Sunday, May 30, 2004

apple cake

chocolate chip man
i baked my first cake today!! (yea, the previous cake i baked in hall doesn't count cuz i used betty crocker's pre-mix) i baked from scratch! flour, sugar, eggs, milk, and blah blah blah. i'm humble, really. but i must say that the apple cake taste really good! of course i didn't do everything myself... my mum helped me beat the flour with the beating machine (the cake might not be even if we beat it manually). my sis sifted the flour for 3 mins and complained that it was very tiring work. i'm very happy with the results =)
oh, earlier, me and my bro baked cookies (i'm embarrassed to say we used the betty crocker's cookie pre-mix). he moulded the gingerbread-man-not-really-look-alike. the head and right hand came off when he tried to remove it from the grease paper.
what can i say. baking can be really fun! i juz hate the cleaning up part.
janet at 11:11 PM
Friday, May 28, 2004
: work ::
went to 4 companies today to meet the person-in-charge to give survey them. my tpt costs will offset a huge part of what i earned today. furthermore, one of the companies didn't even complete the questionaire due to a miscommunication (not with me). nvm, dun wish to talk about it. i'll be better off making phone calls at home now.
:: cab ride ::
im glad i took a cab back home, tired from walking today. also, my cab driver, is the most incredible and amazing cab driver ever. i won't go into what we talked about during the journey, but everything was very intellectual. he was really a
somebody. very exciting ride. his name is ross lim, cab plate SHA 0958 L. u'll be in for a very good ride if u happen to hitch his cab. trust me. he's a driver in citicab. u can try to request for him to pick u up. serious... he could've been the most brainiest cab driver if he took part in the game. a very humble person, who has
been ard to be very knowledgeable.
janet at 7:06 PM
i was so wrong that i won't feel the excitement even tho i know that fantasia won. woah, i was so so wrong. im glad i watched it alone. im so happy that i cried. she's that powerful. she really deserves the title.
spinning on repeat:
i believe by fantasia barrino, american idol 2004.
Have you ever reach the rainbow's end
Did you find your pot of gold
Ever catch a shooting star
Tell me how high did you soar
Ever felt like you were dreaming
Just to find that you're awake
And the magic that surround you
Can lift you up and guide you on your way
I can see it in the stars across the sky
Dream a hundred thousand dreams before now I finally realize
You see I've waited all my life
For this moment to arrive
And finally
I believe in the possible
If I reach in within in my heart
Overcome the obstacles
Don't let this dream fall apart
You see I strive to be the very best
Shine my light for all to see
Anything is possible
When you believe
I can see it in the stars across the sky
Dream a hundred thousand dreams before now I finally realize
You see I've waited all my life
For this moment to arrive
And finally
I believe
Love keeps lifting me higher
dreams can come true =)
janet at 12:04 AM
Thursday, May 27, 2004
initially, i wanted to leave the excitement for the results of the next ami tonite. but everybody knows who's the winner alr.. cuz they checked it out on the net. first it was mel... then sw... then yizi... then yizi went to set a nick that was goddam obvious =( super spoiler. if u still dun know who's the next ami, i don't wanna spoil it for u. maybe u'll enjoy the excitement. =)
today.. faced more rejections than yesterday. only managed to fix 3 appts. sad sad sad. what's comforting is, at least i still get $$ for rotting at home. tho it's not much, it's better than having none at all ya? say yes.
janet at 5:12 PM
"i've waited all my life, for this moment to arrive. and finally, i believe."
fantasia brought tears to my eyes with
i believe. she's the best =)
janet at 12:06 AM
Wednesday, May 26, 2004
i've been making lotsa phone calls to companies to fix appointments all morning. thanks to keywin who told me about this job that serene has =) made over 15 calls and only managed to fix 3. this isn't an easy job. but the advantage is i get to work in the comfort of my home. rejection hurts. every rejection i get is $6 flying away from me. what's comforting is those who rejected me did it in a polite way.
