our hair would've been really (stylishly) late. the whole event ended after midnight. gee. the food wasn't good. the programme was a bit draggy. the consolation was the pageants were great. the dance, the Q&A, and the dance. =) not to mention the phototaking too. went to swensons after DND for some food and ice-cream cuz ktv was too expensive. yummy. there was lime sherbert (is that how it's spelled?) in the earthquake and that's my 2nd most favourite ice-cream flavour! oh lena wanted a tsunami but nah, swensons doesn't serve that.back at hall, i couldn't bear to shower cuz i like my hair. sad when sw took out all the black pins from my hair. kenny tried to help but it hurts when he removed the pins. *shakes head* dilly-dallied till it was sixish in the morning then i hit the bus home. oh, i did shower eventually. i juz took quite long to hit the bathroom. bumped into my aunt and grandmother below my flat. they were off to bedok for "shopping". lol. and i came home to 2 bubbly siblings who were already up and playing maplestory. then a funny thought came to my mind: that i was still living in yesterday while everyone else has already woken up to tomorrow. since i haven't slept. anyway, i knocked out 10 secs after i hit the bed. woke up in time for dinner. but there was no dinner. usually i had to beg my bro to pack food for me from the coffeeshop downstairs cuz we're both so goddamn lazy. but he was sooooo nice he asked me what i wanted to eat. yea, he was nice. even though he lectured me for waking up so late and for using the computer once i woke up. it's funny cuz i'm always the one scolding him for using the computer immediately after he wakes up. bad habits run in the family.sw asked me over msn if i knew about the coleslaw that mysteriously appeared in her fridge. i left it there on thursday night and forgot to eat it after i finished my packed long john silver's. sheesh. forgetful huh. i also forgot to bring my sari back to wash. i packed and put it in a plastic bag and left it right in the middle of the floor so that i will remember to carry it with me when i leave hall for home this morning. BUT, i forgot. right in the middle of floor. and i missed it. forgetful forgetful. but i remember useless bits of tiny details that no one remembers. i had a great night lying on the couch watching a total of 6 episodes of smallville, the OC and the gilmore girls. it was juz relaxing and nice immersing myself into the lives of the the kents, cohens, and gilmores. OC rocks! especially the episode last week when summer and seth got back together. the spiderman kiss spoof got me tearing and laughing at the same time. =) very nice. gilmore was good too. lorelai and luke were back together too. lovers should be together. spinning: something about you by five for fightingjanet at 3:00 AM

pageants of blk A: bryan & delphia. =) gorgeous acers.
janet at 2:59 AM

did my hair at veron's auntie's place. i like the back a lot. and i can only admire it in the pictures. the front kinda make me look older. i like it anyway. her auntie used so much styling spray, i had a difficult time washing my hair.
janet at 2:54 AM

