Monday, January 31, 2005
why... why... why... why... why...
did i ever choose a 3-hour class on a monday morning at 9am...
janet at 8:33 AM
Friday, January 28, 2005
(in chronological order)
1. forgot dad's birthday
2. vb match with TH
and the list will go on. it's only january.
janet at 9:34 PM
dream big.
janet at 1:57 AM
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
the vb girls are now more or less in the semi-finals =) we won Raffles Hall today, by quite a big margin. BUTBUTBUT, we all could've done much much better. honest. i could've performed better. so come friday, against Temasek Hall, i'll really try to focus and set.
i'm very happy cuz ALL the balls that were poorly received were saved and sent over as free balls. we really moved our legs today, unlike during trainings. yea! c'mon girls. TH next. then it'll be the semis, and we will really need to give in our utmost effort cuz it may be the last game we'll get to play this season. with more effort, we'll go all the way to the finals. confidence.
the guys match was even more exciting. the margin was so much smaller. like 25-20 and 27-25. the services were quite disappointing, but our attack was freaking strong. we have damn good spikers. yea, next up is King Edward 7 hall.
thanks to the acers who came down to support veron, xiauting, weiyee and me. thanks ryan for staying back after school to watch the game. thanks ahkow for almost coming down (don't think he'll read this though). thanks to the volleyball girls who made the win happen. thank God (whoever you are).
janet at 11:07 PM
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
tomorrow, we will have good service.
tomorrow, we will dig every ball up.
tomorrow, i will set every ball up.
tomorrow, i will make play.
tomorrow, we will spike.
tomorrow, we will di(v)e to not let a ball drop.
tomorrow, we receive.
tomorrow, we will run for every ball poorly received.
tomorrow, we cheer.
tomorrow, we will not let our spirits drop.
tomorrow, we play for our team.
tomorrow, we play for our team who are sitting outside the court.
tomorrow, we play for the guys who trained us so hard.
tomorrow, we play for the cheering orange crowd.
tomorrow, we play for victory.
tomorrow, we play for glory.
tomorrow, we win.
janet at 11:57 PM
buying a pair of sport shoes in queensway was a depressing affair. ask serm or jerm or both. they accompanied me to walk around the basement like 3 times, and the adidas pair that i like doesn't have my size. it doens't help that i'm really fussy when it comes to shoes. i don't like black soles, don't like netty material, don't like holey material, don't like bright colours, don't like dark colours, don't like too grey. so basically, i couldn't get a decent pair of shoes from queensway at all. at the very last attempt in getting shoes there, i chose 4 designs of nike shoes and the shop attendent told me there's no size 8 for ALL. goddamit. decided to give royal sporting house @ anchorpoint a shot. by that time, we were all down. seriously. more than 2 hours of shoe shopping and NOTHING. oh well, finally got this pair of nikes at $97 after discount at royal sporting house. it has black sole, and netty material, and quite silverish. BUT I LIKE IT!!! hahahha, so grateful for the company. =) thanks peeps!janet at 1:27 AM
veron, me, weiyee. xiauting's number 6. 6129 sounds like a good 4D number don't u think so? =)
SHEARES VOLLEYBALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!janet at 1:11 AM
Sunday, January 23, 2005
tmr's gonna be the beginning of week 3, and that means tutorials are here. and i'm juz sitting here staring at my laptop with no progress on my HRM reading. been so caught up with IHG and nonsense that leaves me tired everyday.
no one said university's gonna be easy. it's true. especially so when u've got a hall life.
i'm feeling down and i don't know why.
gonna buy new sport shoes cuz my nike cross trainers has worn out. the front soles r smooth and dropping out. volleyball game's on thursday and friday, can't afford to make any mistakes due to poor shoes. in fact, i can't afford to make any mistakes at all, shoes or not.
2 more textbooks to buy. and i'm out of money. wtf. i'll still buy the shoes first.
janet at 10:38 PM
Saturday, January 22, 2005

for the love of gawd.... LESLIE KWOK IS HOOOOOOOOOOOT
janet at 5:00 PM
Friday, January 21, 2005
it happened again. mum scraped the whole damn dinner thing. thanks bro. u can be a really big arsehole sometimes.
janet at 9:42 PM
Tuesday, January 18, 2005
my boobies are called Tweedledum and Tweedledee. what are yours called? =)
last night's sleep wasn't too good. i was worried for my track event 4x100m relay. i dreamt about running, particularly how to swing my arms to keep me going forward. wasn't able to concentrate in class today, kept dozing off. so i skipped 1.5 lectures (half of APB and whole of MS) and came back to hall to take a nap. the nap wasn't too good either. dreamt of a lot of funny shit. argh, stress can really get into me. felt butterflies in the tummy when i standing at the track waiting for the event to start. hh and mohd gy cheered me on. i didn't run that well i think. there was this KE7 girl who was running alongside me when she stumbled a bit and that shocked me and i kind of slowed down. thank goodness i picked up and did a smooth passing to hazel. as expected, we finished 4th. out of 6 halls. compared to last year, we've improved cuz we finished last then. we ran at a timing of 60 secs flat which is very good for us. YAAAY, no more track trainings!!!! =)
there's something stuck between my teeth and i can't get it out anyhow.