i shd really get back to the phone, but it's lunch time... so i shall give myself a break now, surf some net, take a breather, and finish up calling all the numbers in the list.
anyway, tonite, the ami finalists, fantasia and diana will be performing their last, and we'll all find out who will be the 3rd ami. i think fantasia is more popular, so she may win. but, according to seacrest, "this is the show, where anything can happen". looking fwd to tv tonite.
janet at 12:06 PM
Tuesday, May 25, 2004
way sian now.
hol plans r dashed.
unhappy that i've to be unhappy.
unhappy that we've to be unhappy.
all i wanted was juz a simple life.
i've nv asked for more than what i deserve.
do we deserve this?
forget it.
i dun care what u think.
go away.
i'll get over this.
janet at 10:28 PM
Sunday, May 23, 2004
a different sunday today. didn't visit ah ma. went for slcc (sheares link camp) trial games instead. some of the games were fun, some were wet, and some were enjoyable. overall, i had a pretty good sunday =) had a good time watching the peeps practising the mass dance too. keywin can really shake his bon bon i tell ya... =)
im reading this book called
sophie's world, and it's all about philosophy. it's talking about philosophers like plato, socrates, aristotle and what have u all the time. i seriously hope the book is getting somewhere. cuz im beginning to lose interest... and the weird thing is, jy says pple he knows who read frequently say it's a good book. i wonder y. hope the book gets better soon.
somewhere over the rainbow by rufus wainwright
janet at 10:56 PM
watched the FA cup finals. ronaldo is so good! i really enjoyed watching him dribble and doing his tricks (not sure if there's a better word to describe what he does). plus he's so young. so young, so good. best.
janet at 12:10 AM
Saturday, May 22, 2004

sunset in africa...
hm... juz trying out posting a picture on the blog.. guess it works =)
janet at 8:45 PM
was slping like a log when i received an sms at 12.27pm. usually, if i do not feel like waking up, i'll juz not read the sms. but i happen to hafta wake up at 12.30.. so might as well read the sms. guess what? laggist aka aaron is now officially a class 3 driver =) i'm happy for him!!
oh, and then i went back to slp cuz i heard thunder, and figured i should wake up later and not go for the walk-in interview at pennisula plaza (yea im a bum i know, can't help it). so now i'm juz typing to pass some time b4 i leave home for orchard to help slcc do some fruit juice survey so that they can earn $$ for the camp. then i'll hit borders to nua with jy. i hate going to orchard when i'm penniless.
need a favour from everyone who reads my blog... if u have any job lobangs, pls lemme know cuz i might be VERY interested. =)
janet at 1:36 PM
Friday, May 21, 2004
wow... ivan told me the legend behind archilles... so here goes:
he is really a half-god half mortal. his father is mortal, and his mum is a god.
when he was young, his mother soaked his body so that he would be un-hurtable. BUT the only part his mother didn't soak was his feet.
so, the next qn u might ask is HOW DID PARIS KNOW?!
paris didnt know. remember archilles chopped off appollo's statue head? that angered the god. paris was actually juz aiming at archilles, and not at his foot in particular. but it was appollo who made paris's arrow hit archille's foot.
cool huh. i didnt know all these till 5 min ago =)
janet at 2:13 PM
i will focus on what happened today (thursday) from 9 pm to 1.15 am only.
supposed to meet mark and qx at 9pm at engin bus stop to check out the archi tunnel for fright nite. i was there a bit earlier b4 9, then mark arrived about 20 mins late. anyway, we decided to go walk ard and check some potential places to hold fright nite since qx will be another half an hour late.