lena, eunice, siewwen, jermaine and me at hall's DND. we're the last surviving year 2 girls in my block. thanks to lena who borrowed 3 sets of saris for veron, herself and me =) we all looked great! and we still do =)
janet at 2:51 AM
Friday, March 11, 2005
I am worth $1,403,920.00 on HumanForSale.comas usual, there's nothing interesting going on in my life.
hall's DND tmr at Marriot's. lena borrowed 3 sari-s from her friend for veron, herself and me. =) i'm so excited! i've never worn a sari before. ok, the other 2 times when i tried the sari on do not count cuz i didn't officially wear the sari for good reasons. will post some photos up after DND. i wish my camera would work.. =T
anyway, i was thinking that if my life could be videotaped, so i will be able watch it when i'm old, it'll be quite funny. i'd be probably be laughing at the silly me. though i may never get to finish watching that tape. cuz i'm too old and i can't live (watch) my youth all over again. right? or maybe i will be able to fast forward most of my youth cuz i didn't really live it well. how will it be, when i grow old, and think of the life i've led? will i be happy that i did not waste my life away? will i be regretting the way i've lived? or will i be contented? will the happy moments overweigh the unhappy ones?
then this reminds of something i've watched or read, that God tapes everyone's lives and plays it on your judgement day. when God replays my life, the evil side of me, i would wanna kill myself and die all over again. cuz i don't believe in God and judgement day, i.e. i thought no one will know of all the evil things i've done that wasn't supposed to be. sheesh..
i don't wish for a judgement day. juz send me straight to hell or something. i won't be able to bear the embarrassment of watching myself right under God's naked eyes.
janet at 3:07 AM
Monday, March 07, 2005
finally, cleared 30% of HRM with the presentation and interview on the topic "Selection" today. i'd love to type out what my project group did for this topic but it's too long and draggy and it'll end up being incoherent and u'll prolly be bored to death. so i'll juz summarize. for the sake of myself so when i read my archives 10 years down the road, i'll know what happened. =) basically, our project group is supposedly a team of HR people from P&G to select an applicant for a position of an Associate Product Manager in the baby care division. the entire class had to submit their resumes for my group to review and finally, 2 applicants were chosen for the interview. so rubin and me interviewed these 2 applicants (the 2 smartest guys in my class, i feel) today and one of them actually made us lose face a little by asking a question that was really quite difficult to answer cuz it's about P&G and since we aren't really from P&G, we merely smoked our way through. and it was embarrassing cuz the whole class that was there as oberservers were laughing. sheesh. lesson: next time when u go for an interview, don't outsmart the interviewers. they won't pick u to fill the post. ya anyway, we picked the other guy who was more humble and gave better answers and was very confident and composed throughout the whole interview. there was a lot to learn from this project. it wasn't the usual boring presentation where u present whatever research u've done. there was role-playing for this topic, and a lot sponteneity (how-tf do u spell this) was required. cuz u'll nv know u'll get outsmarted by the interviewee. so, even though we over-ran the presentation by half an hour (we used up 2 whole hours), the tutor commented that it was quite successful and she was smiling when she said that. so i guess we're all gonna get a pretty decent score for this project.
the english test i had was pretty easy. cept that i careless omitted some "dashes" in my answers which are apparently very important. what's more important is, it's over. but i'll be back to bitch if i find out that i didn't do well for it when results are out.
i intended to fix my camera for my hall's DND but the canon customer service man said it'll cost me $250 inclusive of gst to repair the optical lens. that's like half of what the camera cost when i bought it. fecking expensive. so i didn't repair. firstly, i don't have $250 by next week to pay up. secondly, i didn't even drop the camera or did anything harmful that could've spoilt the lens. lastly, the repair price is juz too high. the camera first showed signs of deteriorating lens was 2 months back. sometimes it worked fine. other times, it's juz dark on the screen. but it's not the problem with my lcd screen. it's the lens. i can look at the photos stored in the CF card. but it's problem of the lens. then until more recently, the lens totally died. don't buy fecking canon products. canon failed me three times. my 2 printers and now the camera.
i miss home.janet at 5:28 PM
Friday, March 04, 2005
can everything for me get any worse?
sheares had a 2 day bazaar at the forum (this central place in NUS that every NUS student ought to know where it is). blk A had a stall selling clothes designed/made by charmaine's friend. we sold zero. this week has been hectic for me. with APB proposal due and APB tutorial facilitation. i slept at 5am on tuesday practising Management Science (logistics module). started doing tutorial 01 from 5pm that day. i can only blame myself for not doing the tutorials right from the start. spent hours doing everything from scratch. one tutorial question came out for the test and i screwed it up. my week hasn't ended. this week will never have an end. i've got an HRM presentation which is worth 30% this coming monday. rubin and me are going to be interviewers from P&G, to select either 2 of the smartest people in my class to be our P&G baby care product manager. one is doing his honours year with a cap of 3.89 and another is a natural leader. the group is gonna meet up on sunday to rehearse and finalize the presentation and interview.
after the HRM class, i've got 2 hours break before my Nature of Language i.e. english test worth 10%. which i doubt i have time to study for it since my sunday will be spent on HRM.
i've got another project meeting on saturday i.e. tmr, to write a 1500 case critique on Quaker Oats. HELP. this is due next tuesday. and it's worth 10%.
to add on to all i have to do, a first draft for my english language project is due next wednesday for exchange with another group. we'll have to critique each other's work. how nice. at least it's not an individual temper has been unusually short these days. there're really a lot of important things on my list to do and i don't really take it too well when somebody comes to complain/whine/comment about stupid little things. sorry but really, i haven't got time. sure, when i'm free, i don't mind entertaining by listening and giving useless comments back to whoever. BUT I'M FUCKING STRESSED. ok? bear with me. don't come and irritate/disturb me. i wish em all away.spinning: wish em all away by embracejanet at 6:34 PM
Thursday, March 03, 2005
bear with me.
janet at 7:48 PM