janet at 10:11 PM
Sunday, January 16, 2005
oh i forgot to add that while we were posing for the cam, jean wanted to pretend to be a rock. so she squatted and kept her head down. =) but there's no pic of that.. cuz everyone thought it was way too silly. we laughed like crazies when she did that. hehe..janet at 3:11 AM
more goofing around. i like mel's purple hippopo! check out her collection of smurf figureines on the wall. she has more smurf soft toys but u can't see it in this picture.
janet at 2:48 AM
goofing around in mel's house. from bottom left clockwise: jean, jody, yizi, me, yuxin, mel.
janet at 2:48 AM

thanks mellie for being the host tonight! MUACKS!
janet at 2:46 AM
my day was a balanced one.
IHG (inter-hall games) soccer guys put up a fight with Eusoff hall today. it was an exciting match. HH scored a superb goal, it was really beautiful. when he scored the goal, it was 2-1, we were leading. jerm, eunice, sw and me screamed and screamed when hh scored. it was a truly happy moment. happy is a word that understates how we felt. we were, ecstatic. yes, ecstatic describes that moment better. the game ended with a 2-all draw. and we're out of the game. yea, we did the tunnel for the boys, and then we stood around the field in awkward silence. sure we were dejected. but that happens. nobody wins all the time.
HH, juz wanna let u know that i'm damn proud of u.
i met Ms Julia Goh at Seng Kang Secondary, before the soccer game was played. cuz jerm, lena and sw wanted to use the toilet there, but the gate was closed. and so i stood there and saw Ms Goh walking towards us, and i was very surprised to see her there. cuz i haven't met her since she left Hai Sing. she never taught me before, but i respect her a lot. she was a discipline mistress before she left haising, and she has this powerful aura that calls for everyone's respect. it's like before assembly, everyone will be talking or goofing around in the hall and when she walks in the hall and up the stage, the whole hall will quieten down. it's amazing. cuz no other teacher had that kind of ability. jieyun, sarah, and all the haisians who read my blog can vouch for that. but the most memorable thing about ms goh is that when she prays, she says "father" a lot. and we would count the number of "father" she made in a prayer. i can't remember the record. it's probably around 30 in her longest prayer. when she left haising, a lot of people cried. i can't remember if i did. but i probably teared. it was really nice to see her again.
after supporting the soccer match, i went to mel's house for a "reunion" steamboat. reunion cuz it's like pre-CNY gathering. sorry that cindy couldn't come. yizi said she has eye infection and had to go to her grandpa's place to teach someone to make cheesecake. mel's parents being their usual self, were very hospitable uncle and auntie. jp, was there too. so the 7 of us, mel, jp, jean, jody, yizi, yuxin and me had a good meal of tepan-steamboat. played heart-attack, magic goggle (jerm juz taught me the other day) and indian poker with drinks. even though the drinks were damn diluted, i didn't fail to turn red. jean and jody are afraid of dogs btw. and mel has a doggy, jojo (real name joey). so half the time when we were playing the games in the living room, jojo had to be kept in the kitchen which is damn poor thing. i'm embarrassed to admit that i had good laughs at the twins when jojo went near them. the rest of us had to hold down the dog so that the twins can pat it. jean was damn cute lar. she wanted to pat the jojo so she made yuxin to protect her. then whenever she stroke jojo's fur a bit, she'll slap yuxin's hand or thigh to "neutralize" the touch. it was damn funny!! jean slapped yuxin like she couldn't help it. haha =) we also took a lot of funny photos in mel's house. think yizi will upload them tmr, so u guys can go check out her multiply. mel drove all of us home tonight. thanks mellie!! for the steamboat and the ride home.
i'm really very happy to see the girls. =) i'm always happy when i get to see them anyway. hehe. i hope it won't be too long till we meet up again.
oh, i bought the most important man ever in my life a polo-tee. i hope he likes it =) i was so sorry that i forgot his birthday, and i still am sorry. he loves me more than he loves his wife. and i really felt like crap when i realized that the whole family, including me of coz, forgot about his important day. yea i know a shirt is not enough to make it up to him, but i hope he'll be happy when he sees it when he comes home later.