so, we found this creepy path behind macs, that's dark and dirty. i didn't wanna go down la, cuz it was really dark. went down anyway. mark took the lead. so we walked thru the dark and narrow and dirty and dark and scary and dark path. then mark asked me did i hear squeaks... i did... he thot it was rats... but turned out to be my sling bag squeaking (phew). anyway at the end of the path, u'll have to lower ur head to go into some space further, which was too dark to see whats beyond. so i was getting creeped out alr, and told mark to turn back la. sorry la, im a scaredy cat.. can't help it. AND IT DOESNT HELP THAT PRETTY SW HAD TO TELL ME A GHOST STORY FROM
then qx called and asked us where we were, and we met at macs. we showed her the path mark and me explored earlier, and the 3 of us decided to go back down to the dark and scary path again. i recalled my bro telling me that the hp im using (nokia 3200) has a torch light function. so i called back home and asked him how to switch on the hp torch light la. and down we go again... with mark as the lead. and so we shone the torch into the earlier-too-dark-to-see-space and saw that we could walk further to. there's a slope to the right, and a wall to the left. btw, the walls have rectangular holes... which added to the fear factor. ya... and again, i remarked that we shdn't go further cuz it's too eerie. qx noticed a small lighted red dot at the other end of the path... so prolly is a door or sth la. im not keen to find out at close to 10pm at nite.
so we walked to SDE, to find the archi tunnel. couldnt find it at all. explored the 3rd and 4th floor of the building. nothing exciting. no potential place to hold fright nite. so we decided to juz stick to our "long wing" plan, which is to use BLK A's long wing as a fright corridor la basically. made our way down and sat outside the SDE co-op cuz there was air-conned air from the staircase there. we were juz 5 minutes into our discussion when someone appeared.
she (we found out her name is shuyun) was carrying a few plastic bags and panting. she asked us where was the toilet... like "do u know wheres the toilet? *pants* i need to find the toilet *pants*" wah lau, u bet i was like a bit shocked and scared la. suddenly appear and ask for the toilet in the middle of the nite and she looked a bit scary cuz her upper lips is a bit deformed... im not sure how to describe how her upper lips look, but it doesnt matter. then the 3 of us were shocked.. and tried to point out to her wheres the toilet. then after that, she asked us if there's a public phone. we pointed out the public phone to her and exchanged some coins with her. found out that she lost her passport and credit card in a shopping bag which she left behind while boarding the bus cuz she was on the phone chatting away. she said she was supposed to meet her friend at bizad but he/she didnt turn up. so now she has to call her mum back in malaysia to transfer $$ to her bank. but her hp is flat, hi-card is exhausted, and has only 70 cents with her. she hasn't eaten her dinner, and wanted to WALK to harbourfront from NUS.
so mark offered his hp for her to call her mum, but she kept rejecting. eventually, she gave in. dialed the no, but need a credit card number. so.. couldnt reach her mum. then she asked how much does a bun cost here, but there wasnt any canteen opened at that time (ard 10.30pm) and the nearest place to get food was fong seng. she didnt haf enuff money anyway. so i offered to buy her a cup noodle fr the vending machine. she kept rejecting while i kept insisting. it was quite funny in a way. then eventually she said ok... so i bought it for her, made it hot, then she said she doesnt want to eat cuz she has no way to pay me back. BUT I TOLD HER A THOUSDAND TIMES ITS OK! wah lau... it was quite irritating la. cuz i didnt wanna see her starving and stuff. then she said she fasted for 3-4 days b4, so its ok. sigh...
then she wanted to borrow international calling phone card to call back msia. qx said she has one but it's in her wallet which is in her car. i walked with her to her car but then she doesnt have it.. apparently she took the card out and placed it somewhere else. guess shuyun was disappointed. she was going to leave to walk to harbourfront to stay for the nite b4 the malaysian embassy opens in the morning. qx offered to drive her there... so we went off together. but in the end qx drove her directly to the msian embassy near city hall and dropped her off. and she asked for an international calling card again, but we really dun haf. so mark gave her $5, qx gave $4, cuz she had no $$. whats ironic is SHE ACCEPTED IT! cuz previously she rejected mark's offer to use his hp and rejected the noodle cuz she said she doesnt haf the $$ to pay us back. then she go accept the money. ironic right?! then she said she'll use the $10 to buy phone back and ask her mother to transfer money to her. so i told her, that she should go get a card tmr when shops r opened, and ask her mum to transfer $$ to her so that she can pay her bill for a new passport and also to buy some food to eat. but she said transfer needs 3 days, so she'll fast for 3 days. she sounded like she wanted more $$ from us. so out of pity, i gave her $6. and got her to leave the car for msia embassy. oh, she asked for mark's email on the car... hahaha. maybe she will email him to say thanks or keep in contact la, i dunno.
it was almost 12am when we left her at the embassy which was at 30 Hill Street. we havent even finished our discussion, so mark suggested we go chomp chomp. and so we went there... discuss discuss.. and left. lucky qx drove, so could send us all back home.
reached home, came online, told sw about what happened, and she said we all got cheated! cuz the embassy isnt near city hall at all! then i was like quite pissed alr la. waste 2 hours, and $$ on that cheater shuyun. then sw went to check for me whether malaysia embassy is really at 30 hill st, cuz she said maybe it shifted. then lucky la... its at 30 hill st. so ya... qx, mark and me did a good deed, helped a foreigner in need in a foreign land... =) but still quite suspiscious anyhow...
i may haf left out some details... but basically this was what happened. can leave ur comments at the tag... im tired from typing this entry...
janet at 1:23 AM
Wednesday, May 19, 2004
i was expecting to see F for my accounting, but turned out that i passed with a B-. econs is as bad as accounting, cuz i answered one whole damn question wrongly. BUT the important thing is, my CAP improved! i did better this sem, unexpectedly, and increased my overall CAP by 0.1. i'm not over the top, juz glad i've improved =) and im happy for adi and kai lee too! they improved by leaps! hehehehe... bizaders rock.
looking fwd to american idol tonight. i hope that jasmine gets kicked out tmr, so that she'll feel better.
life! quoted her saying that she felt bad and guilty when latoya was kicked out last week. we shall see if magic happens again this week.
yay... dled
timeline, watched 15 mins of it already. the book is definitely more detailed. i reckon those who didn't read the book, might not understand the first few minutes of the show becuz the movie isn't all that clear. so, gonna continue watching it after ami. a movie a day, keeps boredom away =)
janet at 8:07 PM
juz watched
win a date with tad hamilton! on my desktop. tad hamilton, Josh Duhamel, is totally gorgeous in the show! i love his hair, especially when it's kinda messy. oh boy, i think i juz fell in love with tad hamilton... ok, it's juz another i-love-u-but-u-love-him-but-actually-u-really-love-me kinda story. i'll give it 2 outta 5 popcorns for it. 1 for the story, and another 1 for dashing tad hamilton. the choices of songs were gd. jason wade sang a couple of songs, but i cant find em on piolet.
anyway, watched
troy earlier in the day (as in tuesday. my day doesnt officially end until i turn in for the nite). i enjoyed the show thoroughly. even the battle and fighting scenes. smooth. brad pitt has got a body to die for. i personally like the scene where the king of troy went to achilles to redeem the prince's body. absolutely touching. although my butt hurts from sitting for too long, it didn't matter. great show. i''ll give it 4.5 out of 5 popcorns. oh, and i like what achilles said b4 they touched the sands of troy: "do u know what's on the other side of the beach? IMMORTALITY! TAKE IT! IT's YOURS!" im not sure what he really means, but i like it =)
looking fwd to watching shrek 2. but i kinda hate to watch it in a theatre filled with kids cuz they juz can't shut up and sit still for more than an hour. and i'm supposed to bring my siblings along... great.
janet at 2:04 AM
Monday, May 17, 2004
was chatting with ivan on msn juz now. haven't been talking to him for a while, cuz he didn't msg me =P anyway, realized that the uni he's studying in ohio now, calls the tutorial lessons we have here,
recitations instead. recitations. interesting. poor chap has his holidays reduced by 2 weeks cuz of summer school... like the special term in NUS. oh well, not like he attends his classes anyway.