janet at 1:16 AM
Saturday, January 15, 2005

janet at 3:26 AM
Thursday, January 13, 2005
my APB lecturer, is HOT. hue and me went to look for him after our marketing class. his office smells soooooo goooood. wonder what perfume does he use. he was wearing this pair of blue-tinted glasses and a tight fitting baby blue tee. damn gay i know. but he's not! there were photos of him and his chinese girlfriend on his desk and she's really pretty. did i mention that he's a bangladeshi? yea... dark skinned, dyed-brown short hair, he's quite small-sized, but he is definitely hot. sooo charming!! plus, he's a really nice guy. he signed my appeal letter!
he doesn't look that good in his formal wear. sheesh. i think i'm gonna enjoy my APB lectures.
i juz have to hand in the letter to the dean's office on monday and i'll be officially in the course. damn happy.
this is what i'm doing this semester:
Human Resource Management
Management Science
Asian Markets and Marketing Management
Asian Pacific Business & Society
Nature of Language
4 biz and 1 arts module. as of now, i have a 3-day week. i'm gonna fill either my wednesdays or fridays with tutorials and keep a free day.
janet at 3:13 PM
there're always too many what-if's.
janet at 2:35 AM
Wednesday, January 12, 2005
read this to know why i'm pissed with the KR-Fuckers.
janet at 3:33 PM
there's this particular writer in Kent Ridge Hall, who is too arrogant in his report.
bloody son of a fucking bitch.
janet at 2:44 AM
Monday, January 10, 2005
u know u've been neglecting your loved one when u've forgotten the day is his special day.
janet at 2:08 AM
Saturday, January 08, 2005
school's starting on monday. and i still need another module. can't help but feeling that this NUS bidding system we call CORS is screwed up. engin students get too many points in the program account because they can get their engin core modules for 1 frigging point. then they'll whack like 1000 over points for their bizad core modules and cause bizaders like me, to be outbidded for my own foundation module. it's a very unfair system.
it's depressing. i don't want a 3 day week.
thanks sw, jerm and aaron for buying the steamboat food tonight. it was wonderful =) the beef was wonderful. and so was charmaine and my oyster vegetable.
i hope hall opening and block opening and the carnival will go smooth later. can't wait to see these crappish events over.
janet at 3:55 AM
Friday, January 07, 2005
it must be retribution from forgetting to pack dinner for serm yesterday. track training was changed to 4 pm and i wasn't informed. woke up at 9 and made my way down to track and was 15 min late (but i was in fact 5 hours and 45 min early). until i msged charles, did he tell me that training got postponed.
surprisingly, i'm not frustrated. i guess it's because i've had enough of sleep and it didn't take much to wake myself up this morning. if i had to drag myself out of bed to go for training, to find out that it's postponed, i'd sure kick a big fuss.
this whole week has been so busy that i haven't had a chance to go home. there's something on everyday. sickening.
anyway, i shall rewind a bit to wednesday. so that when i read my archive, i'll remember that the girls vb team beat eusoff girls 3-2 in a friendly! =) the victory wasn't sweet, cuz we could've done so much better. like beat than 5-0. serious. the 2 sets that we lost, the scores were very close. like 20-25 for the last set. we'll be playing against temasek hall and raffles hall this IHG (inter hall games). i hope we can enter the semis. it's possible.
...spinning: at last by etta james
At last my love has come along
My lonely days are over
And life is like a song
At last the skies above are blue
My heart was wrapped up in clover
The night I looked at you
I found a dream, that I could speak to
A dream that I can call my own
I found a thrill to press my cheek to
A thrill that I have never known
You smile, you smile
And then the spell was cast
And here we are in heaven
For you are mine....
At last...
janet at 10:55 AM
Tuesday, January 04, 2005
the food at tao's restaurant was fantastic. had 7-course dinner fully paid by the Sheares Welcome Orientation Committee as a thank-councillors treat. every single course was so salivating delicious. it costs $24.80++ a person. definitely worth it. the place is at paradize centre which is beside parklane which is at dhoby ghaut. i wanna go back there again! when i feel like i can afford it =)
it was really pure bliss as i sat there after my last spoon of dessert. which was creme bruhlee (or something lydat) which taste like the egg in the egg tart. the portion of the whole dinner was just right. service was excellent. practically smiling to myself for the nicest western dinner i've ever had.
it pays to be a councillor u know!
went to eat selegie's tau huey which was soooo smooth and soft and sweeeet after dinner. what a way to end the evening.
but no. had to wait damn long and walk so much juz for a cab ride back to hall. all the cabs were on call, or they juz simply drive past us like we were ghosts. had to walk all the way back to plaza sing to que for taxi. ridiculous.
but i was really glad for the dinner lar =) fwooohh...