it's mel's bday today. poor girl's in school preparing her presentation. yea, kinda like ivan, she's doing her summer term in SMU. hope she'll enjoy the rest of the day with her dearie jp later =) didn't get her anything this bday, feel kinda guilty. yizi, yuxin and me treated her to tim sum @ crystal jade yesterday. we ordered so much that we hadta pack the leftovers.
bored. supposed to watch troy today but jy's out at sentosa with the dogshit boys. they must be enjoying themselves in the sun =) hope jy gets tanned... he's so fair (as compared to me). prefer tanned to fair any day.
i've been thinking of going back to tpjc to visit the teachers, juz can't seem to get friends to go back with. cuz they say ms teo (our all time fav teacher who teaches geog) has left to teach at some other sch. if we ever go back, it'll be her we want to visit. my class was so intimidated by her during j1, cuz she was always scolding us for being so quiet in class. all she wanted was more participation, but i guess we were all afraid of saying the wrong things and disappoint her. there was once she gave up and walked out of class leaving us all stunned. but we all like her anyway =)
and there's mr chow who loved to talk cock with us during math tutorials. he's one of a kind of a teacher. which teacher would allow his students to go out of class to buy food and eat while he teaches? which teacher would suan his students when they fall aslp? and which teacher would give major hints for common tests? haha..
ms ng... my econs tutor. she's one of a kind too. she doesn't shave her under arms and wears sleeveless. need i say more? =)
mrs chew, my CT. totally feminist. can be really bitchy some times.
kelvin tan... he has a tattoo on his right (or is it left?) arm! damn cool. we all doubt his teaching skills cuz he juz started teaching. made us feel like geog was horseshit sometimes. oh, he hardly blinks when he's lecturing, juz something i observed =P
and there's commando lee... my volleyball coach. u hafta read btwn the lines when he says stuffs, cuz there's always some hidden meaning (to tease us... not to provoke us). miss his scoldings during trainings like "run so slow, i think my grandmother can run faster than u; wah lau eh u play like shit; hurry up and start playing some real balls" totally funny. i've always wanted to go back and train with the kiddos. one day =)
eh... feels like i've written testimonials for the teachers... but they're really some of the reasons y i love tpjc so much. think i'll go flip my yearbooks now =)
janet at 4:49 PM
happy birthday mellie... u're no longer a teen... but i still love u =)
janet at 12:16 AM
Saturday, May 15, 2004
la vie en rose by louis armstrong
go find someone and dance away...
janet at 6:07 PM
Friday, May 14, 2004
ever since i left tpjc after A levels, i've nv met
gay (a nick i gave this guy in tpjc whom i ogle a lot cuz he's darn cute) on the streets b4. then suddenly i dreamt of him last nite. he was with his scrawny buddy walking in NUS at the matric fair. i was like super excited in my dreams la. okok, back to real life, mel and yizi, esp yizi, saw him a lot of times. y can't i juz get to c him once?! not that i like him or anything, but i juz wanna c how he looks like now that he's in the army. yea... but maybe my dream is a premonition that i'll c him in NUS. *shrug*
it's a lazy friday... i'd go watch
troy if tics weren't $1 more on fridays. shucks. gonna wait till mon to watch it. can't help it. gotta save whenever i can now.
hallelujah by rufus wainwright
janet at 10:58 AM
Thursday, May 13, 2004
my house phone rang... the OC was showing for 10 mins on channel 5 alr... jy called... woke up to realize THAT I MISSED THE FUCKING RESULTS OF THE FINAL 4. felt angry with myself for falling aslp and missing the goddam thing. and my feelings were made worse when i found out latoya is out. this is injustice. jasmine sucked. she's goddam lucky to be singing again next week. fuck man. pissed. i dun feel like watching ami anymore. it juz doesnt make any sense, to me. but i guess i'll watch on anyway... i wont be happy if jasmine wins the damn title.
nway, on the brighter side... i dled a few songs ripped from Shrek 1. not exactly what u'll find on the soundtrack, but really funny stuffs. like the gingerbread man scene with farquar, talking about the muffin man... it's hilarious =) i can send it to u if u wanna hear it.
janet at 11:38 PM
Wednesday, May 12, 2004
hm.. ate and drank pretty good stuff today. BK's mozarrella cheese... coffee club's ice mocha vanilla... sakura's food & tom yam soup =) had a pretty gd time hanging out with hall peeps (those who were free to turn up).
diana sang superbly well tonite. her performances were fantastic. she makes disco music sounds great. im rooting for latoya.. cuz she seems to sing well in all genres. fantasia really sounds like donald duck sometimes, but she's one funky chick. and my guess is jasmine is going back to aloha land... we'll c when the results r released tmr nite. seacrest is all so gorgeous... *drools*
im hoping for sunny and cloudless day tmr. u can guess y =)
janet at 11:13 PM
Tuesday, May 11, 2004
i like guys with prominent adam's apple. not too big that u'll imagine the guy to die when u punch his adam's apple. not too small that u can't even see his adam's apple. i dunno who has nice adam's apple. but im going to observe more of guys' adam's apples than their butts now ;)
jy has no adam's apple. i can only see it when he swallows his saliva. hurhurhurhur.
reading: timeline by michael crichton
spinning: everything by fefe dobson
finished watching
taken. it's really a very good series. very enjoyable. nicer and better than smallville and roswell..
janet at 8:41 PM
Sunday, May 09, 2004
the show,
taken, it juz keeps getting better with each episode! i'm at the 8th episode now, and i can't wait to see how it all ends. really, it's an awesome series! i'll need to wait for more than a day to finish downloading the last 2 episodes. juz can't wait =)
janet at 10:10 PM
Saturday, May 08, 2004
didn't have a difficult time waking up at 7 this morning... couldn't slp well nway. went swimming!! took some pics of the pool and me and yizi and cindy and the pool and the pool and the pool =) glad jeffery was ard to open his gate for us.
went parkway for 2 days consecutively. the plan was to have lunch and hang ard to wait for cultural performances by the kids from maha bodhi sch. my sis (ah qing) is in the malay dance troupe. haha, they performed 2 dances which were quite good. too bad the silly girl didn't smile at all thru'out the dances. took pictures of her too!
going out for dinner with family... *yawn* the sleepiness from waking up soooo early is kicking in now.
oh, will upload the photos when i feel like it yea?
janet at 6:14 PM
Friday, May 07, 2004
u'll nv know how much anger u can cause in me.
janet at 10:54 PM
last nite i set my alarm to ring at 8.30 this morning, it didn't fail me. but i snoozed till 9, and had to prepare hastily and rush to parkway to meet mark, faith and qiuxia for the mini cousellor meeting about fright nite. anyway, i reached exactly at 10, but they were all late for 15 min. i could've slept for another 15 more min if i had known they're gonna be late. bleah. faith couldnt make it, so there were only the 3 of us. ok la, had BK breakfast for the first time in my life. still prefer macs breakfast any day.
walked ard parkway with qiuxia after that. found out that she went redang with her girl clique and junxiang. wah lau she only spent $200 odd!! the deal she got was darn cheap! but she said the food wasn't terrific. said for $290 they could've gotten buffet meals everyday for 3 days (i think). not a bad deal... snorkeling, tanning, chilling. makes me wanna go too!! sun and water... couldn't ask for more... maybe... some hunks will be good. =)
rotted at the library for 4 hours and i juz got home. drank mocha frap for the first time in months. i like reading in the lib, but there were sch kids from everywhere like st pats, kc, tkss, tkgs, tks, cchs, tpjc, mjc, vjc and some pri sch kids fr god knows where. noisy as hell. i miss wearing uniforms, ankle socks and carrying big sch bags with nothing inside haha. they were all there studying for their mid terms or sth... but half of them were juz fooling ard. i miss fooling ard in uniforms too. lol.