janet at 11:33 PM
Monday, January 03, 2005
this holiday is passing too fast. it's almost gone. one more week to the re-opening of school. how dreadful. i'm moving back to hall later in the morning. not feeling very excited bout that. i still have stuffs that aren't unpacked from about a month ago when i shifted back home. i still have my door tag, the one that the SWOCs made for all the councillors with a wooden board and wood branches, unmended. have to mend it cuz the branches dropped out. is there such a word as unmended? aiyah, u get what i mean. i came back with the thing, and asked my bro for his glue-gun, and placed the door tag and the glue-gun on the table in the living room for one month, and i still haven't glued the damn branches back. doubt i'll be bringing it back to hall. told my mum who's always nagging about it, that i'll do it next week when i come home. don't take my words for it.
ya, as i was saying, i'm moving back later. i'm gonna re-arrange my room, since i'm quite sick of the default room layout. i get sick of my home room layout too. that's y i've changed it like perhaps, 6 times by now, since 1995 when i moved in?
i'm quite sick of my blog skin too. can't seem to find the right one. skin-surfed today, nothing i really like.
today was a horrible day anyway, being the last day i'm gonna be home. i got woken up to go out for lunch with my family. everyone took their own sweet time to prepare and so we left house at like almost 2. wanted to eat the jln kayu prata (bedok branch), and so my dad drove us there. but the bak kut teh there wasn't opened, and my parents said the jln kayu prata (bedok branch) isn't the same uncle anymore, so we left the place for "da fei" (direct translationfrom chinese: big fat), which is a zi cha (direct translation from hokkien: cook fry) stall in some coffeeshop in bedok north. me and my bro weren't very happy that we've gotta go somewhere else to eat... we were starving. so we gave black faces. then the big fat place wasn't opened too. so me and my bro kept whining about how we should've juz eaten pratas. (we were really hungry by now). so we finally settled for a coffeeshop near the big fat cook fry coffeeshop. and then my stupid bro went to choose a table which is like quite tiny for the whole family and one seat is like taken up cuz there was this plump uncle sitting v near our table. stupid bro didnt wanna change a table cuz he wanted to watch the tv. and i got scolded by my mum over some minor issue of not pulling the chairs to the table. and so me and my bro hung our trademark black faces. that got my mum bitching about how it is a chore everytime when she brings us out for meals. (it's true, we always end up unhappy when we go out for meals. the last time we did, was my birthday dinner, and my dad and mum ended up quarrelling on the trip and at the dinner table) i was juz glad when we finally finished the lunch.
at least dinner at my grandparents' place was peaceful. though my bro didn't go. he got my grandmother (paternal side, whom we're living with) and my mother to quarrel before we left for my grandparents' place for dinner. best.
home after dinner wasn't too great. my sis was doing her last minute homework, and my bro didn't wanna pack his bag cuz he's playing maple story. that got my mum pissed like hell. so she started nagging (very loudly) and i got dragged into all thanks to the door tag that i left untouched for a month. u know how it's like when your mum gets all angry about something, then she starts getting angry about everything. sigh.. thank goodness she turned in early.
ok, so that's how i spent my sunday.
it rained the whole of today. made all the colours i see so dull.
janet at 1:36 AM
Saturday, January 01, 2005
may i add that the company last night was great =) consisted of jason (left b4 midnight halfway thru the technical fault during corrine may's performance), kg and miss chet (left b4 midnight to avoid the cab midnight surcharge), eunice, hatta, serm, aaron and lena (it was her first time at a countdown)! seriously, i wouldn't have survived the wait (delay of performances due to lousy weather) w/o the company.
i mentioned in my previous entry that i'm not going to set a resolution cuz i won't fulfill it. on second thoughts, i've decided to have an
unofficial resolution to spout less vulgarities i.e. f*ck and t*m*d*. it'll be for the good of myself and everyone else. please note, it's unofficial. so it doesn't really matter if i don't fulfill it.
nightmare in the new year. i dreamt of hamsters turning into terrapins. it must have been the talk about hamsters and terrapins at the esplanade with jason. it's a pretty weird dream if u think about it.
alright, enjoy the rest of the holiday pple.
janet at 1:30 PM
i wish everyone a good year ahead.
no new year resolution because i won't fulfil it.
corrine may and electrico performed tonight at the esplanade. but it kept drizzling and stopping that the show had to be delayed. such that electrico had to perform after midnight, i.e. in the new year. electrico was so enjoyable, that one hour wasn't enough for me. they did 4 covers, clocks by coldplay, a thing called love by the darkness, take me out by franz ferdinand and everybody wants to rule the world by tears for fears. david (vocals) is beyond fantastic. electrico is truely an outstanding local band. enjoyed every second i tell u.
ah... in that minute of silence, i prayed for peace on earth. may everyone find peace. someday, somehow. counted my blessings, and prayed
fireworks would've been good. really.
may i still remember this day, at this time next year. that i truely enjoyed the last of my 2004. and i hope i'll feel the same way i felt tonight, this time next year. and the years to come!
to everyone who has been a part of my life, even if it's a little teeny weeny bit: thanks =)
spinning: everybody wants to rule the world by tears for fears
janet at 4:21 AM