yizi jio-ed me to swim tmr... hopefully jeffrey's at home so we can swim at his place. otherwise, we'll be heading down to downtown east (haven't been there for donkey years now). she mentioned tim sum too.. *slurpz* hope it'll be sunny. it has been cloudy and raining for a few days now. had to brave a drizzle as i walked back from the bus-stop that's darn far away from my flat lol.
signing out for now...
janet at 6:13 PM
Wednesday, May 05, 2004
spinning: Alicia Keys... If I Ain't Got You
Some people live for the fortune
Some people live just for the fame
Some people live for the power, yeah
Some people live just to play the game
Some people think that the physical things define what's within
And I bet everyone that's life's a bore, so full of the superficial
Some people want it all, but I don't want nothing at all
If it aint you baby, if I aint got you baby
Some people want diamond rings, some just want everything
But everything means nothing if I aint got you, yeah
Some people search for a fountain
The promise is forever young
(You know) Some people need 3 dozen roses
And that's the only way to prove you love them
Hand me the world on a silver platter
And just what would it be?
No one to share with no one who truly cares for me
Some people want it all, but I don't want nothing at all
If it aint you baby, if I aint got you baby
Some people want diamond rings, some just want everything
But everything means nothing if I aint got you, you, you
Some people want it all, but I don't want nothing at all
If it aint you baby, if I aint got you baby
Some people want diamond rings, some just want everything
But everything means nothing if I aint got you, yeah
If aint got you with me baby, ohh, ooo
Say nothing in this world don't mean a thing
If I aint got you with me baby
this song makes me wanna get drunk, cry, and do a slow dance... all at the same time lol. go get it... =)
janet at 1:17 PM
jy was sweet and kind enuff to format my desktop twice for me and install all the essentials too... and i was kind enuff to wash his bowl and cup for him... lol.
anyway, broadband connection is up... nothing exciting about the speed... at least it's better than 56k dialup.
i've been hanging ard at home, preventing myself from spending money. watched the first 5 episodes of
taken, a sci-fi drama series produced by steven speilberg. i like it! i like all the alien-y/extra-terrestrial/unexplained-powerful-beings-from-space kinda shows! juz to list some: roswell, smallville, taken... and... can't think of anymore. i was damn intrigued by the movie
signs, starring mel gibson, b4 i watched it... but it's a lousy show... but kinda like it, cuz i teared at the sad parts. oh well... i want xiaonan!!!!!!!! i wanna dl taken!!!!!!!!
ok, since im on this topic of aliens and stuffs... do u believe in there're ETs or aliens out there? im not sure if i do... but it's interesting to read and know more of what people think about them. whether they exist or not. y do the aliens we see (on internet, in the movies, papers, books) look the way they are? triangular faces, big eyes, long fingers, scrawny, and even scary? r they made up to look that? or has someone really seen em b4 to describe em like that? what if it's like in roswell... the aliens can camou themselves to look like one of us?? what if they r spies? what do they want from us?!
think i'll slp.
janet at 1:19 AM
Sunday, May 02, 2004
had a great time catching up on old and new times with the girls yesterday =) walked all ard orchard, looking at bikinis. cin says we could all go jeffrey's place to swim and tan!! hahaha... he has a nice swimming pool man!! had a sumptous dinner at
sakura @ far east plaza. the ONE thing u must try there.. is the
seafood tom yam soup. u won't be disappointed, trust me. prices r reasonable, v close to those prices of the "zi cha" stalls in coffeeshops. there's another branch of
sakura @ east point simei in case u wanna know =P (thanks jy for introducing the place to me 3 years back *MUACK* tom yam rocks!)
went to visit my grandmother with my parents at nite, and my dad wants to buy
nokia 3200 from my couz. it's only 1 mth old... but it's really difficult to use becuz of the structure of the keypad and it's really a kid's phone (the design and all.. and my lil bro uses it). that stubborn man... ARGH.
watched the locally produced movie by jack neo,
Home Run. it's by far, my favourite local movie.
janet at 1:28 PM